Chapter 506: Guessing the Level of Life at the Stellar Level

Chapter 506: Guessing the Level of Life at the Stellar Level

Originally, during this period of time, Xiao Jun was frantically researching the science of genetic evolution.

He also summed up some experience and basic knowledge from Erskine, Dr. Banner, Dr. Gero and others. At this moment, he has a bold guess and research direction in his mind!

If this research direction is successful, it is estimated that he will get a great opportunity for evolution!

First of all, after the super soldier serum and the incomplete Hulk serum are stimulated and mutated by gamma rays, the Hulk's combat effectiveness is absolutely perfect for abusing Captain America.

In other words, Xiao Jun is very optimistic about the genetic evolution direction of this gamma ray!

He knows that human beings will definitely die more when exposed to gamma radiation, and gamma rays may also ionize your genes. After ionization, your genes will mutate, and there is a high probability that your genes will be deformed.

Gamma rays are the highest energy form of light. The rainbow of visible light with which we are most familiar is simply part of a much larger spectrum of light—the electromagnetic spectrum. Across the red end of this rainbow (with longer and longer wavelengths) are infrared, microwaves, and radio waves, and across the violet end (with shorter and shorter wavelengths) are ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.

A beam of gamma rays carries at least 10,000 times more energy than a beam of visible light. Unlike the Hulk, gamma rays are not green, but because they do extend beyond the visible spectrum, gamma rays don't have any color that we can describe.

Exactly how Bruce Banner survived his transformation is unknown. Just as high doses of X-rays are often fatal, bursts of gamma rays can kill the average human. Gamma rays could hit electrons the way a bowling ball hits a wicket. These charged particles can break any chemical bonds they encounter, creating molecular fragments that can act as toxins.

Simply put, a gamma bomb probably won't turn Bruce Banner into the Hulk. Instead, it could quickly turn him into a corpse succumbed to radiation sickness, or burn him to ashes instantly. In other words, Dr. Banner's mutation accounted for 99% of his luck. If it weren't for the huge luck factor, he would probably be a corpse now.

At the same time, gamma rays are one of the rays emitted when atoms decay and disintegrate, and belong to a type of electromagnetic waves. Across the violet end of the electromagnetic spectrum are ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. Compared with visible light, gamma rays have the characteristics of short wavelength, high energy, and strong penetrating power; they are similar to X-rays but have stronger penetrating power than X-rays, and are the highest energy form of light.

Gamma rays are at least 10,000 times more energetic than visible light. The dose of gamma rays existing in nature is extremely low and will not cause harm to the human body; however, if the human body is over-exposed to gamma rays, there is a risk of carcinogenesis. Gamma rays can cause DNA in the cells of organisms (DNA) breaks and then causes cell mutation, loss of hematopoietic function, cancer and other diseases. If an ordinary person were exposed to the gamma bomb that Dr. Bruce Banner experienced, he would be more likely to die of radiation than become a superhero.

"However, from the above points, it can be seen that gamma rays are a kind of high-level energy at the cosmic level! How can this kind of energy be studied thoroughly? Then, maybe I can unlock the key to the evolution of high-level life!" Xiao Jun fainted in his heart. Some excitement.

Now, he basically has a research direction.

He knows that countless radiation and electromagnetic signals are shuttled in the universe, but the earth is protected by the geomagnetism and atmosphere, and human beings will hardly suffer too much damage from cosmic energy. But the earth is not an absolutely safe planet. After all, even the abnormal sunspot activity of the sun will have a great impact on the earth. In addition to the countless meteorites and asteroids in the universe that pose a fatal threat to the earth, there are also threats in the form of energy. Examples include gamma-ray bursts that vaporize stars.

Gamma-ray bursts are the most violent explosions in the universe, a devastating burst of energy produced by a supermassive star collapsing and exploding as it dies, or by the merger of two dense celestial bodies, such as a black hole Or a neutron star. The duration of gamma rays can reach several hours, or it may be as short as only one-thousandth of a second, but the energy released is very huge. The energy released in a few minutes can reach that produced by trillions of suns in a year. The sum of sunlight, the energy of just one photon is hundreds of thousands of times that of sunlight.

The power of a gamma-ray burst is so strong, so once a gamma-ray burst occurs, a large area will be emptied around the erupting celestial body, and no life can escape this intensity of attack, gamma-ray bursts will erupt regularly Clearing 90% of space in the galaxy will prevent any life from developing into advanced species, which may be related to the fact that no advanced civilization has been found in the universe. Even our earth has been attacked by gamma rays, which caused a mass extinction 500 million years ago. Fortunately, the distance is far enough, and the energy of the rays has been consumed in large quantities, otherwise the earth may be gone.

"A star named wr104 8,000 light-years away from the earth is a star that is about to die, and it is very likely to produce a gamma-ray burst. Once it hits the earth, even if it is 8,000 light-years away, humans and the earth life would die from atmospheric destruction."

"If I can use this star death explosion to generate a huge gamma ray to mutagenize a strengthened serum... wouldn't it be?" Xiao Jun's ambition suddenly swelled.

He knew that the Hulk's gamma rays were the gamma rays triggered by the explosion of the bomb. There is simply no comparison between such gamma rays and stellar explosions. In other words, the energy of gamma rays produced by star explosions is the purest and most advanced!

If you can use it well...

I get excited just thinking about it.

However, before that, Xiao Jun had to figure out how to make gamma rays work for him, use them safely, and study them!

Otherwise, it is useless!

Even Dr. Hulk has been researching for more than ten years and still has no clue. It is also a huge project for him to continue researching!

Next, Xiao Jun has a new plan.

1: Study gamma rays through.

2: If you can integrate the energy of gamma rays into the enhanced serum and use it for yourself, there will be no distortion when using it!

It's easy to say, but it's probably as difficult as it is to do!

Gamma rays, the most powerful rays in the universe, are so easy to study?

But Xiao Jun knew that if he wanted to evolve, he had to rely on this gamma ray.

It is definitely the secret of the star-level life hierarchy!