Chapter 480 New Era Virtual Industry Chain

Chapter 480 New Era Virtual Industry Chain

This time the lecture was broadcast live globally in the Galaxy virtual game!

It is estimated that hundreds of millions of people will watch it by then.

Although there are one billion players, it is impossible for every player to be available at this point in time. They also have to work.

"Guys, I'm Xiao Jun, chairman of Galaxy Group. Welcome to this symposium about Galaxy virtual games." Xiao Jun walked up to the stage, picked up the microphone, and smiled at everyone.

clap clap...

There was thunderous applause!

"Xiao Jun, I love you!"

Just after the applause fell, there was a rare moment of silence at the scene.

Suddenly, in the row in front, the unknown girl yelled loudly.

"I love you too!"


I don't know which two mischievous girls made everyone burst into laughter.

"Ahem... Thank you, thank you, so I have reached the point where I can attract many girls wherever I go?" Xiao Jun stroked his chin and said half-jokingly.

The scene burst into laughter again.

"Okay, let's get back to business. This time, I want to talk to you about our fourth version of the Galaxy virtual game, and explain to you in detail what is unique about this latest version of the virtual game." After Xiao Jun saw that everyone had finished laughing, he immediately became serious.

"Our fourth version of the Galaxy virtual game is different from all previous versions. First of all, it adds 108 civilized races, 32 interstellar battlefields, 1008 new weapons, and 1927 new new equipment. The map increases It has reached more than 109..." Xiao Jun continued to introduce the basic information of the fourth version of the Galaxy virtual game.

"None of the above is the most critical technology. The most critical technology is still our virtual games are more virtual and realistic! What is the real core of virtual games? That is virtual reality. If one day our Galaxy Virtual Games Company can make a virtual game To the extreme, to confuse the division of reality and virtual world, then at that time, we will be the most perfect virtual game!" Xiao Jun said solemnly.

"Our fourth version of the virtual game is stronger than the previous three versions. In the field of virtual reality, we have achieved several major breakthroughs! First, the content of the game is more in-depth. Characters, objects, buildings, skills, etc. are made more realistic! Take a car as an example, it is made up of tens of thousands of parts, that is to say, you can use a car to disassemble and assemble it , there is no problem in learning how to repair a car! This is the real charm of our fourth version of the virtual game!"

"This is its depth, realism, and refinement! From this point alone, you can see that the weapons in your game characters can be independently developed and assembled at a deeper level. Maybe you can develop more powerful ones yourself. Weapons! Or assemble more powerful weapons!" Xiao Jun said lightly.

"'s amazing to be able to achieve this level of virtual games!"

"I can't believe that a car in a game is actually made up of tens of thousands of parts. It seems that when the programmer developed this car, he probably went to the car company for special consultation."

"Hey, I think a senior car designer is also hired as a consultant."

"So, in the game, it is indeed possible to repair cars, awesome!"

"Everyone, I think you are also surprised that our Galaxy virtual game can achieve this level. But this is the game I want to make. In the past, the technology and hardware were immature, so I couldn't make such a detailed game. Real games come. But now with our more than 4 years of hard work, coupled with ultra-advanced hardware support such as graphene chip motherboards, so we have done it now! And we will continue to carry forward this advantage and continue to manufacture A more perfect virtual world for everyone!" Xiao Jun continued.

"Mr. Xiao, I wonder if it is possible to dismantle an airplane and learn to repair it? My nephew is like learning to repair an airplane! He wants to inspire himself to become a master airplane repairer!" Suddenly, a reporter stood up and asked.

"Mr. Xiao, can you repair the submarine?"

"Mr. Xiao, can you build a spaceship?"

"I want to learn how to repair an aircraft carrier, but I wonder if it can be done in the Galaxy virtual game?"

Immediately, a group of people asked questions one after another.

If the above can really be done, what higher technical institutions do you need to study? Do you still need to pay such expensive tuition fees? Still afraid that the master will keep a hand? Just explore and learn by yourself in the virtual game.

One day I will be a teacher!

The most important thing is that if you fix something broken in the virtual game, you don't need to lose money!

If something goes wrong, you can ignore it.

