Chapter 372: Suppression is not the next day

Chapter 372: Suppression is not the next day

Sure enough, starting from the next day, Apple's stock price lasted for several months, and finally ushered in its first sharp rise! Apple's stock has continued to fall because sales of Apple's mobile phones have plummeted in recent months. Especially in the sales in China, it directly lost more than 80% of the market share.

And the strength of the Galaxy S1 mobile phone from Galaxy Technology Company has caused Apple's stock to continue to fall. Now with the launch of Apple and Qualcomm's Suguang No. 1 super awesome chip. Finally, it fought a beautiful counterattack, which made Apple's prospects bright.

Not only Apple, but also the near-bankrupt Qualcomm because of the Dawning No. 1 chip, their stocks are showing signs of recovery. Anyway, this Dawn No. 1 chip is definitely a booster! Let Qualcomm see the light of hope not to be bankrupt.

This morning, the headquarters of Galaxy Technology Corporation.

In the meeting room, the high-level routine morning meeting.

Xiao Jun sat on the first seat with a strong face, his face was calm.

However, Su Ci and several other senior executives had a look of worry on their faces. Because they saw the news about the Shuguang No. 1 chip last night. I was also shocked by this powerful chip.

It is so much better than their company's Galaxy T2 chip!

This is a competitive crisis, and it is still made by a rival, which is definitely a bad situation.

"Have you all read the news about the Dawning No. 1 chip?" Xiao Jun took a sip of tea and asked all the high-level executives calmly.

"Mr. Xiao, I read it, and I have to say that this Sugon chip is even better than our Galaxy T2 chip. Whether it is single-core or multi-core scores... Our Galaxy S1 mobile phone has only been on the market for a few months. I think it won't be long before Apple will withdraw from the new mobile phone with this chip. At that time, the performance of our Galaxy S1 mobile phone will be in danger of being surpassed." Su Ci said with a serious face.

"That's right, the single-core running score of this chip is over 10,000 points, and the multi-core running score is over 28,000 points. In particular, its multi-core main frequency has reached 5.01GHZ! That's amazing." Li Wei, another executive, said with lingering fear.

"This Shuguang-1 uses 5nm technology, but its silicon chip is still very large, about the same size as the A11. Overall, the chip is larger than the original A12."

"But its multi-core main frequency has reached a terrifying 5.01GHZ, which has reached the limit of silicon technology. And its power should be very large!"

All the high-level officials expressed their opinions one after another.

"Well, yes, this chip does have many advantages. But it also has several relatively large disadvantages. First, it has high power, and it will consume power quickly. Second, the multi-core main frequency has reached 5.0GHZ. Above, although the processor is very good and has reached a peak, its heat dissipation problem must be poor. When this chip is used, the mobile phone will definitely be too hot to play games!" Xiao Jun analyzed lightly.

Because Xiao Jun knows that the mature range of the silicon chip material is around 5.0GHZ. Obviously, the chip of Suguang-1 has reached the critical point of this material. So it definitely can't solve the heat dissipation problem.

Unless, use other materials!

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

"However, I have to say that Apple and Qualcomm's reserves of technical personnel are really good. For them, this chip is still very successful and has met their expectations! Their chips are indeed much better than our Galaxy T2 chip. .Although there are problems such as high power consumption and high heat generation, this chip is estimated to be very marketable. Apple and Qualcomm have made silicon chips to the peak! 5.0GHZ! It is indeed the peak representative." Xiao Jun said with emotion. road.

From this point of view, he cannot underestimate Apple and Qualcomm, they are still very well established.

It can be seen from the joint development of this counterattack chip in half a year this time.

After all, both are Fortune 500 companies, especially Apple, the top ten regular customers of the Fortune 500!

"Mr. Xiao, if this is the case, then this chip is a great threat to us. I wonder how our company's research on the new Galaxy series chip is going?" Su Ci asked with concern.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao."

"We can't be passive. We almost forced Qualcomm to go bankrupt, and Apple lost all kinds of markets. We can't let them breathe. We must continue to suppress it!"

All the senior executives looked at Xiao Jun in unison. They knew that the core team behind Xiao Jun had always been doing the research and development of the chip, and no one could interfere.

"Don't worry, it has been more than a year since the last Galaxy T2 technology came out. During this year, the team behind me has of course been researching new chips. Just a few days ago, our R&D team had a new chip. Results. I don't like to suppress the next day, since they announced the new chip yesterday, let's announce the new chip this afternoon." Xiao Jun smiled.

"Oh, Mr. Xiao, do we have a new chip?"

"What specific performance?"

"Our new chip is called Galaxy T3 chip, but it is a new type of chip, which is different from the previous T2 and T1 chips. Because it no longer uses silicon crystal materials, but graphene materials It can also be called a graphene chip! You should all know that the silicon crystal material will eventually come to an end. This material cannot be compared with graphene. First of all, the heat dissipation capacity of graphene is 100 times better than that of silicon crystal! Yes Yes, Qualcomm and Apple's Suguang No. 1 chip is the pinnacle of silicon mobile phone chips. Since they have reached the pinnacle, we can't follow suit, we should create a new era of chips!" Xiao Jun said.

These words immediately surprised everyone, and then they were shocked.

clap clap clap...

There was thunderous applause!

"A graphene chip?"

"Is this technology achievable?"

"Aren't many companies still in the research stage?"

"Although some companies are using this technology, it is not mature enough. It is estimated that it will take a few years. I did not expect our company to develop it."

"Hey, our company is creating miracles again, one step ahead."

"Hey hey, this way our company can remain undefeated in the world."

"Okay, at 4:00 p.m., the new product launch conference will be held on time, and these things will be left to you, Su Ci. After an hour, I will give you the details of the graphene chip, um, the Galaxy T3 chip I will be ready when the time comes, and I will attend in person." Xiao Jun said to Su Ci.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao."