Chapter 465 Too much heart but not enough energy

Chapter 465 Too much heart but not enough energy

Needless to say, the ability and performance of Xiao Jun's new type of armor is definitely much stronger than Tony's nano-steel armor.

It is equipped with an energy-absorbing device and is equipped with a power system provided by Dr. Gero.

Therefore, the speed and battery life of this model have been greatly improved!

The speed can reach 100,000 meters per second!

Endurance, without the use of energy-absorbing devices, the endurance is about 100,000 kilometers. After all, this is an improved power system and energy device.

There are also defense systems. There are three defense systems in total. First, the simplest defense system is the appearance of the steel suit, and its ability to resist attacks is still very strong.

The second point is the protective cover. This protective cover technology is one of the defense technologies in Dr. Gero's artificial man. It uses its own energy to generate a protective cover that surrounds itself and blocks enemy attacks. At the same time, it also has several derivative skills, 1. It can attract the opponent to rotate the shield and throw the opponent out. 2. It can be used in reverse to turn the shield into a cage that traps the opponent. 3. It can be attached to a certain part of the body to strengthen the attack power. 4. It can create multiple protective walls at the same time in the air or put a protective cover on others.

In addition to the protective shield defense system of the android, there is another defense system. This technology is obtained by Xiao Jun from Shino's Beam—absolute defense (a type of energy shield.)

As for weapons, Xiao Jun also borrowed this wrist weapon technology from Shinozhitsu's mecha, which can be flexibly used for shooting, fighting, and defense. But the defense is to rely on Lingluobaiye to defend against space compression weapons (commonly known as beam weapons).

There is also a Mechabai-style weapon—the special melee saber "Snowflake II". The shape of this weapon is derived from the blade of the island country sword, but because of its curvature, it is closer to the Tai sword. There is a slight light on the center line of the blade surface, and when using Ling Luo Bai Ye, the blade shrinks from the center line to the handle. , the energy blade formed by the scattered white night rises from the hilt to form the shape of a sword. The shape of the energy blade will change according to the energy. The greater the energy, the longer the blade, and vice versa.

The next main weapon is the artificial human technology from Dr. Gero.

Arm energy bomb: Remove the arm to emit energy bombs like a Gatling gun.

Flash Shock: Both hands emit dense energy bombs from the fingers.

Electric Hell Bomb: Wrap sparks with both hands and collect black ball-shaped energy bombs.

The last weapon that is not a weapon is also the core: energy absorption: absorb the energy attack of the enemy to enhance your own strength, the disadvantage is that you cannot move during the absorption process.

The above are the basic abilities of Xiao Jun's new mecha.

He was also transformed based on the technology provided by Dr. Gero and Shinonosuke above.

So, for the past month, Xiao Jun stayed in his office designing this new mech.

Only after it has been perfectly designed, will he plan to start manufacturing.

At the same time, he also ordered the space mining department to take some samples back once any special metal veins are found. After all, like those guys in the Xueba group, he has not yet found a suitable metal material for making energy-absorbing devices.

During the time when Xiao Jun was busy, he still had a lot of troubles.

For example, the development of automobile motor technology has reached a bottleneck, and there is no new technological innovation at present. Mobile phone battery technology and automobile battery technology have also developed to a certain extent, and the next generation of technological innovation is also needed. There is no new research progress so far.

The same is true for many technologies such as semiconductors.

In addition to these, there are many other fields of technology.

The technological innovations of Galaxy Group 90 were basically brought out by Xiao Jun from the group of masters.

For example, the entire semiconductor industry technology, mobile phone computer technology, automobile technology, new energy technology, communication technology, pharmaceutical technology, new material technology, machine tool technology, space mining technology, virtual game technology... and so on.

This created a painful problem, that is, after he came up with the first-generation technology, after one or two years, when the product needs to develop the second-generation technology, he still needs to take it out of it.

So it made Xiao Jun very annoying. Many new technologies had to be produced by himself. Although it was not tiring, it was also very annoying to silently write those materials and technologies from his mind every day.

Hundreds of data technologies require him to be busy!

For example, the recent Galaxy T3 chip, this second-generation graphene technology, was also taken out by him from the group of academic masters.

This caused Xiao Jun to feel powerless.

Because if this continues to develop, it will be very detrimental to the Galaxy Group.

First, most of the core technologies need to be taken out of your own mind. What if I can't get it out by myself in the future? Either I don't want to take it out, or I will be the shopkeeper in the future.

Then the scientific and technological strength of the Galaxy Group will drop sharply all of a sudden, and even be surpassed by foreign countries after many years.

Huaxia's technical level fell down a big ladder in an instant!

In other words, Galaxy Group now has a disadvantage, that is, insufficient research and development capabilities, and there are still not enough research and development teams.

Most of the core technologies were taken out by Xiao Jun from the school masters.

The company's research team is relatively small!

However, there was a reason why Xiao Jun kept taking out a series of scientific and technological materials from the top students. If you recruit scientific and technological personnel and let them spend money step by step for research and development, you don't know that you will have to wait until the year of the monkey to develop a chip.

Moreover, the development of this chip did not know that it would cost billions of funds.

At that time, the cost of research will be high and the profit will be low.

If it wasn't for Xiao Jun's steady stream of black technology from Xuebaqun, Yinhe Group wouldn't have become the world's largest company in just four or five years, not one of them!

If this is not the case, the technology can be obtained without huge research and development costs, and the profit of the Galaxy Group will not be so large!

"So, all decisions have pros and cons. It can't be perfect!" Xiao Jun said lightly.

Another important reason is that the technologies that Xiao Jun presented at the beginning were all epoch-making advances. With such a core technology, he was not at ease entrusting it to others for the next upgrade research, he was afraid that the technology would be leaked.

However, now the Galaxy Group has developed to its current strength and power. He felt it was time to let go.

In addition to the neutrino communication technology, the new energy technology of the galaxy reactor, and the space mining technology, it is in one's own hands. Other technologies should be able to allow the company's technical personnel to conduct independent research and development.