Chapter 340: 800 Billion Dollars

Chapter 340: 800 Billion Dollars

In the next few days, Galaxy Technology announced another good news.

That is, the company has opened up the field of machine tool manufacturing. At present, it has developed 5 kinds of small and medium-sized high-precision machine tools, which will be launched in the market soon.

As soon as the news came out, it didn't cause much sensation.

Many people think that this is a venture capital investment of Yinhe Technology, and the products produced are not necessarily good. Now that Yinhe Technology has so much money, it is normal to invest in other industries. So it doesn't get much attention.

After all, the chip technology invented by Galaxy Technology Company is obvious to all, and the basic performance of the chip can be seen from some parameters. Needless to say, neutrino communication technology is a new type of technology.

But the machine tool is different. It has existed for more than 100 years and has always been the most advanced technology in Europe and the United States.

Besides, the machine tool is very special!

For example, those advanced manufacturing factories in China can see that they basically use imported machine tools from island countries or Germany. There are also many domestic manufacturers that can produce machine tools, but domestic machine tools are either inefficient or have a high failure rate, or the processing accuracy is not enough, and there is a big gap compared with imported machine tools. Manufacturing is a pragmatic industry that pursues various tangible indicators such as machining accuracy, efficiency, quality, and stability. As bosses, they would rather spend more money to buy high-end imported machine tools to ensure the quality of their own products, and they would not be greedy for small and cheap purchases of domestic machine tools, which would not be worthwhile if they produced inferior products and smashed their own brands.

"It's a little surprising that Yinhe Technology has spent a lot of money to develop machine tools. I'm afraid that the machine tools it produces are the same as domestic machine tools. They look good, but you will find that you want to beat people when you use them!"

"That's right, I'm afraid that the parts will be manufactured with machine tools, but the accuracy and stability are not enough. If this is the case, it will be difficult."

"I'm not optimistic about Yinhe Technology's machine tools..."

"Haha... Yinhe Technology Company saved China's chip industry and communication industry before. Do you still want to save machine tools now? Do you want to make Huaxia companies no longer need to import machine tools? I think it's a bit whimsical!" At this time, some countries The foreign media mocked.

"Hehe, does the Galaxy Technology Company want to save the backward technology in the entire China with its own company? I remember that China's top ten imported technology products last year included integrated circuits, automobiles and parts, instruments, meters, and primary shapes. Materials, display panels, computers and their parts, airplanes and aircraft, electronic components, medical products and equipment, steel. Nowadays, integrated circuits and computer components are indeed supported by Galaxy Technology, but there are so many others. I don't believe that Yinhe Technology Company can save them all!"

"Well said! I think so too."

Xiao Jun told the outside world that the machine tool he was planning to launch was certainly not the best, but a reduced version. Their precision is between 3000 nanometers and 5000 nanometers.

As for the most advanced machine tools with a precision within 1200 nanometers, they will definitely only be secretly provided to China's military and industrial enterprises.

The most advanced things must only be provided to Huaxia.

But for Huaxia private enterprises, I believe that machine tools with a precision of 3000 nanometers are enough for them!

Half a month later, Galaxy Technology Corporation once again launched a trade fair on neutrino communication technology.

After all, there is still more than half a year before the neutrino communication technology can be launched on the market, and many countries and regions also want to introduce this technology. However, after the trade fair transaction is completed this time, these technologies will not be given to the other party until next year.

The first batch of listings this year are all qualified for the first batch of companies from 29 countries last year.

This trade fair, a total of 89 countries and regions, more than 200 companies came to participate!

It can be described as unprecedented grand!

But in the end, how many companies will introduce neutrino communication technology depends on the final result.

But I dare not do anything, even if 70% of the countries can introduce neutrino communication technology this time, then for Xiao Jun, the global share of the communication industry will definitely reach more than 80%!

After all, there are only 193 countries in the world!

Moreover, many countries are small countries, and the economy is very backward, and even many backward countries do not have the possibility of electrification in every village. So they can't afford to introduce neutrino communication technology.

It is estimated that even the radio communication can not afford it!

Didn't hardness just have a funny stalk a few years ago? Hardness can also be regarded as a populous country, a developing country, and the economy is not bad. In some funny videos, a rich man came to China for tourism, saying that we have fully achieved the feat of electrifying every village this year. As soon as this sentence came out, many Chinese people died of laughter! We have connected every village to the Internet a few years ago, and you just got electricity?

At the same time, it can also be seen from this that the gap between the rich and the poor is large, and the infrastructure is backward...

Cut the gossip and review the topic.

This time the trade fair will last for five days, after the end of the five days. In the end, 67 of the 89 countries chose to introduce Xiao Jun's neutrino communication technology.

Once the contract is signed, the other party has to pay a deposit, and at the same time start placing orders to purchase neutrino relay stations and other infrastructure equipment. At the same time, the country's communication operators also have to sign a neutrino communication patent fee license. At that time, patent fees will be charged!

After some operations, the total turnover this time reached 800 billion US dollars! So scary!

Most of the money was for the other party to purchase Xiao Jun's equipment, pay agency fees, and some patent fees.

In the future, once the operation starts, the other party will still need to pay Xiao Jun 50 for the communication income!

In the future, it will be time to make big money continuously.

The end of this trade fair was immediately reported by many media.

Huaxia News: Galaxy Technology's neutrino communication technology trading chamber is over. A total of 67 countries and regions have introduced neutrino communication technology. Most of these countries are not poor countries, and the market is huge... By then, the coverage rate of neutrino communication technology will reach more than 80% of the world. It is estimated that the remaining 20 will continue to use radio communication technology. After all, the economy of many regions cannot keep up, and the luxury neutrino communication technology cannot be used...

Not only that, but the current U.S. emperor is still struggling to support and resist the introduction of neutrino communication technology. I don't know how long the other party wants to last.

If you are not interested in these Xiaojuns, it is best that you, the US emperor, do not introduce them, as I do not lack your market!

Of course, the 800 billion US dollars Xiao Jun did not earn in vain. Although there is no need to fill the research expenses, the production cost of these equipment is still very expensive. And its subsequent maintenance and operation costs.

How much profit Xiao Jun can make will only be known after detailed calculations.