Chapter 548 Life and Death Evolution

Chapter 548 Life and Death Evolution

In a certain secret base, Xiao Jun is currently staying on the 20th floor underground. This secret base was completed half a year ago. It is one of his dozen secret bases.

"Let's record a video first!" Xiao Jun didn't know whether he succeeded or failed this time, so he decided to record a video.

"Parents, hello wife and children. The situation is not good now, so I have to carry out this life-and-death evolution to make myself stronger. I don't know whether this evolution is life or death. Of course, I hope this video will be the best for you." I won't see it. If I fail, I hope you can persevere. Maybe the situation in the future will be very bad, but I believe you can go on..." Xiao Jun said for about half an hour before finishing the recording.

"Master Yinhe, if I fail this time, send this video to my family, and your future master will be my wife. At the same time, you must protect my family!" Xiao Jun instructed the steward Yinhe.

"Yes, master."

After finishing the order, Xiao Jun also left ten bottles of No. 6 gene-enhanced serum for his family. Right now they are just using gene 5 fortified serum. This No. 6 serum was Xiao Jun's last gift to them.


"Everyone, I'm going to conduct the gamma ray evolution experiment~" Xiao Jun said calmly to all the group of friends.

"Fuck, the group leader is in such a hurry? Why don't you wait for the follow-up stable experimenter to come in person?" Shelton said in amazement.

"Boss, what's going on, don't be in such a hurry, although Dr. Doom's lion experiment was successful, but we haven't tried our own experiment yet!" Takishima Hui persuaded.

"No, I've already decided. I'm going to broadcast live and synchronize the data now! Then I can provide you with an extra piece of experimental data..." Xiao Jun said in a deep voice.

"Group leader, are you in any trouble?" Tony asked.

"We are indeed in trouble. There are two powerful alien races invading! With my current strength, it is not enough to completely contend." Xiao Jun said.

"I see, if my space-time shuttle can travel between the universe and the universe, then I will bring an army of robots to help you! It's a pity that my current time-space shuttle can only go back in time and travel between the universe and the galaxy on my side. Shuttle." Saiboda said regretfully.

"It's okay, it's up to people." Xiao Jun smiled lightly.

"Master, everything is ready, spare No. 6 gene-enhanced serum, nutrient solution... and so on are ready!"

"All the instruments are turned on, and all the security defense systems are turned on."

"The gamma ray machine is ready to start at any time." The steward of the galaxy reported one project after another.

"Okay, 30 seconds countdown, ready to start the experiment!" Xiao Jun said in a deep voice.

"Yes, master."

Since Xiao Jun had used No. 6 enhanced serum before, he didn't need to use it for the experiment now. As for those equipped, they are just in case, for emergency use.

"Gamma-ray energy bursts start to fire!"

A ball of light was released suddenly, and Xiao Jun felt as if he was thrown into the magma to take a bath.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body was in excruciating pain, the pain was so painful that he wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself.

Every cell is polluted by gamma rays. Countless cells die in an instant, and countless cells are reborn here, and then polluted again...

"Ah!" Xianjun was in so much pain that he didn't want to live anymore, the skin on his body was all broken, and blood flowed out desperately.

"Fuck, it's too miserable, I feel that I dare not do such an evolution in the future!"

"Yeah, it hurts just looking at it."

"No way, this is what you have to do if you want to become stronger!"

"Group boss, come on!"

"The current situation is just the beginning, may the group leader's dream survive!"

"Currently, the owner's body has more than 10 cell lesions!"

"Currently, the host's body cells are mutating, more than 5..."

"Currently, the number of contaminated lesions in the host's body cells has reached 80!"

"Currently the host's body has 100 diseased cells"

"The situation is critical. The owner's vitality is rapidly draining. There are only 30 mutated cells in the body. If this continues, the mutated cells in the body will not be able to complete all the mutations and will die..."

"Have you failed?" Xiao Jun has become a blood man at this moment, and he can feel the life potential of his body is rapidly draining.

"It's over, the group leader's situation is not good!" Doctor Doom frowned.

"Then what should we do?" Tony also panicked.

"No, I can't wait to die like this! Steward of the Galaxy, inject me with a No. 6 gene enhanced serum, and then inject me with 3 nutritional supplements!" Xiao Jun planned to gamble.

"Yes, master."


After all these things were injected into his body, Xiao Jun felt his body heat up, and then the powerful energy of the potion exploded in his body.

His diseased cells instantly became active again under the powerful energy battery life.

"The variation of cells in the host exceeds 40!"

"Master's body cells have more than 50 mutations!"

"Okay, this is a reversal. The situation is improving. Maybe the group leader will evolve successfully!" Dr. Doom exclaimed, Xiao Jun's personal experiment gave them too much data, which will bring great influence to their future personal experiments. Here comes the huge reference.


An hour later, Xiao Jun completely evolved, yes, he succeeded!

The whole person reached three meters high!

The muscles of the whole person are crossed, giving people a sense of great strength.

His hair turned dark purple, and even his blood turned dark purple!

The whole person gives people a feeling of power and incomparability.

As for the body, there are no other changes, only the body has become bigger.

"Successful!" Xiao Jun clenched his fist, he felt that he could blow up a planet now!

"Back to normal posture!" Xiao Jun suddenly returned to the normal state, with a figure of 1.9 meters, he looked harmless to humans and animals.


"My God, congratulations to the group leader!"

"Group leader, tell me your acceptance speech!"

"Boss boss, how strong are you now?"

"It should be very powerful."

"I don't know. Anyway, I don't think I will die easily now. I feel that my strength can blow up a planet with one punch! Also, the damage caused by the gamma ray burst in my laboratory has been reduced by more than half. It's no longer a threat, I guess only the gamma ray burst produced by the explosion of a star will pose a threat to me!" Xiao Jun said in a deep voice.

"Fuck, such words are invincible!"


"It should be much better than me~" Doctor Doom said.

"It seems that our research on the direction of gene evolution is right!"

"Yes, we should be able to carry out research on gene No. 7 enhanced serum~"

"Well, I think I'm going to do an evolution experiment too!"