Chapter 517 Mechanical Thief

Chapter 517 Mechanical Thief

That is to say, Xiao Jun's No. 5 gene-enhancing potion now has an enhanced effect that is even better than that of Hulk. Although the Hulk is strong. But after he transforms into a green monster, it doesn't look very beautiful in general.

But Xiao Jun is different, the second form is an enlarged version of himself, still very beautiful and full of explosive power!

It's time to take this No. 5 genetic enhancement drug to see if it can resist gamma rays.

Xiao Jun took a No. 5 gene enhancement potion and handed it to a robot.

The robot walked into the laboratory and began preparing to inject the enhanced potion into a lion.

After half an hour.

Inside the metal cage, a beast six meters high and ten meters long appeared.

Yes, the beast.

I saw that this lion had grown two long fangs, just like the saber-toothed tiger before. There are also barbed bones on the back. There are five in total.

There are also a pair of protruding bone spurs on the front feet, which look very fierce. It gives people the feeling of a prehistoric monster.

"Roar!" At this time, the lion was very angry. After his strength increased, he beat the dense gold iron cage violently.

Mijin was even slightly dented by the beating.

You can imagine how powerful it is.

After all, Mijin can resist the existence of nuclear bombs.

"Master, everything is ready!" Steward Yinhe said to Xiao Jun.

"Okay, start releasing gamma rays!" Xiao Jun said in a deep voice.


Gamma rays are turned on all at once.

In an instant, gamma rays enveloped the lion.

"Roar!!!" After the lion was radiated by gamma rays, it roared angrily! Very angry, obviously he knows that this gamma ray poses a huge threat to him!

bang bang bang!

He started to slap the dense golden cage with his front feet frantically, trying to escape from here.

Unfortunately, secret gold is not so easy to break.

"The lion's cells are being polluted by gamma ray radiation, and the lion's body begins to produce and metabolize rapidly, replacing all cancerous cells!"

"Currently, the lion's pollution has reached 5, and it is slowly improving..."

"The lion's newborn metabolism is starting to slow down..."

Soon, ten minutes passed.

The steward of the galaxy is reporting the data one by one.

Looking at the experiment report this time, Xiao Jun's eyes became brighter and brighter. Because he saw that the lion that had used the No. 5 gene enhancement drug was able to slightly resist the pollution of gamma rays!

Although the current state of the lion will slowly be polluted by gamma rays, and may eventually die. But it resisted for 10 minutes now, and it was only polluted 5 in total! In other words, the more powerful a creature is, the more it can resist the pollution of gamma rays!

Of course, this is just a gamma ray with relatively low energy, which is completely incomparable with the gamma ray erupted by a star explosion. But even for the weak gamma rays, it appears to be resistant. It proves that Xiao Jun's research direction is right, doesn't it?

What about the number 6, 9, and 100 gene enhancement agents in the future? Maybe it can really resist the invasion of gamma rays?

"The situation is getting worse. The lion's current metabolism is getting slower and slower, and its healing ability is getting worse. The contaminated area is expanding... It has expanded to 40 at present!"

"The vitality of the lion is rapidly dissipating..."

"The lion has begun to deform!"

"The pollution has reached 80, and the lion is completely deformed! Turned into a monster!"

Xiao Jun also saw through the surveillance display that the original 'saber-toothed tiger' had turned into a yellow-green monster with a whole body. Six eyes, eight legs, and two wings. Three heads, the whole body is covered with colorful scales. And the wings and legs were rotten, which looked very disgusting.

Especially its eyes have turned crimson. Bite anything you see.

It is currently gnawing madly at the golden cage.

But it couldn't bite through the dense gold, it could only leave shallow marks on it.

The teeth are broken, keep biting, the gums are broken, keep biting.

It looks very scalp-numbing, it is completely a monster without a thought!

"The strength seems to have tripled. Is this another strengthening after the distortion?" Xiao Jun frowned slightly.

An hour later, the lion ended up as a deformed monster.

A mindless, thoughtless monster.

"Its life energy is slowly decreasing. If it continues like this, it is estimated that it can live for about 3 years." The steward of the galaxy said after some calculations and speculations.

"Three years?"

"It seems that this experiment has completely failed." Xiao Jun shook his head helplessly.

However, although it failed, it also proved that the direction of his research was correct.

In the future, we still need to work hard.

U.S. Emperor News: The night before yesterday, the Minmin Bank was looted. A total of 30 million US dollars was robbed, as well as hundreds of catties of gold bars! There was extensive structural damage at the scene. It is suspected that the suspect has powerful firepower and a high-tech team.

No one has taken any pictures of the suspect today.

American Emperor Evening News: Last night, the civilian investment bank was robbed, and a total of 20 million US dollars and more than 200 kilograms of gold bars were robbed... There was also a lot of building damage at the scene. Many people were killed...

A shocking photo was captured on the mobile phone of the sole survivor.

That is the looter is a robot!

It is about 2 meters tall, can fly, and has high-tech weapons and equipment.

The 20 cm thick steel wall was directly blasted by its weapons.

According to experts' guesses, the Galaxy case and the previous six bank robberies were committed by the same person. That's what the experts tentatively call - the mechanical thief.

At present, various departments have begun to send various elites to intercept this criminal, hoping to arrest and bring him to justice as soon as possible.

US Emperor Daily: Shocked, mechanical thieves were robbing a bank again today, but they were quickly discovered by Jingfang, and many elites were sent to intercept them, even 4 armed helicopters and 2 F22s were dispatched. None of them were successfully intercepted.

And 2 armed helicopters exploded in the air, and an F22 was shot down...


The mechanical thief has been classified as an SSS-class super criminal.

Urge all major banks to close their doors and windows...

"Fack, so awesome?"

"My God, isn't this sci-fi? So powerful?"

"Who the hell is this? Researched such an amazing mechanical battle suit? Hanging F22?"

"Alien technology?"

Suddenly, the whole world was shocked.

You know, it is not easy to kill F22.

It proves that people's speed, weapons, and various things are very advanced.

Anyway, the people on the US side are having a headache now.

for this guy.