Chapter 503 Shocking the World

Chapter 503 Shocking the World

The principle is that a powerful aero-engine is used to inject compressed air onto the track, so that a layer of air cushion several millimeters thick is formed between the bottom of the train and the track, thereby lifting the entire train and suspending it on the track surface. Then use the propeller engine installed in the back to push the train forward. This kind of train is usually called "air levitation train". Because it seems to be supported by an air cushion, it is also called "air-cushion suspension train".

France is the first country in the world to build air-cushion trains. In the 1960s, two air-suspended railways were built on the outskirts of Paris and Orleans, one with a length of 18 kilometers and the other with a length of 6.7 kilometers. Several operational tests have been carried out. The test speed of the train is kilometers per hour. The air-cushion vehicle used in the suburbs of Orleans in 1969 is 26 meters long, 3.2 meters wide, 4.35 meters high, weighs 20 tons, and can carry 80 people.

But overall, it is still not mature enough!

So there's nothing much to say at the moment.

"I want to see what kind of technology my gravitational levitation train is!" Xiao Jun checked.

Gravitational Suspension Train Technology: The core technology - eliminate the gravity (gravity) rail technology, let the train and the ground (earth) gravity (gravity) reach a balance, let the train levitate. Get rid of the gravity and gravity of the earth, but make it very balanced, not like the weightlessness of outer space... The gravitational maglev train reaches the critical point of balance due to the disappearance of the gravitational force of its orbit, making it suspend in the air. touches the ground, so is only subject to resistance from the air...

After reading a bunch of introductions, Xiao Jun had a general understanding in his mind.

In other words, its principle is similar to that of a suspension train. It's all about allowing the train to levitate.

It's just that the levitation train uses the principle of electromagnetic levitation, while the gravitational levitation train uses the principle of gravitational levitation. Everyone knows that the earth has gravitational force, which is produced by the gravitational force of the earth on objects near the ground.

Everyone knows that in outer space, the gravity of the earth is negligible for the spacecraft, so when traveling in space, you need a little propulsion, and you can glide far and far.

Similarly, this gravitational levitation train is also the same, so that a gravitational and gravitational vacuum zone appears on the train and rails, so that the train is suspended like outer space! Then through the propulsion of power, the purpose of driving forward is reached.

Gravitational suspension train: the maximum speed can be 1100 kilometers per hour!

"Damn it, oh my god!" Xiao Jun was shocked after seeing this speed.

The superconducting maglev train in the research of the island country is 590 kilometers per hour, and the fastest high-speed rail today is 600 kilometers per hour.

But Xiao Jun's gravitational levitation train can reach 1100 kilometers per hour, so terrifying! It is almost double the speed of others.

"Hey, fortunately, this time I got a production line, no research is needed, no need for anything. I just need to build a factory building, install a production line, and it can be produced immediately. In this way, my gravitational levitation train will be available soon. It is." Xiao Jun grinned.

"It's time to tell the world."

Three days later.

In the huge venue of the Shenzhen Science and Technology Convention and Exhibition Center, thousands of people appeared here.

People from all walks of life, as well as many friends from the media.

Xiao Jun personally appeared this time!

"Dear guests and friends, hello everyone, I am Xiao Jun, chairman of the Galaxy Group! Today, I want to announce a big news. That is, our Galaxy Group has developed a brand new train technology. That is— — Gravitational levitation train technology. The current technology is very mature. It is applying for the construction of a test train... I hope that in half a year, an even gravitational levitation train can be built for testing!" Xiao Jun laughed.

"Our gravitational levitation train is similar to the levitation train and the air cushion levitation train, but our gravitational levitation train is more advanced, with a maximum speed of 1100 kilometers per hour! The gravitational force and the gravity vacuum zone make the train levitate like outer space! Then it is propelled by power to achieve the purpose of moving forward..." Balabala, Xiao Jun introduced it after a while.

After hearing this, everyone below was shocked.

"What? Gravitational suspension train technology? Can reach 1100 kilometers per hour? Bragging? So fast? As fast as a passenger plane!"

"Gravity levitation technology? This is a brand new technology. It sounds quite reliable."

"So powerful?"

"Research out? Ready to build trains and tracks for real trials?"

"General jet airliners are around KM/H. The speed of civil aviation airliners is generally 900 km/h. The cruising speed of Boeing 737 can reach Mach 0.75, which is nearly 918km/h. The fastest cruising speed of Boeing 747 can reach Mach 0.98, which is nearly 1120km /h is the fastest. The speed of civil aviation airliners is generally 900 km/h. The cruising speed of Boeing 737 can reach Mach 0.75, which is nearly 918km/h. The cruising speed of Boeing 747 can reach Mach 0.98 at the fastest, which is nearly 1120km/h. .Others, such as 320330340 or 767, are also between this data. The fastest civil aviation record is that the Concorde can reach Mach 2, which is about 2600km/h, but it is no longer allowed to fly... You said your gravitational levitation The train can reach 1100 kilometers per hour, which is terrifying!"

"Mr. Xiao, is this true?" A reporter still couldn't believe it.

"Of course it is true. Of course, the final result depends on the test results. After half a year, you will know the truth of what I said. We plan to build a 50-kilometer test gravitational levitation train track in the next six months to conduct experiments. ! When the time comes..." Xiao Jun continued talking nonchalantly.

"This time, the research and development of the gravitational levitation train, our Galaxy Group has spent a total of 120 billion! It is estimated that we will spend another 100 billion! I believe that within a year or two, the gravitational levitation train may be able to meet you for real... ..."


There was warm applause.

The news quickly spread all over the world!

All countries are shocked.

Although many people doubt it, when they think of the Galaxy Group's awesome R&D technology and survival technology, they all have to choose to believe it. Generally speaking, it seems that Xiao Jun, the chairman of the Galaxy Group, has never boasted.

Therefore, the reliability is very high.

Although the Galaxy Group has not come up with any real technology yet.

Anyway, many people in the major media questioned it, and many people chose to believe it, um, believe it blindly!

No way, the Galaxy Group has been creating miracles.