Chapter 484 Technology Catching Up

Chapter 484 Technology Catching Up

The United States, a ZF building.

A group of bigwigs are having a meeting.

At the scene, the atmosphere was somewhat active.

"Now, Huaxia has surpassed us, but we can't sit still. Over the past few years, we have been suffocated by the Galaxy Group! However, in the past two years, we have also developed rapidly in tolerance. This is our previous plan , Science and technology competition! After the technology of our American emperor was surpassed by the Galaxy Group in many fields, we started the competition mode. The enemy is strong, and we are also in the process of facing pressure. We are constantly becoming stronger and developing faster than before! "A big man said in a deep voice.

"We are now catching up with the Galaxy Group in technology! The gap between us and the Galaxy Group was very large before, but now, the gap between us and the other party has become smaller and smaller. Some fields are even almost equal!"

"That's right, when Galaxy Group's mobile phone chip came out, it surpassed Apple's A12 chip in an instant, and then launched a more advanced graphene chip, which is simply shocking. At the same time, there are many semiconductor products. It has surpassed our developed countries in Europe and the United States. However, after more than two years of development and catching up, the gap between us and Galaxy Group is not too big."

"In addition to the semiconductor industry, there is also our automobile industry. Two years ago, our traditional automobile industry was once suppressed by the emergence of new energy vehicles. We once lost most of the global market share. Even Ford Motor Company went bankrupt and was arrested. Acquisition. However, our General Motors has survived. Not only is it firmly occupying our domestic market in the United States, but the market in Europe is also slowly recovering. All this is due to the increase in tariffs on imported cars in our European and American alliances. Afterwards, the increase will be powerful! Not only that, but the gap between our Tesla Motors' new energy vehicles and Galaxy Group's BYD new energy vehicles is not that big, it's a very small gap."

"Of course, the current global mobile phone market and computer market are still firmly occupied by Huaxia with most of the market share."

"There is also the field of communication. The neutrino communication technology of the Yinhe Group still dominates the world. However, in the second-generation neutrino communication technology, our American emperor has also made many research breakthroughs. I believe that the second-generation neutrino communication technology will When the first-generation neutrino communication was launched, we, the United States, were able to obtain many patents. This is a good start. Maybe when the third-generation and fourth-generation neutrino technology come out, we will be able to Come up with more technical patents, and then we can fight against the Galaxy Group!" Another big boss said with a look of hope.

Just like in the era of China's wireless communication, 2G and 3G are almost all technologies imported by China. When it comes to 4G technology, Huawei has already secured certain technology patents. When it comes to 5G, the 5G technology patents obtained have already competed with Qualcomm.

Now, they are also introducing technology while conducting research. I hope that in the next generation of technology, I will get some technical patents of my own.

When you see this, someone will ask.

Why should technology be exported to other countries, so that others can steal their lessons?

Now it is a globalized economy, just take your car, communication technology, and semiconductors as an example. If you don't export to foreign countries, then your business is only in China? Then you lose the entire global market share.

The money you earn will be less than 80%!

Take Qualcomm as an example. At the beginning, Qualcomm was the main overlord in controlling radio technology. If 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G technologies were not exported to other countries, but only commercialized in their own country, then it would only do business in the United States. is it possible?

Just like Ford, its cars are only sold in the United States and not exported to the world. Didn't it voluntarily give up its global market share?

The same reason.

If you always want to be a global hegemon, the only way is that your technology has always been ahead of others, then you will be invincible!

"Unfortunately, in the past year, Galaxy Group has developed rapidly in the pharmaceutical industry and new material industry, especially the pharmaceutical industry, which has an irresistible trend. As for the field of new materials, Galaxy Group has also shown great potential."

"Yes, the most regrettable thing is that we are still unable to develop new energy technologies like the Galaxy Reactor in the field of new energy. We can only import the Galaxy Reactor in the world. And the new element fuels are all It can only be shipped from the Galaxy Group. We don't know the technology at all..."

"However, you can also rest assured that the gap between us and the Galaxy Group in the semiconductor and automobile industries is already very small. We are also working hard to catch up in communication technology, and our steel industry has been suppressing Huaxia. At present, Huaxia's steel ranks, Still lagging behind us. Also in shipbuilding..."

"It can be said that after a while, we can still launch a more intense trade war." A bald man said in a deep voice.

Now, Europe, the United States and China are still in the middle of a trade war, but both sides are currently in a state of cold war, and there is no escalation of contradictions, and they are in the initial stage.

"Well, let's wait, we haven't prepared enough!"

If Xiao Jun knew what these people were thinking, he would chuckle.

In fact, what they see is an illusion!

Take the semiconductor field as an example, since Xiao Jun produced hundreds of advanced product design drawings at once two years ago, he has never produced them again. On top of that, design a new generation of technical products by yourself.

Similarly, there are electric motors and battery technologies for new energy vehicles.

After Xiao Jun took it out once, he never took it out again.

Therefore, over the past year or two, Galaxy Group's semiconductor industry, mobile phones, computers, automobiles and other fields have not made great progress in new products. So this is why the pace of catching up in these fields in Europe and the United States has suddenly approached the technical level of the Galaxy Group.

Now, the Galaxy Group is only slightly ahead of Europe and the United States in these areas.

This also made people in Europe and the United States see the illusion, thinking that they were getting closer to the strength of the Galaxy Group.

In fact, if Xiao Jun comes up with a bunch of technologies again, he will instantly open up a huge gap with these Europeans and Americans.

But Xiao Jun didn't want to do this. He didn't continue to produce a lot of technical materials at the beginning because he wanted to gradually cultivate the scientific and technological personnel belonging to his Galaxy Group, so that they could be self-reliant.

Obviously, in the past two years, although their progress has been slow, overall, they are developing in the direction he wants to see. At least they're not standing still, are they? And the speed of progress is getting faster and faster!