Chapter 334 Collective Stock Market Crash

Chapter 334 Collective Stock Market Crash

The next day, Xiao Jun brought his personal secretary Angelica, Su Ci and others to the deep city in the south!

Shencheng is a first-tier city in China and a city that combines high-tech industries with manufacturing.

So Xiao Jun built the chip production baseband of Yinhe Technology Company in this city!

That's right, today is the day when Yinhe Technology's chip production baseband is officially installed on the production line, so Xiao Jun came to inspect it in person.

Shencheng High-tech Industrial Zone.

In a production base that covers an area of ​​1,000 mu, there are big characters on the door of the chip production base of Yinhe Technology Company.

After getting off the car, Chen Fan, as the person in charge this time, was already waiting for Xiao Jun and others to arrive at the gate of the base.

At the door, there are two rows of beauties in business attire, with 10 people in each row!

Their long legs are the most attractive and beautiful scenery. Shivering in this cold spring breeze.

"Xiao Jun, you are here!" Chen Fan ran over immediately after seeing Xiao Jun get off the car.

"Well, how are your preparations going?" Xiao Jun asked.

He exchanged 27 chip production lines a month ago and placed them in a warehouse owned by the company.

"All the 27 production lines have been shipped back. After the installation ceremony is over, the installation can start immediately at 9 o'clock." Chen Fan said flatteringly.

"Well, let me take a tour of the factory first." Xiao Jun didn't plan to sit in the office for a while, he planned to see how jealous his chip production was.

"Alright Mr. Xiao, Mr. Su, this way please..." Chen Fan said to Xiao Jun, Su Ci and the others.

"Mr. Xiao, our chip production base covers an area of ​​about 1,000 acres, with a total of 10 dormitory buildings, which can accommodate 20,000 employees at that time! We have a total of 2 large canteens..."

"There are 27 factories in total, each of which is a chip production line base..."

"There are 4 large warehouses..."

"There is also an entertainment and fitness area over there..."

Everyone was sitting on the sightseeing car, while walking around the factory base, Chen Fan introduced.

"Well, it's good. Although the factory building has just been completed, the greening is still a bit lacking. But I think the basic infrastructure is quite good." After looking around, Xiao Jun was very satisfied.

Seeing that Xiao Jun was satisfied, Chen Fan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Soon came the ribbon-cutting ceremony at 9 o'clock.

After a process, the installation of the chip production line finally started.

After observing for about half an hour, Xiao Jun felt that it was almost done.

"Chen Fan, when will the 27 production lines be installed?" Xiao Jun asked Chen Fan.

"Mr. Xiao, it may take less than a month to complete the installation and commissioning. Production will start next month!" Chen Fan replied.

"Well, it's very good. Next month, our Galaxy Technology Company's chips, semiconductors, etc. will all be lined up, and we will strive to meet the company's order product demand in the second half of the year! You should know that many of our products in the second half of the year will be Listed, your task is very heavy, you know?"


Soon, the chip semiconductor production base of Galaxy Technology Company has begun to install the production line, and the news that it will be able to start production next month spreads immediately.

As soon as this signal came out, many companies in Huaxia were very happy. After all, many of their companies placed orders with Xiao Jun.

Mobile phone chips, computer processors, memory cards, automotive chips, industrial chips, power chips...

As the chip is ready to be put into production, more and more companies in China are going to buy semiconductor products from Galaxy Technology.

Previously, companies such as Huawei and Xiaomi purchased a batch of chips and other products.

Now OPPO, VIVO, Lenovo, ZTE and other companies are all wanting to purchase chips from Xiao Jun. There are other domestic enterprises are the same!

This has caused companies such as Qualcomm to make things worse!

Global Economic News: A few days ago, dozens of international companies such as Qualcomm, Intel, Samsung, Nvidia, AMD, Micron, Hynix, Asus, Gigabyte, MSI, NXP (auto chip manufacturer)...etc. experienced a stock market crash for a month!

A total of $100 billion has been wiped off the stock market in the past month!

This is something that has not been seen in many years!

Among them, five companies, including Qualcomm, Intel, Samsung, Micron, and Hynix, have fallen the most in their stock markets. Although dozens of other companies experienced different degrees of price limits, they were not as bad as these companies.

Especially Qualcomm, which fell the most terrifying, the company's stock directly fell by 35! Samsung followed with a drop of 29! Intel fell 25…

The reason for the collective stock market crash of dozens of companies is Yinhe Technology Company!

In the second half of last year, Yinhe Technology launched 108 types of various semiconductor products, including mobile phone chips, memory cards, computer processors, motherboards, battery chips, industrial chips, automotive chips, signal chips, power chips, etc...

The most important thing is that the performance and quality of the products launched by the company are very good, and the company's chip production base has started to install the production line a few days ago, and it will be put into production next month.

This has led to many companies in China no longer choosing to import semiconductor products from these companies since last year. As a result, the orders of these companies have been greatly reduced, and the market share has been severely bitten by Yinhe Technology Company!

Take Qualcomm, which has fallen the most, in the past years, most of the seven or eight mobile phone companies in China purchased Qualcomm's mobile phone chips, but since the end of last year, most companies in China have not chosen to purchase Qualcomm's chips. The loss rate of Qualcomm chips in the Chinese market is over 85%! At present, only one or two Huaxia mobile phone companies can only continue to receive Qualcomm chips for half a year due to the previous contract...

There is also China's Lenovo computer, which has been importing processors from Intel and graphics cards from companies such as AMD before... But it is said that since the end of last year, most of Lenovo's processors and hosts have ordered processors from Galaxy Technology. And motherboard and graphics card...

Even the automotive chips of China's domestically produced automobiles, many companies are willing to purchase automotive chips from Galaxy Technology, and no longer purchase automotive chips from NXP, the world's largest automotive chip giant...

According to expert estimates, it is estimated that by the end of next year, none of Huaxia 95 companies will import semiconductor products from foreign companies!

It is estimated that the Huaxia semiconductor market will be completely taken over by Yinhe Technology Company!

Many economists even speculate that among them, Huaxia strongly supports Galaxy Technology Company, encourages Chinese companies to purchase the semiconductor products of Galaxy Technology Company, and Huaxia even introduced preferential policies to support Galaxy Technology Company...