Chapter 362 20 Years Monopoly

Chapter 362 20 Years Monopoly

After all the bosses were excited, they all tried to calm down as much as possible. They also know now that no matter whether this power system technology is used in aerospace technology or in the military field, it will make China's two aspects advance by leaps and bounds.

Besides, with the current wealth that Xiao Jun possesses, they believe that Xiao Jun will not sell such technology to foreigners!

After all, Xiao Jun is not short of money at all at the moment, and the space mining industry alone can make him earn money. And now the biggest backer behind Galaxy Technology Company is Huaxia, so the two sides are now a win-win cooperation method.

Of course, although it is a win-win cooperation, things of this level cannot be given for nothing.

So Wu Yiping looked at Xiao Jun kindly and asked, "Xiao Jun, tell me, what conditions do you need?"

"Hey, my condition is very simple. I want to monopolize China's space mining industry for 20 years! That is to say, within 20 years, private enterprises are not allowed to have space mining enterprises. Even state-owned enterprises are not allowed. After 20 years, whatever " Xiao Jun said.

"You mean, after we get your power system technology, we can only use it in the aerospace technology and military fields. We can't use it in the space mining industry? Even if we do, we have to wait 20 years before it can be used?" Wu Yiping slightly frowned.

"Yes." Xiao Jun nodded. Now that I have handed over such awesome technology. There must be some protection of interests. If Huaxia gets this technology, it will immediately develop various space mining spacecraft to mine. It means that his absolute monopoly market has been strongly impacted.

Whether 20 years is long or short, he thinks Wu Yiping will agree.

After all, this power system technology has deeply attracted everyone on the other side!

"Let me think about it." Wu Yiping started discussing with the big bosses around him.

"20 years is not very long, but it is not very short. After we get this power system technology, it will take at least five years to develop related fighters and spacecraft. After all, spacecraft and fighters are not only powered The system is enough, and there are many other core technologies."

"So 20 years isn't very long."

"Besides, our Huaxia's financial income does not only rely on mineral resources. We rely on taxation and various trades..."

"That's right, let's talk about it. In fact, Galaxy Technology Company will have to pay taxes when it comes back from a large amount of mining. It is also a disguise that we have a lot of taxes..."

"20 years, I think it's a good deal!"

"Twenty years from now, space mining technology will definitely be more mature, and it will not be too late for us to establish a space mining state-owned enterprise. Now we must first develop powerful fighters and spacecraft. I believe that we must firmly grasp the fighter planes in the Nanhai Sea, and whoever dares to provoke them will send them to the bottom of the sea!"

"That's right, it's time to recover some places!"

"Since that's the case, then it's decided like this." Wu Yiping also nodded.

"Xiao Jun, we have negotiated, we can give you a 20-year monopoly!"

"Thank you guys for your support. I can hand over the technology to you at any time." Xiao Jun also grinned. In fact, he didn't expect Wu Yiping to be so straightforward.

The most important thing is that this technology is too eye-catching.

In their understanding, how many half a million asteroids can you mine in 20 years?

As for foreign technology, it is estimated that they may not be able to develop space mining technology in 20 years!

On the third day after returning from Wu Yiping's place, Xiao Jun received two good news, that is, his Galaxy office building has finally been completed and can be moved in at any time.

All decorations are done!

Not only this commercial building, but also his Galaxy Research Building has also been completed and can be moved in at any time!

This is definitely two good news.

"Mr. Xiao, our Galaxy Technology Group finally has our own company building, and we no longer need to rent a company!" Su Ci said softly.

"Yes, I have decided to start the relocation of the first batch of employees next week. The company's headquarters will be moved from Beijing to Shencheng! I will try to move all the departments of the company within a month." Xiao Jun waved his hand and continued: "En , this task is entrusted to you to complete."

"Alright Mr. Xiao." Su Ci nodded.

In the afternoon of the same day, Su Ci called the senior management of each company and department to a meeting.

"Everyone, the Yinhe Building in Shencheng has been completed. Mr. Xiao instructed that the first batch of relocations will be carried out next week. At that time, the Yinhe Technology Company, Yinhe Film and Television Special Effects Co., Ltd., Yinhe Mining Company, Yinhe Game Company, Yinhe Cable Company, Yinhe...when all the companies are relocated to Yinhe Building...the department that will be relocated next week is..." Su Ci said.

Following her words, many high-level officials below were very happy.

After all, moving to the headquarters building is a good thing.

At that time, the entire building will be a company of the Galaxy Technology Group. And at present, such a small company definitely cannot use up so many offices. It should be that each department will have a large office space.

Next week, Xiao Jun will also move his office there!

In front of a sixty-story skyscraper with a stylish design and a technological appearance, Xiao Jun took off his sunglasses and was very satisfied: "This building will be my Galaxy Building from now on! Not bad..."

"Mr. Xiao, is it okay? Let's go in and have a look!" Su Ci pursed his lips and smiled.

"Well, let's go in and have a look."

The two went in, followed by a group of senior officials.

Soon, Xiao Jun came to the top floor, the sixtieth floor. His office is here.

The chairman's office covers an area of ​​1,000 square meters, which can be described as very large. And a room to rest! Everything!

Originally, Xiao Jun wanted to build 50 floors, but later he thought he was rich, so he added money to build it to 60 floors!

A 60-story building is a skyscraper no matter where it is.

Standing tall in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can have a panoramic view of almost all the scenery of Shencheng. Under your feet, there is a lot of traffic.

"Mr. Xiao, how is this office? Does the decoration suit your taste?" Su Ci asked softly.

"Hey, it's okay, I really like this simple style." Xiao Jun said very satisfied.

So, in the next few days, several companies will move over one after another.

Taking advantage of the time, Xiao Jun also went to Wucheng, after all, his Galaxy Research Building is located there!

After looking around, he was very satisfied. He could also move all the equipment from the private research institute over there in the capital, and at the same time purchase a new batch of equipment and equipment