Chapter 493 The whole country is jubilant

Chapter 493 The whole country is jubilant

"This time, our Yinhe Iron and Steel Company uses electric arc furnaces to produce steel and does not use blast furnaces! Currently, we have a total of more than a dozen electric arc furnaces under construction. We plan to build a total of 100 electric arc furnaces in the second half of the year!"

"Our iron and steel electric arc furnace is a DC electric arc furnace with a rated power of 600MVA and a voltage of more than 3200V in the second stage. The maximum temperature can reach 8000°, and the annual output is 6.5 million tons of high-quality steel..." Xiao Jun stood on the stage, Introduced one by one.

Down below, everyone is boiling!

"OMG, isn't it? The annual output can reach 6.5 million tons of high-quality steel, which is amazing. I remember the most advanced electric arc furnace before, and its annual output was only 2.6 million tons. It's like a family with two or three ah."

"The highest temperature can reach 8000°? My God, the steel produced in this way is better than the steel produced by any current electric arc furnace. The higher the temperature, the easier it is for the impurities in the iron ore to be destroyed. Smelted and removed. So..."

"8000°? Now the most advanced electric arc furnace can reach a maximum temperature of 5000°, but Yinhe Group's technology can reach 8000°, it's terrifying."

"Our China's steelmaking technology has officially risen. I believe that in terms of high-quality steel, our Yinhe Group has achieved it, and it is better than Europe and the United States. Now, we are not afraid of steel sanctions from European, American and island countries at all."

"Yes! It's raining in time."

"Our electric arc furnace will be officially put into operation on the 1st of next month. At that time, domestic enterprises that need steel are welcome to come to consult and check. Our products are definitely of the world's first-class level. Our steel is definitely better than imported ones. Even better!" Xiao Jun continued.

clap clap clap...

There was warm applause.

"Mr. Xiao, what do you think of the blockade of steel products from China by Europe, the United States, and island countries?" A reporter stood up and asked, raising his hand.

"Their behavior is actually a kind of jealousy. They are jealous that we are more advanced than them in other fields, and have already left them behind. The former hegemony has been replaced by us. So they want to be in their The currently dominant steel industry wants to sanction us. However, I can boldly tell you that we are not afraid! Now, my Yinhe Iron and Steel Company can also produce high-end steel products! In the second half of the future, our Yinhe Iron and Steel Company will have The steady stream of electric arc furnaces has been completed and officially put into production. Maybe next year, no, maybe next year we don't need to import high-end and high-quality steel materials from Europe, America and island countries."

"Mr. Xiao, how long do you think we will be implicated in many industries in the steel industry this time before we can recover?" Another reporter asked.

"At least half a year, but after half a year, our pressure will definitely decrease. Because our Yinhe Iron and Steel Company will provide a steady stream of high-quality steel to many domestic machining companies." Xiao Jun said solemnly.

He feels that many domestic machining companies must still have a lot of steel materials in stock, and it is estimated that they can last for more than two or three months. At that time, the biggest damage will actually be two or three months.

Once the time passes, Xiao Jun's high-quality steel will continue to live. At that time, are you still afraid of steel sanctions from Europe, the United States, and island countries?

On this day, when this breaking news came out, the whole world was in an uproar!

On Huaxia's side, countless people are jubilant all over the country!

Huaxia News: The whole country rejoices! Yinhe Iron and Steel Company has developed the world's most advanced direct current steel electric arc furnace. An electric arc furnace can produce 6.5 million tons of high-quality steel per year, which is terrifying! And the temperature can reach more than 8000°, and the steel produced by that time will definitely be of higher quality...Now, we can say to steel companies in Europe, America, and island countries-we are not afraid of your technology blockade, and we are not afraid of your ban on exporting high-quality products to us. steel. Because, now we already have technologies and production lines that are comparable to yours, or even advanced than yours!

"Haha... so happy!"

"I'm really happy for our steel industry, and I'm very grateful to the Galaxy Group for standing up at this critical moment. Kerry is in the audience!"

"It was the Galaxy Group that saved our weak technological level again. The Galaxy Group is our No. 1 technological leader in China, bar none."

"What are we afraid of this time? We must fight to the end with Europe, America, island countries, and Bangzi countries. Who is afraid of whom? MMP, dare to sanction us, we will counter sanction them!"

"Life and death are bearish, if you don't accept it, do it."

"Hahahaha... Yinhe Group is good, Xiao Jun is good. Originally, we will be restricted by steel companies in Europe, America, island countries, and Bangzi countries this time. Now we have our cards. I want to see What was your reaction when you saw them! Hmph, this time, we must knock them all down!" Wu Yiping was overjoyed when he heard that Xiao Jun's Yinhe Iron and Steel Company had developed a unparalleled steel electric arc furnace.

He knew that this time Huaxia's high-end steel technology was available!

With technology like this, will you still be afraid of them in the future?

"This time, it's time for us to launch a general attack! We used to worry that our steel industry and new material industry were still in a weak position. Now, the new material industry has been developed by Yinhe Group. Now we also have high-end steel industry Technology, what are we afraid of?"

A big man said in a deep voice.

"That's right, there must be a winner! This time, we must defeat them, let them bow their heads completely, and see if they dare to jump around."

US emperor.

"What? Impossible! Why did Huaxia quietly come up with such an advanced steel electric arc furnace?"

"Why, they announced that the production line was ready to start production?"

"Is this the trump card?!"

"Damn it, Falk, it's the damned Yinhe Group again! It came up with such a technology at a critical time!" They were really shocked by the electric arc furnace with a maximum temperature of 8,000 degrees and an annual output of 6.5 million tons. arrive.

In other words, all their previous joint sanctions will become invalid in the near future.

Their electric arc furnace will be put into production on the 1st of next month.

A few months later, there will be a steady stream of electric arc furnaces that will be put into operation...

People won't need their high-end steel products at that time, their technology blockade, and their banned products will no longer have any effect on Huaxia!

At that time, they will have nothing to do with Huaxia. On the contrary, Huaxia will seize their many advantages and weaknesses!

By the time...

Big trouble!