Chapter 519 Hijacking

Chapter 519 Hijacking

Shenzhen city, airport.

Brady got off the plane and took a deep breath: "The fresh air in a foreign country is good!"

With a large suitcase in his hand, he walked out of the airport.

Get in a taxi and go straight to a hotel.

After checking into the hotel, he turned on the computer.

"I didn't expect the boss to ask me to investigate the Galaxy Group this time. It would be best to capture a high-level executive to see what's going on with the Galaxy Group. This mission is really a little exciting." Brady was very satisfied with this mission. .

He knew that in the past six or seven years, the development of Galaxy Group was like riding a train! Endless high-tech. Even their power looked sideways after seeing it.

Among them are virtual games, neutrino communication, and the new energy power generation technology of the galaxy reactor. Space mining, these four technologies are indeed epoch-making developments.

As for semiconductors, they are only slightly ahead of the world, which is not very epoch-making. It can only be said that it has achieved the number one in the world.

Now his boss is asking him to investigate whether this Galaxy Group has any secrets!

Immediately, he started working in front of the computer.

"Well, Xiao Jun, the chairman of the Galaxy Group, goes to the Galaxy Building most of the time, but he hasn't been at the headquarters in recent months. He's not at home either, so I don't know where he went. However, Su Ci, the second-in-command of the Galaxy Group, has been They are all working at the headquarters, it seems that we can ask her to have a look." Brady thought to himself.

In fact, Xiao Jun has been staying in the Yinhe Research Building on the other side of Wucheng for the past few months, staying at home.

"When you have time now, you can hack into the Galaxy Group and see what secrets this Galaxy Group has!" Brady's mouth curled up, and his hands were clattering on the keyboard. A super virus was quickly entered.

"Attack the Galaxy Group network!"

Soon, the attack unfolded.

Far away in Wucheng.

Xiao Jun just finished busying with the things in his hands and was about to go to eat.

Suddenly, the steward of the galaxy spoke.

"Report to the owner that the Galaxy Group's computer and network have been hacked. There were 30,484 attacks in one minute! It has been completely intercepted by me. But this time the hacker level is very high."

"Oh, someone attacked again?" Xiao Jun frowned slightly. For this kind of attack, which happens from time to time, he has long been used to it.

"Investigate who hacked me!" Xiao Jun said.

"Yes, master."

"Hey, it's interesting. It's the first time I can't get in. There's something about this Galaxy Group. It doesn't look easy!" Brady showed a hint of surprise on his face.

But the more this happened, the more excited he was!

He doesn't want to play with weak chickens.

"Huh? Anti-hack me?" In the next second, he saw that his computer was under attack.

And the attack is very violent!

"Fack, so strong? Immediately launch the strongest defense!" At this time, Brady panicked. Immediately took out the strongest defense.

"Slip away, if you continue like this, you will definitely be found out." A minute later, Brady immediately withdrew from the confrontation.

"It seems that this Galaxy Group is really not easy!" Brady felt some respect in his heart.

"Report to the master, the enemy has slipped away. The opponent's resistance is also very strong, and I can't break through the opponent's defense for a while." Galaxy Steward said.

"Well, it's okay." Xiao Jun said it didn't matter. He knew that his Galaxy Steward artificial intelligence had only been upgraded by him to a hacker's ability program, so he had been standing still all these years. He felt that even if he was standing still, it would be much beyond the level of the earth. Unexpectedly, this time, a person close to the ability of the steward of the galaxy will appear. I have to say that human beings are really smart, and they are always making progress!

The next day, Su Ci got up early in the morning to wash up, put on some light makeup, went downstairs and ate the loving breakfast her mother made for her, and then went out.

Outside the door, a commercial vehicle was already waiting for her.

It's her driver and bodyguard!

"President Su, are you going to the headquarters today? Or to another subsidiary?" the driver asked.

"Go to the headquarters." Su Ci said flatly.


Su Ci has been much busier in the past two years than before.

She almost became the second in command of the company.

Xiao Jun handed over most of the things to her. I just want to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

So she is basically busy every day!

Today, she is 28 years old! From a freshman who graduated from a university, he followed Xiao Jun, from the Galaxy Film and Television Special Effects Co., Ltd. to the current president of the Galaxy Group!

She is definitely the first group of veterans to follow Xiao Jun.

Fortunately, she was born suitable for business, with a smart mind and vigorous office methods. There is also a terrifying ability to learn, so she is always improving.

On the contrary, the other group of veterans are basically relegated to the second line at present, because they are not strong enough. In this life, that position is probably a pension position.

After coming to the company, she started a new day of work.

"Hey, Mr. Xiao hasn't been at the headquarters for the past few months, and I need to deal with most of the things. I have a headache." Su Ci rubbed his forehead.

At this time, a flying robot suddenly appeared above the Galaxy Building.

However, at an altitude of thousands of meters, no one saw it!

"Lock the target!" High in the sky, Brady quickly searched for Su Ci's location through the penetrating scanning device of the machine armor. At the same time verified the identity!

"Then, let's get started, I want to see if there is any mysterious existence in the Galaxy Group." Brady showed a hint of ferocity at the corner of his mouth. He didn't intend to engage in a sneak attack, and he didn't intend to investigate slowly. He just wanted to tear off the other party's mysterious veil directly and quickly.

That's right, he wants to force his way into the Galaxy Group!

He wants to see who is hiding behind the Yinhe Group!

Brady flew down in an instant while driving the robot armor.


There was a loud shattering sound of glass.

The window pane of Su Ci's office was violently shattered.

As soon as Su Ci turned his head, he saw a flying robot!

It's like a robot in a sci-fi movie that can fly!

"Help!" Although Su Ci was terrified, it was still the big man who saved his life. No matter who the other party is, it is definitely not a good thing to force in anyway.

Brady's robot armor immediately stood in the office.

He stared at Su Ci closely, but the machine armor turned on the defense system and the search system, intending to face the hidden attack of the Galaxy Group at any time.

The glass was broken, Su Ci screamed, and soon the secretary next door and the employees outside knew that something must have happened, and rushed in one by one.