Chapter 545 Evolution Experiment

Chapter 545 Evolution Experiment

Soon, the high-level officials of all forces knew the news that aliens were going to invade the earth, and all the forces began to prepare for battle one after another.

This tense and serious atmosphere spread silently all over the world.

Of course, ordinary people don't know this yet.

After all, there is no benefit in publishing this kind of thing, but it will cause panic.

What's more, no one knows when this alien will appear. Maybe next month, maybe half a year, maybe a year, maybe three years or ten years.

At this moment, all the forces are feeling the pressure, and they are all in unison. The internal intrigue has subsided instead.

Spend a lot of money on making weapons!

The same is true for Xiao Jun, who spends a lot of money on making weapons.

It will be a long battle in the future. He must take advantage of the time now to prepare more. Not only a large number of materials that require pharmaceutical steel battle suits, etc., but also a large amount of such materials.

If it is lost in the future, it will be replenished quickly.

Another is to prevent future logistics interruptions.

In addition to manufacturing weapons and storing materials, Yang Zhi also built many secret bases in various places.

It is for the convenience of resisting aliens and the safe transfer of your own family in the future. There are also various strategic transfers for myself at that time.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

On this day, in a secret villa, Yang Zhi used No. 5 gene-enhanced serum for Su Ci!

Su Ci advanced smoothly and became a powerful woman!

During this period of time, the red umbrella completely disappeared.

Of course that dark star was also fragmented, their boss was wiped out by Xiao Jun. But there must still be residual power tucked away in various places. Xiao Jun has nothing to do with these people for a while. They really want to hide, and it is not so easy to find.

But Xiao Jun sent many people out to search. It still eliminated many vital forces of the Red Umbrella and Dark Star forces one after another.

Marvel Universe.

In the endless starry sky of the Milky Way.

A huge spaceship is slowly floating in space.

Inside the spaceship, Tony, Dr. Doom, Dr. Banner, Mister Fantastic, etc. are frantically busy in the laboratory inside the spaceship.

"The experiment that has been prepared for so long is finally about to begin." Dr. Doom said with a gloomy gaze.

"Yeah, it's either success or failure! If we succeed, then we have found the way of future evolution. If we fail, uh, we will immediately abandon this spaceship and leave." Tony laughed.

"Hope it works!" Dr. Banner laughed.

"That's right, since Dr. Banner managed to become the Hulk by mistake before, it's not impossible for us!" Mister Fantastic said.

"In that case, get ready." Doctor Doom said solemnly.

"The surveillance system is on!"

"Test system open!"

"The observation system is on!"

"The experimental equipment is all normal!"

"Everything is working fine!"

"Okay, let's start the group live broadcast, and let the group of friends witness this historical moment with us." Doctor Doom laughed wildly.

"Fakfak, are you finally going to start this great experiment?" Shelton said excitedly.

"Hahaha... I wish you success. This wave of live broadcasts is good." Takishima Comey looked forward to it.

"Come on, I see you succeed!" Saiboda laughed.

"Come on, come on!" Bulma said softly.

"Come on for you guys," Xiao Jun also said out loud.

To be honest, he really hoped that Dr. Doom would succeed. After all, he also likes the strength improvement in this aspect very much. If the No. 6 gene enhancement agent can resist ordinary gamma rays and thus obtain genetic life evolution, then his strength will be greatly improved. When the time comes to face those aliens, you will have more confidence!

At present, these situations Xiao Jun is facing have not been mentioned to the people in the group.

Let's take a look at this experiment first.

At present, only by myself.

In the spaceship, in the laboratory.

A lion that had been treated with gene serum No. 6 was locked in a huge special alloy cage.

In addition to these special metals, this cage also has Dr. Doom's ultimate curse magic trapping the lion. After all, after this lion had used the No. 6 gene-enhanced serum before, it was already very powerful.

If these methods were not used to suppress it, it is estimated that it would have escaped long ago.

At present, only Doctor Doom can slightly suppress this lion!

"Everything is normal, and it landed on an uninhabited planet in ten minutes. Then start the experiment."

Ten minutes later, the spacecraft began to land on an uninhabited planet.

After the spacecraft landed, the entire laboratory was separated from the spacecraft and placed on land.

Doctor Doom and the others are planning to conduct experiments here. If the experiment fails or succeeds, if the lion explodes, they can escape in a spaceship and let the lion do whatever he likes on this barren planet.

"Start evacuating!"

"The lab will automatically start the experiment in one minute!"

Soon the spacecraft flew away from this barren planet. Doing this is also for your own safety. After all, a large-scale gamma-ray experiment will be done later. It's still too dangerous to stay down there!

On this barren planet, the laboratory has started a countdown.

"Start releasing gamma rays!"


Gamma rays are being released.

"Didididi...the lion's cells began to be polluted with gamma rays."

"Dididi... the lion's cell pollution has exceeded 10!"

Roar! ! !

The lion was hurt and began to become manic and restless, trying to escape from here. But trapped by the special metal and the magic curse of Doctor Doom, he couldn't get out at all.

"The lion's cells are undergoing crazy metabolism..."

"Dididi... the lion's cells began to mutate, and a new type of polluted mutated cell appeared..."

"The lion is frantically healing itself..."

In the outer sky, Dr. Doom and others watched the changes of the lion under the pollution of gamma rays through the monitoring system.

"I dare not say about the current situation." Tony said in a deep voice.

"Hope it works!"


"Dididi... the lion's contaminated cells have exceeded 40! At present, the lion's gene has shown a huge lesion..."

"Roar!!!" The lion struggled frantically. The special technology was deformed by it!

Even Doctor Doom's forbidden magic fluctuated violently, as if it would be broken at any time.