Chapter 529 Investigation

Chapter 529 Investigation

The news quickly reached Xiao Jun's ears.

On this day, Xiao Jun also came to the headquarters of BYD Motor Company.

Inside the conference hall.

"Mr. Xiao, the electric motor and car battery technology of this emerging future technology company is indeed a step ahead of ours. It is my fault that our technology has not made much progress this year." President Wang Dafu said with some guilt.

You must know that the battery technology provided to him by Xiao Jun at the beginning had a battery life of 1,800 kilometers. It took more than a year and two years to improve by 100 kilometers.

"Mr. Xiao and Mr. Wang are all my fault. Our R&D department failed to entrust us with important tasks and make a huge breakthrough." The chief technology officer of the technology department said with a face of shame.

"We also made mistakes..."

Many high-level officials bowed their heads in guilt.

"Well, it's good to know your mistakes, and it's good to know your own shortcomings. This time is a good lesson. We started very high back then, and once the technology came out, we became the world's top. But for more than a year, you can indeed be said to be standing still. Why did this happen? It's because you underestimated the enemy, you didn't have a sense of urgency, and you always felt that your own skills were difficult to surpass. No, the face hurts now, right?" Xiao Jun said expressionlessly.

"You should be aware that technology is developing and civilization is progressing. It's like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Once you stay where you are, you will soon be caught up by others. You should know this. But you know it, but you don't pay attention to it. This led to the current situation." Xiao Jun said with a sullen face.

In the conference room, everyone dared not show their atmosphere.

Obviously, they all knew that Xiao Jun was angry.

"Mr. Xiao, I am willing to give up the year-end bonus! It is my punishment." The Chief Technology Officer said in shame.

"We are all willing." Several senior executives in the technical department are willing to bear the consequences of mistakes.

"En." After hearing this, Xiao Jun nodded lightly and continued: "It's good to know that it's good to bear the consequences, but now I want to make a little request to you, I only give you half a year, and you must develop something beyond the future. Electric motor technology and car battery technology of technology companies. You don't need to consider R&D funds. No matter where you go to recruit people, or how to experiment, you must do it. Otherwise, you will be fired after half a year!"

Xiao Jun felt that it was necessary to do this!

Otherwise, are you eating dry rice?

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone felt Alexander.

"any questions?"

"No!" Everyone replied loudly.

"very good!"

After returning to the company headquarters, Xiao Jun held another high-level meeting.

Senior executives from all subsidiaries came to participate.

"I believe you all know about the future technology company. Their company's motor and battery technology has advanced over our BYD car company. Therefore, there is a serious problem from here. Traveling is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Today BYD Automobile Company is being hanged up by others, and tomorrow it may be replaced by your company. Therefore, you can't stand still, you must make technology more advanced and launch more advanced products. Whether it is a semiconductor company or a mobile phone company Is it a virtual game company, a new energy company, or a communication company..." Xiao Jun glanced at the dozens of senior executives present.

Seeing this, all the high-level officials sat upright.

Obviously, Xiao Jun is very angry this time, and they will suffer accordingly!

"So, in the next six months, I like your companies to focus on the top priority of developing new products. Do you know?" Xiao Jun said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao..."

"Especially in the semiconductor, mobile phone, and computer industries, we must pay close attention to developing new technologies!" Xiao Jun said.

He knows that this future technology company is also involved in the semiconductor industry, but it has not yet launched new products. However, according to the strength of this company, it is estimated that it will be launched in a short time. It must still be the kind of blockbuster technology product.

So, now Xiao Jun inoculates these guys first!

Otherwise, they will follow in the footsteps of BYD and be hanged and beaten.

Of course, Xiao Jun can also choose to take out more advanced technologies from them, or develop more advanced technologies himself, but he doesn't want to do that now.

If you rely on yourself all the time, what's the point?

The company has developed to this level, and we cannot rely on him for everything.

This is also the reason why he vigorously developed independent research and development 2 years ago!

"Yes, Mr. Xiao!"

After this meeting ended, Xiao Jun accepted many media interviews.

No, they are all blocked at the door, there is no way.

So he skipped a few reporters' questions to answer.

"Mr. Xiao, Mr. Xiao, what do you think of the future technology company from the United States that has developed more advanced motor technology and car battery technology than BYD Motor Company?" A beautiful reporter asked.

"First of all, I admit that this company's technology is indeed better than ours. But this is only temporary. I believe my company will soon develop more advanced technology. I don't want to lose in the field of new energy vehicles. It's okay to lose once, but you can't keep losing." Xiao Jun said lightly.

"Mr. Xiao, have you ever thought about acquiring this future technology company?" Another reporter asked.

"No idea!" Xiao Jun shook his head.

"Mr. Xiao, it is said that the future technology company is currently cooperating with several traditional car companies. Those traditional car companies may rise again by then. What do you think?"

"It's nothing. Their resurgence is due to their hard work. The competition in the market is like this. It depends on who can continue to have the last laugh!" Xiao Jun laughed.

"Galaxy Steward, let me investigate this future technology company. Please be more detailed." Xiao Jun said to Yinhe Steward.

For this future technology company, Xiao Jun feels that it is not always that simple.

Of course, maybe he was thinking too much.

Still good to check.

"Okay, master."

After half an hour.

"Master, this company was only registered half a year ago, with a registered capital of 10 million US dollars. The first round of financing was raised a month ago, and the financing was 1 billion US dollars. I checked your company's information, but I didn't find its predecessor. What research institute is it? I hacked into the company's network, but I didn't find anything substantial. However, there are several named researchers of this company, as well as the information I learned from the company's internal monitoring. The academic qualifications of these guys are likely to be forged." The steward of the galaxy said.

"En? Interesting! Is it a black technology company?" Xiao Jun chuckled.