Chapter 359 Chapter 359 If 10 Billion Does Not Work, Just One Trillion

Chapter 359 Chapter 359 If 10 Billion Does Not Work, Just One Trillion

The word 100 billion really scared many people at the scene!

Three small asteroids are worth 100 billion! What if you pull back 50 next time? 500 billion? or more?

Everyone is caught in a flattering fantasy.

Because the shock that Xiao Jun brought to them was too powerful.

"Everyone, I believe you are also shocked by the 100 billion, right? But I can tell you with certainty that in the future, the space mining industry will not only be 100 billion, it will definitely be 1 trillion, no, it will start with 10 trillion. !" Xiao Jun said coquettishly.

"Mr. Xiao, you and your Yinhe technology company are currently the leaders and pioneers of the space mining industry. You have pioneered the epoch-making space mining industry. What do you think about the future space mining?" A reporter stood got up and asked.

"Well, the space mining industry is one of the important channels for human mineral supplementation in the future. The more the earth's mineral resources are developed, the less they will be. Even after the mining of our surface mineral resources is completed, the mineral resources buried deep in the ground It is very difficult to mine. Therefore, if we want to solve the crisis of mineral resources in the future, we can only choose space mining! In the future, I believe that space mining is a very promising industry. Whoever can achieve space mining will be the next billionaire Rich man!" Xiao Jun laughed.

"Mr. Xiao, what is the cost of your space mining this time? How much did you invest in the technical research of your space mining spacecraft?" Another reporter asked.

"The cost of space mining this time is about 5 billion."

"5 billion? It sounds like a lot, but I got 100 billion, and after deducting the cost, I still have 95 billion to earn. What a huge profit!"

"It's really huge profits, my God."

"This space mining industry is indeed a huge profiteering industry."

"As for the technology research investment of my space mining spacecraft, I won't say how much it is, but I can be sure that it is definitely more than 100 billion! I am still continuing to research more mature technologies..." Xiao Jun said lightly.

As soon as this sentence came out, it caused a sensation.

An investment of more than 100 billion sounds like a lot, but it is already considered a small investment to produce fruitful technologies in the past few years.

"Space mining will bring good news to us humans! With the continuous mining of our earth for hundreds of years, various mineral resources are decreasing day by day. There are not many mineral resources in the first place. After more than 100 years of mining, it has become a reserve It is very small. Maybe ten or twenty years later, it will be mined by us humans. However, I, Galaxy Technology Company, created the space mining industry. Then we humans will say 'no' to these difficulties in the future!"

"I dare not say oil, but in terms of other mineral resources, our space mining can definitely fill this gap!"

"Take rare metals as an example. The current storage of rare metals on the earth is very small. And they are expensive, the supply exceeds demand, and there is no market for them! But these so-called rare metals are abundant in the asteroid belt. And there are so many of them. Mining for thousands of years may not be enough..." Xiao Jun started the speech that attracted worldwide attention.

Many people nodded frequently after listening to Xiao Jun's words.

Rare metals are mainly used in the manufacture of special steels, superhard alloys and high temperature resistant alloys in the electrical industry, chemical industry, ceramics industry, atomic energy industry and rocket technology. Rare elements are the general term for elements that are reserved and rarely distributed in nature (generally, the crustal abundance is below 100ppm) and are rarely used by humans. Rare elements are often used to make special metal materials, such as special steel, alloys, etc., which are key materials in industrial fields such as aircraft, rockets, and atomic energy.

Like indium!

Its natural reserves in the earth's crust are 6,000 tons, and its exploitable reserves exceed 2,000 tons. In 2004, the mining volume of indium in the world was 405 tons. China, Japan, Canada, Belgium and Goros are major producers of indium. Huaxia reserves rank first in the world. Accounting for 80% of the global supply. It is mainly used in the manufacture of flat panel displays, alloys, semiconductor data transmission, and aerospace products. It is mainly associated with lead-zinc mines. In 2005, China's primary indium production was only 410 tons. Indium is an associated metal, but the content in zinc concentrate is calculated in ppm (millions), which is very small and cannot be recycled.

There are also rare earths, which are composed of 14 natural elements and synthetic elements. The natural reserves exceed 150 million tons, and the exploitable reserves exceed 88 million tons. Used to make composite materials, alloy materials such as magnesium, aluminum, titanium, etc., are vividly compared to "industrial monosodium glutamate".

Of course, there are many, many more, but these rare metals are mined a little bit less, and many forces are fighting for these resources.

But with space mining you? In the future, rare metals and rare minerals will not be scarce!

At that time, Xiao Jun will be able to sell a large amount of these minerals and make a lot of money. Of course, he won't mine too much and come back, just grasp the market when the time comes, because if there are too many things, the price will become cheaper.

It is still the way to need hunger sales!

He gave a lengthy speech eloquently and won applause from all the halls!

At the same time, the news that Yinhe Technology Co., Ltd. cost 5 billion this time and made 95 billion in profits from space mining for the first time was also known to countless people who watched the live broadcast, and there were all kinds of envy and hatred.

"Okay everyone, at the end I want to announce a message. With the development of the earth's resources by our human beings, the environment has become precarious. So I plan to do a long-term public welfare undertaking starting today. That is to restore the original human nature as much as possible. Ecological environment! Because of human over-exploitation, our oasis has become a desert, because of our over-exploitation, the mountains and forests have become wasteland, because of our over-exploitation, our rivers have become cancerous tumors..."

"So today I announced that my Galaxy Technology Company will set up an ecological foundation starting today. From today, I will use 10 billion of the 100 billion for sand protection and forest planting in the Northwest Desert of China! All the deserts in China have turned into oases. I know that 10 billion is very small for desert control. But I believe that if 10 billion is not enough? Then one trillion! If one trillion is not enough, then ten trillion! One day, we humans will succeed Yes!" Xiao Jun said loudly.

That's right, many people said that he doesn't engage in charitable donations, and if he wants to donate this time, he will donate more, and what he wants to do is meaningful!

He thinks this is more meaningful!

And the 10 billion charity fund is personally operated by his company, at least to ensure that the money will be used where it should be used instead of being corrupted by some people.

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar!