Chapter 452: Don’t Buy Blindly

Chapter 452: Don't Buy Blindly

"It has been almost three months since the outbreak of the economic crisis. Now the dollar has almost depreciated." Xiao Jun looked at the exchange rate.

The current exchange rate between the US dollar and the soft sister currency is about 3.35.

The previous exchange rate was 6.7 exchange rate.

In other words, one dollar used to be equal to 6.7 soft sister coins, but now one dollar can only be exchanged for 3.35 soft sister coins.

In other words, the U.S. dollar has depreciated, and the soft sister currency has appreciated.

After the appreciation of Ruanmei currency, Chinese people have become richer than ever. The soft sister coins in their hands can be exchanged for more dollars. As a result of this situation, the assets of the US emperor suddenly became much cheaper in the eyes of Chinese people. In the past, those things that Chinese people could not afford at all, now seem to be within easy reach.

So there has been a shopping spree recently!

This is something that will definitely happen in countries that are less affected by the economic crisis every time there is an economic crisis.

Of course, having learned from the previous economic crises, many companies in China will not blindly acquire companies in Europe and the United States. After all, if it is not in the field that you are good at, if you buy randomly, and the business fails, you still have to pay it back!

Now is not the time for everyone to be an idiot.

For example, during the economic crisis in the 1980s, the islanders were taught a serious lesson!

After the economic crisis, the yen appreciated significantly, so the islanders with a lot of dollars in their hands began to buy a lot in the United States. The American people are happy that ordinary consumers buy some goods in places like Hawaii, but what disturbs the American people is the large number of acquisitions of American corporate assets by the islanders. These checkbook-wielding islanders seem to have no regard for prices. They seem to be able to buy the entire United States!

In this seemingly crazy process, many jaw-dropping and unimaginable things happened. A US imperial building is going to be sold to the islanders. The American imperialists quoted more than 400 million yuan, and the two sides negotiated, and the islanders paid for the delivery. The islanders suddenly brought a new contract, and the price written on it was 610 million. The Americans are baffled. The staff from the island country explained that their boss saw in the Guinness Book of World Records the first day that the highest price for a single building in history was US$600 million. They want to break this record.

By 1989, the islanders' purchase of U.S. imperial assets reached its peak. In June of this year, Sony Corporation announced that they had successfully purchased Columbia Pictures, an American entertainment giant and one of the symbols of American culture, for US$3.4 billion. This move is one of Sony's strategic moves from manufacturing to entertainment. Prior to this, Mitsubishi had purchased the more important symbol of the American Empire - Rockefeller Center for US$1.4 billion. This great building that represents the heyday of American imperialism now belongs to the islanders.

In Los Angeles, islanders control almost half of the real estate in the downtown area; in Hawaii, more than 96% of foreign investment comes from island countries, and they are mainly concentrated in real estate such as hotels and high-end residences. From 1985 to 1990, Japanese companies conducted a total of 21 giant overseas mergers and acquisitions worth more than 50 billion yen, of which 18 were for US companies. By the late 1980s, all-American Emperor 10 real estate was in the pockets of the Islanders.

But so what?

However, it didn't take long for the islanders to realize that things might not be that simple. Not long after Mitsubishi purchased the Rockefeller Center, it was unable to withstand huge losses due to poor management, and had to sell it to the original owner again at half the price. Sony's purchase of Columbia Pictures turned out to be the island nation's most loss-making M&A. Although Sony finally realized its strategy of transforming into an entertainment company, it took much more cost and time. Reckless purchases delayed rather than accelerated the realization of Sony's strategy.

Mergers and acquisitions are not a panacea. Mergers and acquisitions are regulated. You can't buy everything with money. Only mergers and acquisitions that think twice are correct and meaningful!

Even if you buy it, buy what is useful to you!

For example, if you run a steel company, you can take advantage of the economic crisis to buy some core technologies of a large steel company at a low price.

As the saying goes, only if you understand this industry, you can boldly engage in this industry. If you are just a layman, you will blindly spend money on acquisitions and operations, and most of them will fail and lose money in the end, and all previous efforts will be wasted.

So now many Huaxia companies, including Huaxia, have not casually acquired many companies in Europe and the United States.

Just buy some industries that are useful to you and that you are good at!

For example, if you are a steel company to acquire a real estate company, can you manage it? Once it is not managed properly, all capital may be lost.

"Mr. Xiao, I have contacted the JFE Steel Company of the island country and the Nucor Steel Group of the American Empire, but none of them intend to sell the company or shares or raise funds." Su Ci came in to report to Xiao Junhui.

"Well, I know, I have expected it! The steel industry is one of the pillar industries of a country, and it is impossible to be acquired casually! Even if there is an economic crisis." Xiao Jun said lightly.

This has already involved a core industrial chain, even if it is dead, it must be sustained.

"There are also top ten new material companies in the world, all of which do not agree to mergers and acquisitions. One from the United States is willing to raise funds, two are from island countries, and one is from Germany. As for those small and medium-sized material companies, there are several who are willing to merge." Su Ci continued.

"You can consider investing in two companies for financing. The US emperor's family and the island country's family. Don't blindly merge." Xiao Jun said lightly.


"By the way, the large agricultural companies on the US side can harvest one, or choose to raise one or two. China has always imported a large amount of food every year. You can try to invest in this field." Xiao Jun ordered.

"Okay, I remember."

To be honest, Xiao Jun didn't really care that the steel industry didn't acquire it. In the future, he will definitely enter the steel industry. At that time, the technology will be taken out from the group of academic masters.

Production equipment can only be manufactured slowly before it can be officially put into production in the steel industry!

The steel industry, as a traditional industry, must be a long-lasting industry.

After all, most industries need steel, alloy and other materials, just like rice, which are indispensable.

After finishing all these things, it is finally almost Chinese New Year.

And Xiao Jun's own wedding will be held in one week.

This time the wedding was held at Sanya Beach, a famous tourist destination in Huaxia.

At that time, it is estimated that many friends from all walks of life will come to participate.

Needless to say, Xiao Jun's relatives, friends and classmates are just a small part of them. The most are his business partners. Second, Lin Xiaotong is a celebrity, and it is estimated that there will be hundreds of celebrities participating.