Chapter 542 Strong Enemy Strikes

Chapter 542 Strong Enemy Strikes

In addition to the above, Xiao Jun also learned a shocking secret! That's about the Dark Star Organization.

Originally, the Dark Star Organization only appeared three years ago.

And Bruce joined this Dark Star organization only 2 years ago, well, he shouldn't have joined, but he was forced to join. At present, the strongest person in the Dark Star Organization, that is, the leader, can not be called a human being at all. It should be called an alien gene biochemical person assimilated by aliens.

The leader of this dark star is called Aubrey, and he is Bruce's cousin!

Three years ago, Aubrey discovered an alien spacecraft on the bottom of a certain sea in the Pacific Ocean. After entering, I found that there was an alien in the spaceship. Immediately afterwards, he was possessed and assimilated by this alien with only a little bit of life left. He has become an alien gene biochemical with half alien genes and half human genes.

From that day on, Aubrey started to establish the Dark Star Organization, with the goal of ruling the Earth, and it has been developing wretchedly for the past 2 or 3 years. Now in just three years, it has already possessed a huge force. It's just that the world doesn't know it.

Bruce was also forced to join by his cousin!

In addition, there is another piece of news that shocked Xiao Jun, that is, Aubrey has successfully sent the coordinates of the earth to those aliens. At the same time, the jumping wormhole interface has also begun to be manufactured.

Soon the first aliens will descend on Earth!

These aliens are not from the Milky Way, nor the galaxies near the Milky Way, but the alien races in very distant galaxies. Even Aubrey didn't know how to describe it anyway. After all, the universe is huge!

But the technology of these aliens is extremely advanced, and every alien is very powerful, and humans will definitely not be opponents by then. These aliens are called Nash aliens.

When Xiao Jun learned this information, his whole face became serious. Sure enough, there are advanced civilizations in this universe, and they don't belong to the Milky Way. I don't know if there is any in the Milky Way.

But no matter what, if these aliens really appear, they will be Xiao Jun's greatest enemy!

I wonder why these aliens came all the way here?

At this moment, after the effect of the medicine wore off, Bruce finally woke up: "You, what did you do to me? You, you read my memory?"

"Hmph." Xiao Jun snorted coldly.

"Hahahaha... so what, you will have to pay a heavy price later, I have a locator on me, and my cousin will find it in a short time. He is very powerful, you just have to wait obediently Die!" Bruce's face was crazy and ferocious.

He hated Xiao Junna very much, after all his limbs were all crippled. Even if you don't die, it's meaningless to live like this.

Unless, unless my cousin can turn himself into that half-alien creature that is neither human nor ghost!

"Huh? Then, go to hell!" Xiao Jun didn't bother to talk nonsense with Bruce, so he just kicked OK!

In the next second, Xiao Jun suddenly felt a fierce sound of piercing through the air behind him!

Xiao Jun felt a sharp pain in his back, and he was thrown flying.

It was thrown hundreds of meters away, broke countless rocks, and stopped countless trees.

"Kill my cousin, die to me!" Aubrey roared, and punched again.

This time, Xiao Jun raised his arms in low gear!


Xiao Jun was sent flying again, but this time he stabilized himself after being sent flying more than ten meters.

And Aubrey was also shocked back a dozen steps!

"You are the leader of Dark Star, Aubrey?" Xiao Jun narrowed his eyes and stared at the humanoid monster in front of him. It was four meters tall, with dark red skin, three eyes, and a pair of tiny fleshy wings on its back. There is also a small tail.

The whole body is thick dark red hair!

It looks like a monster!

"Yes, I am. You are very strong!" Aubrey looked at Xiao Jun coldly. Just now, he was knocked back more than ten steps, which proved the strength of the other party. And the hammer he attacked just now didn't kill this guy, and he didn't even seem to be injured.

"Hehe... so you are a monster who is not human. Why should you be such a half-alien monster when you are not human?" Xiao Jun chuckled.

"Huh? You knew it from Bruce?" Aubrey said in a deep voice.

"Of course!" Xiao Jun nodded.

"Who are you? Who is the force behind the Galaxy Group!? Are you also supported by aliens?" Aubrey asked.

"Guess?" Xiao Jun chuckled.

"By the way, what do you know about the red umbrella?" Xiao Jun asked.

"Red Umbrella, hum, those guys are just puppets of the Red Maru Stars." Aubrey laughed.

"Hongwan aliens? Aliens who are not of the same race as you?" Xiao Jun was a little surprised at this moment. He didn't expect that Hongwan turned out to be another alien race.

I have to say, there are so many strange things this year.

"Say, why do you want to invade the earth? You should belong to a high-level civilization, why do you want to invade a low-level civilization planet like the earth? The universe is so big, why do you keep staring at the earth." Xiao Jun asked puzzled.

"Well, so there are no aliens behind you?" Aubrey grasped the loophole in this sentence very keenly.

"You can also understand it in this way." Xiao Jun didn't deny it either.

Surprisingly, the two didn't do anything, but were talking.

"Hahahaha... Why do we want to invade the earth? This question is very good, and I am not afraid to tell you. All this is because the catastrophe is approaching, and most of the races in the universe will not be spared. However, I found that If the earth is at the edge of the universe, it may be able to escape the catastrophe of the universe! Therefore, you humans, low-level animals, are still not worthy of having such a good planet as a home. The earth should belong to our Nashi people! No, not only It's the Earth, the entire solar system!" Aubrey said a little crazy.

"Oh? Don't forget that you were once a human being. Are you not afraid of becoming a historical sinner for human beings by attracting aliens like this? Besides, you can go to the Milky Way, the Milky Way is so big." Xiao Jun mocked.

"Hmph, shut up! What do you know? The Milky Way will also be destroyed by a gamma ray burst. Only the solar system is one of the most fringe places in the universe. Only here may not be destroyed by a gamma ray burst. Although the Milky Way is very fringe, it is not as fringe as the solar system!" Aubrey said with a hint of fear.

After Xiao Jun heard this, there was a huge wave in his heart!

Cosmic catastrophe? This catastrophe is a gamma ray burst?