Chapter 540 Cao Gang's Change

Chapter 540 Cao Gang's Change

"This company needs to send someone to investigate. If possible, catch the leaders of these people and ask about the situation. Maybe we can force out the power behind this company." Xiao Jun thought to himself.

Now he really wants to find out what secrets exist behind these forces. Why have they sprung up like mushrooms recently? They only appeared in the last one or two years!

All this needs him to figure out.

Others don't have the strength to figure it out, but he does!

Especially the red umbrella, he has a problem with this force, it is best to uproot it and get rid of it.

Soon Xiao Jun picked up a phone: "Cao Gang, come to my office."

Soon, Cao Gang came to Xiao Jun's office.

"Mr. Xiao, what can you do with me?" Cao Gang asked respectfully. Now Xiao Jun is definitely his re-created parents. Back then, he was just a security guard on the street, and he was ruthlessly dumped by his girlfriend.

Since he joined the Galaxy Group, he was appreciated by Xiao Jun and used the super soldier serum. He is really a blockbuster. Not only does he have a generous salary, but his strength has also been improved to a level that was unimaginable before.

It can be said that he has counterattacked the hanging silk!

After the counterattack, he didn't show off in front of his ex-girlfriend, because he was not like that. That ex-girlfriend is no longer the original ex-girlfriend. He knew that everything in the past could not go back. Only good memories remain.

However, one day he unexpectedly ran into his ex-girlfriend!

It was a rainy day, and he drove his newly bought Audi A6 to dinner, and met his ex-girlfriend in the restaurant. And of course the ex-girlfriend's current boyfriend. However, the two quarreled in the restaurant.

It's a breakup!

That guy is breaking up with his ex-girlfriend!

Because the man's family introduced him to a woman who was prettier, had a higher education, and had a higher income than the ex-girlfriend. So this man intends to abandon her.

Cao Gang's ex-girlfriend was only a junior high school graduate and worked in a factory. After abandoning Cao Gang and being with that man, she stopped working.

If that man had a better introduction from his family, of course he would not want to be with the factory girl. The woman's family also has a suite, with a monthly salary of 20,000, and the two parties are well-matched, so of course the man gave up without hesitation.

On that day, Cao Gang watched his ex-girlfriend cry heart-rendingly, but the man showed no mercy, left 20,000 yuan for abortion, and left.

Cao Gang didn't chase that man, nor did he beat him. He just walked up to his ex-girlfriend and handed her a tissue.

When she saw that it was Cao Gang, she burst into tears and threw herself into Cao Gang's arms.

She cried and told that the man was playful, that the man had a problem with his character, that the man loved the new and disliked the old, and that the man didn't pledge each other forever.

In short, she cried regretfully.

However, Cao Gang was not moved. He knew that the ex-girlfriend in front of him had changed from the ex-girlfriend he knew back then.

It was raining harder and harder, and he drove his ex-girlfriend home in an Audi A6. When his ex-girlfriend saw that Cao Gang was driving an Audi A6, she was very shocked and asked him when did he buy it?

Cao Gang said that he had just bought it not long ago, and his ex-girlfriend asked what job he was doing now and how he had the money to buy a car. Cao Gang replied that he worked for the Galaxy Group and was one of Xiao Ju's personal bodyguards.

The ex-girlfriend's eyes widened after hearing this, and she continued to cry, saying that she was blind and shouldn't break up with Cao Gang. She always thought that Cao Gang was a potential stock, and that man was a beast. Regretted, she asked Cao Gang if he would accompany her to the hospital for an abortion, and she wanted to start over with Cao Gang.

Cao Gang shook his head and refused, sent her downstairs to her house and left.

The girl stood in the rain and was crying...

The next night, Cao Gang found the ex-girlfriend's boyfriend and secretly killed him, making him disappear from the world forever.

However, Cao Gang never saw his ex-girlfriend again, and he knew that his last knot was gone.

Now, Cao Gang is born as Xiao Jun's man and died as Xiao Jun's ghost. He is only loyal to Xiao Jun!

"Assemble your staff, bring enough equipment, and head to the United States in three days. Your mission is to investigate this Glory Pharmaceutical Company. It is best to arrest the boss of this company for interrogation. There is something wrong with this company." Xiao Jun said lightly. the way.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao." Cao Gang didn't ask why, and he did whatever Xiao Jun asked him to do!

Now he is a sharp sword in Xiao Jun's hand!

"At that time, I will go there together, and then we will set off together." Xiao Jun said.

"Yes!" Cao Gang nodded.

This time Xiao Jun plans to bring 50 steel suits and 20 super soldier serums.

That's right, he recently administered Super Soldier Serum to 50 people. As for the steel suit, he has been making it all the time.

A total of 300 steel suits have been produced so far.

200 of them are stored in the research building and can be dispatched at any time.

The other 100 steel suits are used to protect family members and themselves who often use them.

Taking precautions, with these confidences, he is not afraid of any force, anyone!

Three days later, Xiao Jun went to the United States on a special plane.

This time it was a secret trip.

This glory pharmaceutical company is located on the Los Angeles side of the United States.

Glory Pharmaceutical Company Headquarters.

Bruce sat in his office, listening to his subordinates' reports.

"A lot of hackers have attacked our company recently? It's okay, let them attack."

"There are still many forces sending agents to infiltrate our company? Hehe... just let them infiltrate, and they will be wiped out by then." Bruce didn't care.

After all, now that this life-extending potion has been researched, it has the function of enhancing physical fitness, and many forces on the earth are closely watching it. If Bruce hadn't shown his strength in secret, it is estimated that the company would have been swallowed up long ago.

"Is there any movement over the red umbrella?" Bruce asked a young man in a black suit.

"Boss, there is no movement yet. I don't know what I'm doing."

"Well, it seems that after the conflict with the Galaxy Group last time, the red umbrella has settled down a lot. However, this also sent a huge message to people, that is, the Galaxy Group will also become one of our enemies. We want to rule the earth in the future, in addition to the red umbrella, there is also the Galaxy Group." Bruce said in a deep voice.

"Boss, do you want us to send someone to investigate this Galaxy Group?"

"Not yet, we still have a lot to do." Bruce said lightly. There are many tasks assigned to him above.

Half a year later, their dark star will be directly displayed in front of the world!

They want to announce their existence strongly!