Chapter 354 Blind Your Eyes

Chapter 354 Blind Your Eyes

Anyway, in Wu Yiping's mind, Xiao Jun's investment in the aerospace mining industry was purely for fun, and the whim was simply a matter of too much money and no place to spend it. Although Galaxy Technology Company is very strong. But he felt that it would be difficult for Xiao Jun to achieve any results from scratch.

After passing his anger, Xiao Jun became more free-handed when doing things.

In the afternoon of the next day, Galaxy Technology Company held a grand press conference, which will shock the whole world!

Of course, Xiao Jun's space mining machine was not developed and produced by himself, but was obtained in the last lottery. The last monthly reward was to get a space mining machine and ten other types of space mining machine design drawings.

Anyway, there is one spaceship ready-made now, and there is no rush to make the other ten models. Use this mining machine to test the water first.

After you have tasted the sweetness and solved all the zz problems, you will fully manufacture these mining machines!

The scene of the press conference.

Xiao Jun appeared again!

"Everyone, today I want to announce an important thing about the space mining industry! Half a year ago, I said that I had fully entered the future energy industry of space mining. At that time, many people laughed at me, thinking that this This kind of investment that is too advanced will not get any return in the short term. And this technology is very difficult to overcome. But what I want to announce now is that after the unremitting efforts of our R&D team of Galaxy Technology Company. Some time ago we finally developed the first The latest generation of space mining is the K1 model of the Galaxy space mining spacecraft. It is 100 meters in diameter and oval in shape... Its endurance can reach 200 million kilometers, and it can tow 500,000 tons of ore... Please look at the big screen! "Xiao Jun pointed to the big screen behind him.

Above the screen is a picture of this space mining ship!


"I didn't expect Galaxy Technology to develop a space mining spacecraft so quickly? Is it true?"

"It looks similar to an alien spaceship, but it's different from our earth's spacecraft."

"How does it take off?"

"200 million kilometers of battery life? Is it true?"

"But it's right to think about it. In space, the power required for flying is very low, and a person can move forward by gliding on it."

"That's right, the main power is to fly out of the earth!"

"But Yinhe Technology developed it so quickly, so it proves that the other party's aerospace technology is ahead of the earth? Are they supported by China's aerospace technology?"

"I also think it's possible. After all, China's aerospace technology is at the top level in the world. It is directly catching up with the level of the US emperor."

At this time, all the media reporters were shocked. Almost blinded their dog eyes!

I have to say that Xiao Jun's announcement was indeed shocking.

"My mining spaceship will conduct a mining test flight next week, and it will be broadcast live!" Xiao Jun continued.

"Holy shit, first flight mining next week?!!!"

"do not scare me!"

"Will it work?"

"I just want to ask, has the space field for mining been determined? The communication problem has been solved? Is there still the problem of transporting it back?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I think the communication problem should not be a big problem. After all, the neutrino communication technology is very powerful. The transmission distance is very far..."

Everyone is still shocked!

Soon it was time for questions.

"Mr. Xiao, I wonder if you have confidence in this test flight mining?" A reporter asked.

"Of course, I will decide to mine with absolute 90% certainty."

"I don't know how many astronauts are on the spacecraft this time?"


"Mr. Xiao, have you already targeted the minerals in the planetary belt?"

"Yes, I have taken a fancy to a platinum ore with a diameter of 10 meters!"

"Mr. Xiao! How much did you invest in this research?"

"This...the investment in the first phase is 100 billion, so it's hard to tell you about the rest. Anyway, our company and the team behind it have paid too much for the development of this space mining spacecraft..." In fact, Xiao Jun Invest in shit, this space mining ship is pretty much off the shelf. It's just investing in a launch base. It's a small airport.

He has thought about it, and when the time comes back from mining, he can just transport the ore directly back to the launch base. Anyway, it's just platinum ore with a diameter of 10 meters, not very big. Of course, in the future, it is necessary to build an ore landing place for the ore to be transported back from mining...

"Is there any Huaxia technical support?"

"No, of course not, it is the result of our company's efforts."

This press conference is finally over.

As soon as this press conference came out, it shocked the world and blinded the eyes of scientists and experts all over the world!

"What? Didn't you say that there will be a major breakthrough in space mining after 20 years? Now the Galaxy Technology Company is going to conduct trial mining?"

"Hehe, I think it's just a lot of thunder and little rain. It's hard to say whether this spaceship can fly out of the earth in the end, let alone mine ore!"

Global Media Report: Shocked, Galaxy Technology Corporation announced yesterday that it will conduct the first very test flight of space mining next Monday, and it will be broadcast live at that time! Half a year ago, Galaxy Technology Corporation opened up a new business field, which is the space mining industry. The current space mining industry has more than a dozen companies involved just a few years ago. However, it has always been in the stage of research and development of technology. I did not expect that the latecomer Yinhe Technology Company would complete it one step faster.

I just don't know if it will work!

It is said that the space mining technology of Galaxy Technology Co., Ltd. started investing in research three years ago...

Huaxia Daily: Next Monday, Galaxy Technology Corporation will conduct the first mining operation of a space mining spacecraft! It will be broadcast live on XXTV! This is a bold investment by Galaxy Technology. This time the spaceship is in unmanned mode, so even if there is an accident, it will not cause casualties...

The next day, Xiao Jun released the Z-type space mining machine in the secret warehouse. Of course, he renamed the galactic space mining ship K1!

Then transport this space mining machine to the launch base.

All is ready except for the opportunity!

It depends on the test flight after a week!

He thinks it's not a big problem.

This spacecraft is still very intelligent, with detection capabilities, automatic driving capabilities, and powerful communication capabilities. When the time comes and the Galaxy Butler driving monitoring is added, I believe there will be no problem at all.

So, Xiao Jun is very confident about this space mining!

When the time comes to the planetary belt 90 million kilometers away from here, it will be fine to select and mine those ores.