Chapter 535 Monster?

Chapter 535 Monster?

"Let me go!" A strong red-haired man who looked about thirty years old said in a deep voice.

"Okay, Krones, I am very relieved that you are going, so this time we will leave the face of our red umbrella to you."

"No problem. This time, I'm also going to inquire carefully about the power of the Galaxy Group." Krones said with a grin.

Three days later.


Xiao Jun had just returned from a business trip that day.

On the road around the city, he drove the car towards home.

Suddenly, a ray of light shot down from the sky, directly blasting towards his car.

A large pit with a diameter of 100 meters appeared directly on the ground. The energy of the explosion became a small mushroom cloud.

Amidst the flames, a steel suit flew out.

In the sky, Xiao Jun saw a ten-meter-tall robot appearing not far from him, and the two sides were confronting each other.

That's right, this enemy is one of Red Umbrella's deacons, Krones!

The robot he was driving was the latest model of their Red Umbrella. It was seven or eight times stronger than those armor suits in terms of defense and weapon speed!

"Huh? The reaction is quite fast!" Krones said with a grin.

"Big guy, you're so ugly!" Xiao Jun sarcastically said. The wheel is beautiful, but his steel suit is the most stylish and handsome!

"Ugly? It's enough to kill you!" Krones said disapprovingly.

Boom boom boom!

Immediately, the two started a battle in the air!

All kinds of dazzling weapon attacks appear.

Lasers, energy cannons, ion cannons, particle cannons, quantum cannons...

Various energy shields and various methods emerge in endlessly.

"Are you from the Red Umbrella? Well, this big ugly guy is quite resistant this time, but if this is the only way you can do it, then I'm going to say goodbye to you. You'd better give it to you before it's too late." Send a message from the headquarters to ask them to call for stronger people." Xiao Jun said with a chuckle.

"Damn it, why is your steel suit so strong?" Krones was shocked. At this moment, his armor has already caused 30% damage in the confrontation just now, and if this continues, the armor has already been scrapped.

On the other hand, Xiao Jun's steel suit is fine!

Think about it, energy shield protection.

Energy-absorbing devices absorb energy!

There is also this super metal of Mijin!

You want to hurt my Iron Suit? Think too much!

"Hey, what's the matter, do you still have to struggle needlessly?" Xiao Jun curled his lips and said.

"This armor of yours has already reached the defense level of an angel. It has to be said that it is very powerful, but you want to use external force to keep me, hehe, it's not that simple." Krones laughed.

"Oh?" Xiao Jun became interested.

"I thank you." Krones snorted coldly, and flew directly to the sea behind.

"Want to run?! Eat me!"

Boom boom boom boom...

Xiao Jun immediately fired the particle cannon!


Krones' huge armor was instantly submerged by the explosion.

During the explosion, the remains of a piece of armor fell to the ground.

fell into the deep forest.

"Huh, isn't he dead?" Xiao Jun's steel suit detects that among the wreckage of the opponent's armor, that person is not dead!

"Do you want to use the terrain to escape?" Xiao Jun flew down quickly.

"Huh? I lost my tracking target. Is there something blocking the signal on the other party?" Xiao Jun frowned.

Suddenly, a big man appeared behind him, and Xiao Jun's steel suit was kicked out.

The steel suit stopped in the air. Turning around is a shot!

Boom boom boom...

A forest in front of them exploded into pieces.

"Hahaha... After all, the robot's reaction is not as fast as that of a human, only the acceleration in a straight line will be very fast! When it comes to close combat, it is impossible at all!" Krones grinned. Dodged to avoid the shell attack of the steel suit.

"Haha... I'm leaving, bye!" Krones knew that he would not be able to break through the iron bumps of the steel suit, so he could only plan to run away.

He is so confident because he is very fast, and he can use the terrain and the weapon shield on his body to shield the opponent's weapon attack. The opponent's weapon can no longer be intelligently tracked. It is possible to control and launch weapons with the naked eye.

However, with his flexible positioning and super speed, the opponent will definitely not be able to hit him!

Sure enough, Xiao Jun soon discovered this too.

"Well, do you think I have nothing to do with you?" Xiao Jun directly touched the steel suit, revealing his real body.

"Want to run? No way!" Xiao Jun disappeared in a flash.

Soon Xiao Jun caught up with Krones!

"What? You are so strong?" Krones didn't expect that Xiao Jun was not an ordinary person.

"Hey, give me a punch!" Xiao Jun punched out directly.

Krones, who couldn't react in time, was punched and flew out!

"Ah!" Krones crashed into countless trees.

When he got up, Xiao Jun came to him again, bang bang bang!

In an instant, Krones' nose and face were swollen from the beating.

"Hahaha... just this little power?" Krones laughed ferociously.

I saw that in the next second, his height began to increase rapidly, reaching a height of three meters. At this time, he had a green face and fangs, his whole body was covered with pitch-black scales, and he even had a tail on his back!

The whole person looks like a monster!

"Are you, a monster?" Xiao Jun asked in surprise.

"Quack quack... ignorance! This is the power of evolution, do you understand the power of evolution? You don't understand! I really want to crush you right now, because you made me so embarrassed just now." Krones yelled loudly and turned into a wave The afterimage rushed towards Xiao Jun.

The speed is several times faster than before!

Xiao Jun was directly knocked out!


He was hit and flew hundreds of meters away!

"Oh, the strength is not small. The speed is also very fast!" Xiao Jun stuck in the dirt.

"Are you all right?" Krones was a little stunned at this moment.

"Hehe, why should I have something to do? But, your punch just now hurt a lot." Xiao Jun tore his shirt, and there was a sunken fist mark on his chest.

The depression is estimated to be five centimeters!

"I also really want to try it out, what is my strength!" Xiao Jun smiled slightly, and his whole body was also soaring!

It didn't stop until it reached 2.3 meters!

"You...have you also been evolved?" Krones was astonished.

But it may be a high degree of genetic enhancement, not necessarily evolution!

"Hehe, guess what!" After Xiao Jun finished speaking, his figure flashed.

A punch hit Krones in the face.

Krones was directly sent flying hundreds of meters away.

A few teeth are missing!

"So strong?" Krones was serious. The strength of the opponent is stronger than before! It doesn't feel strong.

But his self-confidence is not bad, and his recovery and healing ability is very strong!