Chapter 434 Restless Major Forces

Chapter 434 Restless Major Forces

To be honest, oil companies around the world didn't expect that the Yinhe Reactor of the Yinhe Group would be put into production so soon! It's only been more than three months, isn't this terrible?

Originally, they thought that there was a buffer period of ten or eight years, and they still had so much time to prepare for the future, or to fight to the death. But I didn't expect that their various plans hadn't started to be implemented yet, and they were all ready to kill them with a lore move!

Global News: Just half an hour after the news about the Galaxy Reactor came out, the global oil stock market plummeted sharply. So far, Exxon Mobil's stock has plummeted from $56 per share to $49 per share, and it is still falling sharply. I don't know how far it will fall tomorrow and the day after tomorrow!

The last time Galaxy announced the arrival of Element X and the Galaxy Reactor, ExxonMobil's stock plummeted from $79 to $56 a share. In the past two months, it has been hard to stabilize the stock market, but I didn't expect to hear bad news now!

It is estimated that the top executives of Exxon Mobil now want to beat people.

Rock is a veteran investor.

Half of the stocks he buys are in oil stocks.

When the Galaxy Reactor came out, he was in no rush to sell his shares.

He has been in the stock market for many years. He feels that the advent of a single technology is not enough to cause the stock market of the entire oil industry to collapse, and it will definitely rise back in the future. Besides, he thinks that your project of a century will not be officially put into production in ten or eight years? So when the oil stock market fell, he was not afraid at all. He knew that sooner or later the oil stock market would go back up.

Besides, he feels that human beings will still be inseparable from oil for at least 20 years. After all, the new energy industry cannot replace petroleum energy so quickly and become the mainstream of the world.

Ever since, when the oil stock market plummeted in the previous two months, he sold all the stocks of other companies in his hands and used the money to buy all oil stocks. Because at that time the oil stock market plummeted and the price was cheap, he bought a lot and could buy more.

He felt that within half a year or so at most, the oil stock market would definitely rise back slowly. At that time, if he sells some more, he will definitely make a lot of money! He even took out a $1 million loan to buy another batch.

However, he couldn't laugh for more than three seconds. He never imagined that in just three months, the construction of the Galaxy Reactor would be completed, and it would be put into operation next week. At that time, the daily production of 1 billion kilowatt-hours...!

He stared at all the oil stock markets on the computer screen, all plummeting, plummeting!

Now there is an embarrassing situation where the oil stock gunners can't go out again!

"Fuck, Fuck, it's over this time, it's really over! My funds are all locked up." Rock slumped on the chair, he didn't know what he would do in the future. Now all oil stocks cannot be sold, and no one wants to buy them!

There are only sellers and no buyers. It is very embarrassing and painful.

Also, he bought another batch with a loan of 1 million US dollars. Not only are all his funds locked up now, but he also has to repay tens of thousands of yuan in loans every month...and the mortgage...and raise a girlfriend!

The car needs to burn oil, property fees, eating and drinking...

"It's over, it's over!" Rock was already desperate at this time.

Roque is just one of many retail oil speculators around the world.

When oil stocks fell sharply for the first time, many people sold them one after another, but some people, like Roque, planned to take a risk. But God didn't help them, the Galaxy Reactor came out in three months, more than 9 years earlier than estimated!

Ever since, they all knelt down.

Not only retail investors like Rock, but also the bosses of many financial companies want to jump off the building.

In fact, many financial companies with old fritters also saw that the Yinhe Reactor of the Galaxy Group could not pose a complete threat to the oil industry so quickly, so when the oil stocks fell for the first time, they all took out All funds are used to buy low-priced stocks.

However, their Galaxy Reactor can be put into production in three months now, and they really slapped them with a slap!

"Fack! This time the investment failed! It's over." The boss of a small financial company cried without tears.

He also poured all the company's funds into it, and also borrowed 10 million US dollars at the same time!

In addition to the boss of this small financial company, there are many other large and small financial companies. All companies that play in the oil stock market will suffer!

This storm of oil stock market crisis swept the world in just one day!

Countless retail investors jumped off buildings, countless financial bosses jumped off buildings, and countless financial companies went bankrupt...

Really cry without tears!


Among them, those major oil-producing countries were the most injured. The oil stock market plummeted and the price plummeted, causing their economies to be severely affected.

"I didn't expect the Galaxy Reactor to be sold to the outside world! This is really a surprise. Is Huaxia really willing to leak such technology?" Meidi, a big man in a certain building, frowned.

"Yes, but I think there must be a core technology that is controlled by the other party."

"This is for sure, but 100 billion one, the price is not low."

"It's expensive, but we think we can still buy a building, and then we might be able to learn the technology of the Galaxy Reactor." Another big boss said in a deep voice.

"That's right!"

"Besides, a power generation base that can produce 80 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year is also worth 100 billion."

At this moment, many people from all major forces are interested in this galaxy reactor.

Of course, these are the big forces.

Many countries that are short of electricity, or do not have enough technology to build nuclear and electric warfare, or have few domestic rivers and power stations, are all motivated.

Although 100 billion is very expensive, they think they can buy one.

Once there is a power generation base like this, it will be possible to electrify every village in the future.

In this world, there are still many countries that do not have enough electricity.

For example, some countries have few rivers, few hydroelectric power stations, and wind power generation is not guaranteed. Or the technology of building power stations is not good enough. They only need to purchase 2 or 3 such power stations, and they will be enough to provide the entire country with normal electricity.

After all, one galaxy reactor base can support more than a dozen or twenty nuclear power plants.

In this world, for example, small countries in the world such as the Vatican, although they do not have power plants, they still have current applications (supplied by Italy). There are many countries in the world that lack electricity, such as Indonesia, which is a power-deficient country in Southeast Asia. There are 217 million people in the country, but the penetration rate of electricity is only 56%, and there are still 44% of the population without electricity supply!