Chapter 366 Do you want to plant trees? The kind with a monthly salary of over 10,000

Chapter 366 Do you want to plant trees? The kind with a monthly salary of over 10,000

Galaxy Building.

Inside the luxurious conference room of the Galaxy Minerals Company.

"Mr. Xiao, I really can't believe that we were able to retrieve 500 billion ore in the second mining!" Li Huali, the deputy manager of the mining company, was still excited at this moment.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao, I think it won't be long before our Yinhe Mining Company will become one of the world's largest mining companies."

"And our profit is very huge, which is unmatched by traditional mining companies on the earth."

A group of high-level executives are frantically flattering Xiao Jun.

"Well, it's all right. Now I want to announce something." Xiao Jun said lightly, and everyone turned their attention to Xiao Jun.

"We got 500 billion this time, and I will donate 100 billion, and continue to invest this money in the Galaxy Ecological Gold Foundation to treat the desert and turn the desert into an oasis as soon as possible! Also, recruit another 50,000 people to plant trees employees."

As soon as this sentence came out, all the senior management were stunned.

There is only one thing in their minds at the moment, the boss is self-willed if he has money.

"President Xiao, 100 billion? Is it too much? We just donated 10 billion last month. Although we got 500 billion this time, I don't think we need to donate that much, do we? I think 20 billion is enough." It's almost there." Li Huali said with a face full of pain. Even if you have money and no place to spend it, you don't spend it like this.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao, I also think donating 100 billion is a bit too much. Although it is easy for us to make money, our company's future technology needs huge funds..."

"The key is that we just finished donating last month."

All the high-level officials expressed their opinions one after another.

"Okay, charity must be done to the end. Don't persuade me, it's only 100 billion, I don't care about what you care about? Also, in the future, all our desert planting employees will have a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan. Immediately recruit employees in three days. 50,000 people must be recruited, and a large number of equipment for planting trees, such as water trucks, and other equipment will be purchased. We will strive to plant 500 million mu of desert with protective forests this year!" Xiao Jun decided.


"A tree planter earns 10,000 a month? My God!"

"Mr. Xiao, will this salary be a little higher?"

"Yes, most of the workers who enter the factory now earn 4,000 to 6,000 yuan, and the monthly salary is over 10,000 yuan. This salary is already very high. Especially in the second and third tier cities. I think our value tree workers are four A salary of five thousand will do."

Xiao Jun looked at the shock and dissuasion of the crowd, and said with a cold smile: "It's not easy to plant trees in the desert. Is 10,000 a month very high? 50,000 people pay them a salary of 30 billion a year. I've invested 100 billion! If you think the salary is high, you can go to the desert to plant trees, and I will give you 100,000 a month!"

As soon as this sentence came out, all the senior management shut up one after another, for fear of making Xiao Jun unhappy again.

Just kidding, living in the desert, is that where people stay?

It's hot to death, and it's peeling in the sun!

Where will these so-called executives go?

"Okay, tomorrow we will announce that we will invest another 100 billion. Three days later, I will see the recruitment action. We must recruit 50,000 people within a month. It is best to recruit in the Northwest. Then Where are the people on the side suitable for living. We must recruit hard-working workers."

"Yes, Mr. Xiao."

The next day, Galaxy Minerals announced the shocking news.

On the news channel of Huaxia News TV Station, today the host is reporting various news daily, and then he reports the next news.

"This afternoon, Galaxy Minerals announced that it will donate another 100 billion soft sister coins to the Galaxy Ecological Environment Foundation, which will be used for charitable donations to turn deserts into oases..."

As soon as the host's words came out, all the audience watching the news were shocked!

"Donate 100 billion? My god, it's really rich and powerful!"

"Worthy of being a company of the Galaxy Group, it's amazing. The donations are not billions of billions, but 100 billion at a time. It's worthy of being the richest man in the world..."

"I remember that Galaxy Minerals just donated 10 billion last month, and now it is donating another 100 billion. It is so loving. This kind of company is really admirable!"

"Last time Galaxy Minerals earned 100 billion and donated 10 billion. This month it earned 500 billion and donated 100 billion. I haven't seen any company that is so willing."

"That's right, Mr. Xiao really is a person who loves the motherland."

That night, the headlines were all about this news.

Countless netizens were overwhelmed when they saw the news.

Donate 100 billion at a time!

Who else?

All of a sudden, in the eyes of everyone, the entire Galaxy Group's favorability has greatly increased, as if they have been greatly overwhelmed.

Various forums, various post bars, various Douyin browsers and so on.

Netizens commented one after another.

"Galaxy Group is really full of love. Mr. Xiao is really a pillar of the country and knows how to be grateful. In less than 2 months, he donated 110 billion! We should be products of Galaxy Group. For example, Galaxy mobile phones, such as Galaxy games , such as the Milky Way..."

"I'll never buy an iPhone again in my life, a Galaxy phone."

"A good company like this, how can we not have any reason?"

"If the Galaxy Group sells cars in the future, I will return the cars!"

Countless netizens are full of all kinds of good feelings and admiration for Galaxy Group.

Then, three days later.

Large and small cities, countless job markets, and various job-seeking platforms on the Internet have posted the recruitment information of the Galaxy Ecological Environment Foundation.

On the online job search platform: recruiting tree planting workers, aged 18 to 35 years old, able to bear hardships and stand hard work, those who know how to plant trees and protect forests are given priority. A monthly salary of 10,000, five insurances and one housing fund!

This recruitment information has appeared on job hunting platforms large and small.

At the same time, the foundation's recruitment booths also appeared on many job markets.

After seeing the conditions and benefits of the recruitment, many job seekers were shocked beyond measure!

"Hiring desert tree planting workers, with a monthly salary of 10,000? Five social insurances and one housing fund? My God, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"I don't have vertigo?"

"Oh, am I dreaming? hurts me to death! I'm not dreaming."

"When did the tree planting workers earn more than 10,000 yuan a month? How can we white-collar workers live?"

"Yeah, my last job was as a white-collar worker, and my monthly salary was only 6,000 yuan."

"My last job was as a factory worker. I worked 14 hours a day and only earned 7,000 a month..."

"I want to apply for this job!"

"I also want"

In an instant, the booth was completely surrounded.