Chapter 415 Let foreign pharmaceutical companies have nowhere to go

Chapter 415 Let foreign pharmaceutical companies have nowhere to go

"Mr. Xiao, can you really guarantee this price?" A reporter raised his hand and asked. This price is really too low compared to the cost of chemotherapy and so on. He still can't believe it. Is the Galaxy Group going to trade at a loss?

"I use my personal reputation as a guarantee! It's definitely the price. To be honest, I can donate 200 billion to control the desert, and I can donate 100 billion to China to manufacture 20 more Dragon Soul fighters. Why can't I make less money? It's not that I'm bragging, I don't care about this little money. In the past year, I've earned close to 3 trillion yuan from my space mining project alone! Not to mention my other industries…" Xiao Junniu coaxingly said.

"I also came from an ordinary family, and I also know how difficult it is for an ordinary family to spend hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars for medical treatment. It may not be possible to make up all the money. Do you just watch them wait to die Is it? No, I will not let such a thing happen. Although I can't help much, but I am willing to lower the price of this WT cancer drug. I would rather lose money. To be honest, I invested a few years ago A lot of money has been invested in the research of drugs to cure cancer. A total of 60 billion has been invested in it! How many copies of this 50,000 to 150,000 drugs do I need to sell to get back the cost? But I'm here to tell you that I don't care. "

"I have money now, and I can't spend it all. Why can't I take some out to benefit mankind?" Xiao Jun said righteously.


"Papa papa..."

At the scene, everyone stood up and applauded enthusiastically, wanting to smash their palms.


Sobbing, choking...

Cry loudly!

Everyone was touched.

Well, Xiao Jun actually lied. In fact, there is no R&D cost to play by himself. Moreover, the profit of each drug produced is still very large. But he can't say it clearly. There must be an excuse.

Sometimes, it is indeed a great thing to deceive people so much that they can be deceived. Granted, he's doing a great thing right now, too.

If it were any other pharmaceutical company that could develop such a perfect cancer drug and sell it for 500,000 yuan, it would be a shame for their vampire image!

There is a saying in a certain movie that the most intractable disease in the world is the disease of poverty, and now Xiao Jun is trying to challenge and cure this disease.

"Mr. Xiao's richest man is the greatest benevolent person in the world! He deserves to be rich! A person like this should be the richest person in the world."

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao. Mr. Xiao is definitely a good person. I would rather lose money, but also set the price of the medicine at a level acceptable to the public. Compared with those damn vampire pharmaceutical companies, I don't know how many times better." Many Everyone knows that it is mainly because of the expensive medical equipment and expensive medicine that it makes going to the hospital expensive. This is absolutely fundamental.

"That's right, Mr. Xiao, a random mining company earns a few trillion dollars a year, so what's a mere few tens of billions?"

"Wealthy and powerful! But I admire him very much. Xiao is always the man I admire all my life."

"Before donating 200 billion for tree planting, and a few days ago, donated 100 billion to China to manufacture Dragon Soul fighters, and now the price of the medicine is so low that you have to do this to make yourself lose money. Such a domestic company, why should we No support? We should buy Galaxy Group mobile phones, buy Galaxy Group cars, play Galaxy Group games, use Galaxy Group communication equipment..." A reporter said angrily.

"Yes, if we don't support such a national enterprise, should we support the products of those overseas companies?"

"That's right! Mr. Xiao is mighty!"

Immediately, the entire venue was full of support for Xiao Jun.

This exciting press conference is finally over.

On that day, countless news flew all over the sky.

It's all good news to praise Xiao Jun.

At the same time, Galaxy Group has also become the first national enterprise in China, which is an enterprise that countless people should support.

Huaxia Evening News: Today, Chairman Xiao Jun of Yinhe Group announced the price of the WT drug, which is still in clinical trials. He said that one course of treatment only costs 50,000 yuan, and 150,000 yuan for three courses of treatment, which can basically cure advanced cancer. Such a low price has attracted countless manpower.

It is said that Mr. Xiao invested 60 billion in order to develop this drug! If it is sold at this price, it is likely that it will not be able to recover its cost in the next few years, or even sell medicine at a loss.

However, Mr. Xiao has always been a good boss for people. It can be seen from his donation of 200 billion to control the desert.

At the same time, WT will be available on the market at the beginning of next year at the earliest, and by then, it will bring good news to countless patients!

Mr. Xiao said that the domestic market is given priority. Even if these medicines are exported to foreign markets, he will definitely not bear the preferential policy on the price. At that time, 500,000 a course of treatment will be sold! The reason why the country sells 50,000 courses of treatment, this preferential policy, is borne by Galaxy Group personally! Reward money production!

Xiao Jun will definitely not really set a price of 50,000 yuan for a course of treatment, and 150,000 yuan for 3 courses of treatment!

When the time comes for sale, it will definitely be priced at 500,000 yuan per course of treatment. However, all domestic patients will be discounted to 50,000 yuan per course of treatment. He got angry with the above about this matter. At that time, Huaxia will come forward and make a preferential policy for all people.

As for foreign countries, hehe, your own country can also have a preferential policy, and as for the extra money, your country will bear it. But I believe that those countries will definitely not be willing to do such a thing.

You thought you didn't need money!

After this matter came to an end. Xiao Jun began to plan and prepare for this pharmaceutical field.

Taking advantage of this residual heat, he plans to enter the pharmaceutical industry and medical equipment industry in an all-round way!

"Hmph! Domestic medical treatment is expensive, and a large part of the reason is that many imported medicines and medical equipment are expensive. Therefore, I will start to manufacture a large number of different types of medicines and medical equipment, so that foreign pharmaceutical companies and medical equipment companies There is no way out!" Xiao Jun clenched his fists and said coldly.

Xiao Jun knows that as of now, Huaxia needs to import 8233 species from overseas every year! The annual transaction volume reaches hundreds of billions of dollars!

Now Xiao Jun is aiming at this huge market cake, and by the way, he can also squeeze out all those overseas pharmaceutical companies!

It really serves multiple purposes.

However, with so many medicines, if he develops them one by one, he doesn't know how long it will take. Fortunately, there are. He intends to copy directly from the group!

Save time and effort!

However, after all, what you get is a pharmaceutical prescription, production line and so on, and you still need to develop it yourself! In this regard, he will also recruit a large number of medical personnel and scientific and technological personnel.