Chapter 501 Building a new type of armor

Chapter 501 Building a new type of armor

"It's melted, it's finally melted!" Xiao Jun wept with joy.

"Start removing impurities." Xiao Jun gave instructions to the steward of the galaxy.

The robot inside started to move.

The melted dense gold metal liquid in the electric arc furnace was taken out, and after cooling for a while, it quickly turned into a glowing red metal block.

The press machine began to thump and thump.

Some impurities in the red iron block were backlogged out...

In the days that followed, Xiao Jun began to research dense gold metals. First of all, he wanted to add some other metal elements to make it more stable, and its hardness, corrosion resistance, strength, toughness, etc. could all be improved.

Try adding seven or eight metal elements such as rare earth, osmium, mercury, chromium, etc., to see how the chemical reaction will be.

This experiment lasted about a month.

Finally, the improved version of Mijin came out!

"Hey, this secret gold has finally met my requirements." Xiao Jun smiled faintly.

The parameters of the dense gold in front of me are as follows: high temperature resistance can reach 100,000 degrees, yield strength is greater than 89,000 kgf/mm2, and tensile strength is greater than 95,000 kgf/mm2. As for its corrosion resistance, it is terrifying. It was soaked in a tank of high-concentration sulfuric acid for a month, and nothing happened when it was taken out. Can't corrode it at all!

In the following week, Xiao Jun began to forge the main parts of the energy-absorbing device.

Of course, other metal parts of the steel suit are manufactured in an instant. At that time, all other parts of the steel suit will be made of dense gold, so the defense ability of the steel suit will reach a terrifying level!

"Hey, I also built the energy-absorbing device!" Xiao Jun laughed.

"Congratulations, boss!"


Everyone congratulated again.

"Hey, my new steel suit is made. The energy-absorbing device is very useful. This new steel suit of mine can indeed be stored in the nuclear bomb. However, it is only stronger than my original nano suit It's just doubled. I'm still not satisfied with the material." At this moment, Tony erupted.

"Oh, what do you say?" Xiao Jun became interested.

"Doctor Doom said that he fought against Thanos. If you have a new type of steel suit, you are still no match for Thanos. But you should be able to escape." Tony said dissatisfied.

"Oh?" Xiao Jun frowned slightly.

"So I plan to develop a stronger steel suit. I will continue to learn artificial human technology from Dr. Gero. I want to create a stronger suit!" Tony said solemnly.

This time, this guy was very serious. He felt that Dr. Gero's top artificial man could definitely fight Thanos. You can even beat Thanos! Of course, after Thanos has six gems, it will be hard to tell the outcome. But the strongest artificial human, the bigger and stronger, the result is really hard to say. At the beginning, Super Saiyan 4 couldn't beat Super Android 17.

"Dr. Doom discussed with me, and plans to go to the Milky Way together to find new breakthroughs. He knows a brand new material, that is stellar material! When a star is about to be annihilated, it will collapse rapidly to the inside due to the influence of gravity. Afterwards, white dwarfs, pulsars, or black holes will be formed. Among them are the super materials we need! It is not impossible to build artifacts by then! I will build an artifact armor by then!" Tony's heart is very big.


"Papa papa..."


"I think you can also combine Dr. Gero's other technologies to create an artificial human artifact armor. Maybe after you develop this technology, you will become a beast in an instant." Saiboda laughed. .

"Well, I also have thoughts about this." Tony nodded seriously.

"Then is Doctor Doom's goal the same as yours?" Xiao Jun asked.

"No, he has another goal now, which is the source of life! He knows that there are protoss in this universe, and even stronger species. He has become stronger step by step from a mere mortal. He feels that he needs to study the protoss to find out what is the source of life. When did it start? Why are human beings so fragile? He thinks that human beings are low-end creatures. Protoss should be higher creatures, and what he is studying now is the path of evolution!" Tony laughed.

"I see!"

Xiao Jun nodded.

It has to be said that both Doctor Doom and Tony's brains and lofty ideals are much more avant-garde than theirs.

At present, Xiao Jun can't keep up with their footsteps.

First of all, the first own conditions are not allowed.

Second, the world I live in is not as scary and advanced as Marvel.

Don't say anything, I haven't seen any aliens yet.

To be honest, the most powerful existence in the Marvel world is probably compared with the most powerful group of fantasy.

"It's too fantasy, I'd better develop my own technology." Xiao Jun shook his head. After finishing this new steel suit, he will need to conduct research on genetic enhancement.

He knows that the super soldier serum is not his final destination, he needs to develop a more powerful strengthening fluid, at least to live a thousand years or something.

Two or three hundred years old is too short.

Another half month passed, and Xiao Jun's new steel suit was finally created.

But the weapon still needs to be built by him.

There are standing weapons.

There are several ultimate weapons in the works though.

First, the energy wave attack weaponry that Dr. Gero gave him, and several others. Although he knows how to make these weapons, it will take some time to make them.

In the past three months, the development of the Galaxy Group has once again returned to its heyday!

In the global high-end mobile phone market, Galaxy mobile phones occupy more than 90% of the market share.

In the global new energy vehicle market, BYD new energy vehicles account for 80% of the market share.

Among them, the remaining market share was snatched by Tesla for more than 16%.

After all, although Tesla's new energy vehicles are not as good as BYD's new energy vehicles, they are still good, so there is still a big market in Europe and the United States.

As for the pharmaceutical industry, Yinhe Pharmaceutical Company has launched more than one thousand medicines.

At present, most of China's imported medicines do not need to be imported. All can be obtained here at Galaxy Group.

Cheap and easy to use!

It made the world's top 15 pharmaceutical companies want to cry and faint in the toilet.

As for the steel industry, it is also steadily rising.

Every situation is a good rhythm.

Another month later, Xiao Jun's new steel suit is finally complete!

The weapon is also built and installed.

As for actual combat, there is no opponent yet. to be tested.