Chapter 327: Look up to Teacher Ma

Chapter 327: Look up to Teacher Ma

"Okay, everyone be quiet, the next question begins!" Xiao Jun stretched out his hands and pressed down to signal everyone to be quiet.

In an instant, the entire scene fell silent, and suddenly, a large group of people raised their hands to ask questions.

"This beauty, please ask me." Soon Xiao Jun saw a girl with ponytails and eyes, who was quite pure. You can score 80 points! It's not easy to find a girl with an 80-point appearance among top academics like Capital University.

How to put it that way, ten female academic masters, nine female dinosaurs, and one who can barely have regular facial features would be good.

"Senior Xiao, you said before that you want to invest in the space mining industry. I know that several foreign companies have invested in this project a few years ago. But space mining has very high requirements for spacecraft. The world has not yet reached The mature technology of space mining needs to be close to the problem of endurance, space mining technology, and transportation. Those companies are earlier than your idea. Do you think the space mining industry is still worth investing in? According to those experts, space mining At present, it is only in the early stages of development, and it will take 20 years to truly be able to mine in space, right?" the girl with ponytail said in a sweet voice.

"Well, what you said is very reasonable. I am indeed slower than many companies in the world in investing in space mining! But it does not prevent me from being optimistic about the space mining industry. You have said it all. Experts say that it will take 20 years to mature the technology. Do we have to wait until 20 years before investing? When we invest in the development of space mining equipment, the day lily is probably cold! Therefore, I think we need to target an industry as early as possible!" Xiao Jun said lightly.

As soon as this sentence came out, it was recognized by many people!

"Prepare for a rainy day!"

"Sure enough, you have a vision, and prepare 20 years in advance! After 20 years, you will be the first batch of companies to enter space mining, and you will definitely make a lot of money."

"Anyway, if you have money, invest in it, don't be afraid, haha..."

"Actually, I have my confidence in investing in this industry. Many people know that due to technical problems, space mining is estimated to be delayed until 20 years later, and it will take 20 years to develop aerospace technology anyway. But I am going to invest 100 billion in it! I want to increase this speed, and it is best to successfully develop it in the next few years. That is to say, I will now compare the time with those companies that have invested in space mining to see who can be one step faster and who can be one step faster. Whoever can earn the first pot of gold and drink the first mouthful of soup!" Xiao Jun said in a deep voice.

"That makes sense, wow!"

"That's right, everyone knows that space mining is a fast-growing industry, and it depends on who can be one step ahead."

"Senior Xiao Jun is right."

"Ahem... Investing 100 billion at the slightest disagreement? You really deserve to be the 20-year-old genius of China's No. 1 enterprise! Invest if you say you want to invest, 100 billion! What the hell..."

"For example, set a small goal first, invest 100 billion, and develop a mature space mining technology in three years?"



Xiao Jun's words won the approval of many people, but also the suspicion of many people!

This ponytailed girl is one: "Senior Xiao Jun, as far as I know, spacecraft is the world's core technology, and it is a super high technology. Even Huaxia can't guarantee that it will be able to develop space mining in the next few years." Spacecraft. Your Galaxy Technology Company seems to have a zero foundation in this field of spacecraft. From scratch, I think it will be difficult to achieve any high results within a few years..."

"Ha... This girl really dares to say it! Is this going to slap Xiao Jun in the face?"

"Haha... It seems reasonable to say it. I don't like Xiao Jun either, I always feel that he is a bit bragging."

"That's right, Yinhe Technology has a zero foundation in aerospace. Even if it invests 100 billion in it, it has to start from scratch. Do you think technology is so easy to develop?"

"I also think there is some suspicion of bragging unless you get national technical support, but I guess this technical support will definitely not be available. After all, aerospace technology must be in the hands of Huaxia. How can it be possible to cooperate with private companies casually? "

"That's right."

Xiao Jun saw that many people felt that he was bragging, so he didn't pay much attention to it: "My beauty, you are right, my Galaxy Technology Company does not have any business in the field of spacecraft. But it doesn't mean that I Galaxy Technology Company did not conduct investment research in this area in advance. I dare to do so, of course I have my confidence! How do you say that, starting a business is like creating a miracle! If you can't create a miracle, how can you start a business? success?"

This sentence made many people think deeply!

"Take Mr. Ma as an example. When he started his business, many people said he was a lunatic, a fool, virtual shopping? It didn't exist! But he later proved with facts that he is not a lunatic, but you are fools!"

"People, sometimes you have to be bold, crazy, and confident, just aim and start! If you don't have the guts, how do you start a business?" Xiao Jun laughed.

clap clap...

There was another burst of warm applause.

What Xiao Jun said left the girl speechless.

In the eyes of others, Xiao Jun has absolute self-confidence! It perfectly explained everything with a sentence of creating a miracle.

"It seems that senior Xiao Jun is not bragging, it depends on when he will be able to conduct space mining in the future!"

"Hey, why didn't I hear that Galaxy Technology Corporation is going to invest in space mining? Could it be that he was the first to tell us?"


"Generally speaking, it is impossible for me to work part-time in this life. It is impossible to work part-time. I can start a business! I remember that my hometown was demolished, and I lost a house and 1 million yuan. After graduation, I will use 1 million yuan to start a business. "

"Mmp is envious and jealous. My family is so poor, I want to start a business."

"Use your brain to start a business, start from scratch!"

"It seems to be very simple..."

"It's best to have a good father."

This time the lecture finally came to an end. When Xiao Jun went back, he was also thinking about space mining. He knew that when the time came to announce the investment, many people would doubt it.

But he never justifies anything, he will use the results to slap his face!

Only the result is the best persuasion!

Everything else is nonsense!

Soon, he returned to the company, dealt with the company's affairs a little, and then went out to dinner with Su Ci and other girls.

Since I became the boss, I almost always eat out. Sometimes I miss home cooking.