"Of course not. You should also know that the technology of airplanes, ships, aircraft carriers, and automobiles is completely different. At present, our Galaxy virtual game can only repair cars. I think We still have a long way to go in order to achieve the level of super meticulous and advanced scientific repairing of aircraft and aircraft carriers. However, the things you mentioned above are the difficulties that we, Galaxy Virtual Games, need to overcome in the future! "Xiao Jun laughed.

"It's true, repairing aircraft, repairing aircraft carriers, thanks to your words!"

"That's right, with this kind of technology, do you want Galaxy Virtual Games to go to Boeing to ask for a copy of the core technology of the aircraft?"

"Tsk tsk tsk... But now you can repair cars and so on, they are already very powerful, okay?"

"That's right, the current Galaxy virtual game is really getting better and better. Originally, the Galaxy virtual game led us into the era of virtual games, and now technology has entered so fast again in just a few years. Go on like this , it is estimated that it will not take 10 years, maybe our Galaxy virtual game can really achieve complete virtual reality?"

"Hey, who knows!"

In the audience seats, many people started to discuss.

"Okay everyone, now I want to share with you an important thing. That is, our Galaxy virtual game is not just a game, but also a virtual enterprise development platform, a business platform! Well, I am now It's called, a brand new thing, called the virtual enterprise industry chain!" On the stage, Xiao Jun said with a serious face.

"Why do I say this, I believe you should also understand, and many players have experienced it for themselves!"

"First of all, when we launched the Galaxy virtual game 4 years ago, the gameplay of our virtual game was destined to be different from that of ordinary online games. Because it is a holographic, virtual game world. In it, many things are There is a place to use it!"

"For example, our game at the beginning can provide countless people in various industries with a part-time job to make money, and can provide everyone with various business opportunities!"

"At the beginning, the easiest thing was to engage in training. You could teach your clients face-to-face talents in virtual games, such as piano, painting, school knowledge, college entrance examination training, dance teaching, skydiving, surfing... And so on, all kinds of education and training business."

"It's because virtual games are sufficiently virtual and real, and you don't need to teach face-to-face in reality. As long as you wear virtual helmets, you can do the above things!"

"Of course, such things in the past were relatively simple entrepreneurship. In fact, when there were no virtual games, many people were also engaged in the above-mentioned training, education and entrepreneurship through the Internet. Of course, through ordinary computers and ordinary network technology, it was not possible We are good. After all, they can only watch videos and teach and learn through video dissemination. But our virtual games are different, everyone can communicate and learn face to face, reaching the point of hand-in-hand education!"

"However, the above is not enough! Therefore, our fourth version of the Galaxy virtual game will usher in a brand new trend of the virtual enterprise industry chain!"

"First of all, our virtual game technology is getting stronger and stronger. Now, in the real world, countless companies can enter our Galaxy virtual game world to do business!" Xiao Jun said with a smile.

He wants to make it like Halliday's Oasis game, so that companies all over the world can enter the game.

For example, at the beginning of the protagonist, his studies were completed in the Oasis virtual game, taking exams and graduating! No need to go to school at all.

"For example, now our Galaxy Virtual Game Company has cooperated with tens of thousands of colleges and universities across the country. Many of the colleges are skill knowledge courses. For example, auto repair majors, mechanical and electrical majors, transportation majors...etc. Wait, these majors can be taught and disassembled to learn skills in our virtual game!"

"Also, we have also built a virtual experimental junior high school with Wucheng. At that time, virtual teaching will be carried out at home, and students will not need to come to the school... If the effect is good, we will promote it nationwide..."

Xiao Jun gave several examples in one breath, which made everyone shocked and their eyes lit up after hearing it!

Because, in the virtual reality game world, you can indeed do many things that you couldn't even imagine before.

And inside, there will be countless business opportunities waiting for you to dig slowly!

"In the future, our galaxy virtual game will form more, larger and more complete virtual world enterprise industry chains! At the same time, our game is not just an entertainment game, it will also provide countless people with an opportunity to start a business. The opportunity! Whoever can seize this opportunity depends on who can discover the business opportunity first!" Xiao Jun grinned.

The times are developing, and there must be such a development trend. Although it cannot replace all industries, but a small part of it is drawn into the virtual game world, which is a good thing for everyone.