Chapter 564 Battle

Chapter 564 Battle

In the afternoon, Xiao Jun was enjoying the warm sunshine in the coffee shop, reading a book quietly. Sometimes he enjoys this quiet time when he is fine.

Suddenly, the steward of the galaxy sent him a voice alarm!

"Master, the radar detector on the moon has detected a fleet of spaceships breaking into the edge of the solar system! Fifteen of them are large spaceships..." The steward of the galaxy reported the specific information of the fleet of Benimaru Tenba and others to Xiao Jun.

"What? Is there an alien fleet attacking?" Xiao Jun frowned. He didn't expect the second wave of attack from the Hongwan aliens to come so quickly. The opponent did not appear directly on the earth, but came from the Milky Way, so it proves that the opponent must have a follow-up fleet.

This time the fleet is also more than the previous spaceship!

Then there is only one explanation, this time the real war is coming!

"Master of the Galaxy, immediately send this news to the major forces, and at the same time let them prepare for combat at any time, and set off to stop the aliens in an hour!" Xiao Jun said seriously.


Soon, all major forces received messages from the steward of the galaxy, and everyone was shocked to see this!

"What? The Benimu Stars are here again?"

"Okay, this time the real battle is coming, let's start preparing."

"This time the Galaxy Group has made a statement, they will take the lead, and we will follow behind!"

"I don't know what advanced weapons the Galaxy Group will send out this time?"

"Let's start preparing."

The major forces have been united before, so now there must be too much discussion to act, and the ministries will send people and fighters first. When the time comes, friend Xiao Jun will unify the command!

"Xiaotong, take your family and hide in Base No. 1 first. The battle is about to begin!" Xiao Jun immediately called his wife.

He didn't know how many Benimaru Stars came this time, and how many enemies were as powerful as Benimaru Korang, or even stronger enemies. Anyway, arrange the family members first!

Only in this way can he fight with peace of mind!

Lin Xiaotong who received the call didn't talk nonsense, nor was she mother-in-law, but acted immediately.

"Galaxy steward, start the plan, first send 1000 steel suits, and then send 100 combat spaceships! Ten minutes later, immediately set off for outer space!" Xiao Jun said solemnly.

"Yes, master!"

Soon, Wu Yiping also said that their 300 Dragon Soul fighters were ready.

Then the U.S. emperor also called, and 1,000 of the latest fighter jets are ready, and they are also capable of outer space combat...

Then other forces reported one after another.

There are a total of 10,000 fighter planes and hundreds of small outer space combat spaceships.

There are many advanced weapons on the ground, ready to snipe the enemies who want to land on the earth!

After everything is ready, set off.

Boom boom boom...

Xiao Jun boarded a spaceship and began to lead many troops into space to fight!

Let's not talk about Xiao Jun's fleets, even the fleets of the major forces have a certain combat effectiveness after upgrading their technology and weapons. Even the flying speed is five or six times happier than before.

Soon everyone came to the outer space of the earth!

"Master, the Benimaru star fleet has arrived near Mars, and is rushing towards us!" The steward of the galaxy reported again.

"Well, it's not slow." Xiao Jun nodded.

"Let the fleets of people from all major forces stay here in the outer space of the earth. I will take our steel suits and spaceships and meet with the other party for a while!" Xiao Jun laughed.


Soon the message was conveyed.

Wu Yiping and others knew that although their Dragon Soul fighters or fighters from other forces had the ability to fight in outer space, the combat range was at most only around the moon, and they couldn't reach Mars at all. So they didn't force anything. Think of yourself as the second line of defense!

"What's going on? I haven't contacted Benimaru Korang yet, so he's really dead, right?" Hongmaru Diba frowned.

"Haven't you been in touch yet?" Benimu Tianba said with a dark face. If this is the case, then it proves that Benimaru Korang is really in danger. But how could such a powerful clansman die in the Shankara of the earth?

Do people on Earth have the strength to kill him?

His first thought was impossible!

"It's rare that it's the dark star people's tricks? It's rare that the dark star people have come to the earth?" Benimu Diba said thoughtfully. They all know that the earth was also discovered by the dark star people, maybe the dark star people also landed on the earth secretly?

If this is the case, the fall of Benimaru Korami is not impossible!

"Forget it, ask someone to keep in touch. We will have to find out later whether the Dark Stars have come to Earth. If they do, we will choose to stay in the solar system first and wait for most of them to come. If not..."


"Report to the general, tens of thousands of earthlings' aircraft have been detected in the outer space of the earth!" A Hongwan star came in and reported.

"Huh? Show me."

Soon the fleet of Xiao Jun and others appeared on the big screen.

"Huh? Didn't you mean that the people on earth have low-level knowledge of aircraft technology and spaceships? Why does it look different now!" Benimaru Tianba said nervously.

He also saw a fleet flying towards them quickly, that speed is not slow!

At least it is not the technology that people on Earth should have.

"It's rare that these are all Dark Star people?" Benimu Diba guessed.

"Very likely! But no matter what, we will attack with all our strength later. These aircraft are not the standard aircraft of the Dark Star people. I guess that there are not many people from the Dark Star people coming to Earth, and there are not many weapons. These may be temporary use of the Earth." It was built with resources. It shouldn't be very powerful, and it's enough to kill it in one go! At that time, hmph, the earth will be ours." Benimu Tianba said with a grin.

"Okay! Hahahahahaha..."

"Expand the formation! Release our small fighters and large mechs!"

"Hey, only a small part of the opponent's fleet has come, and the rest are staying in the outer space of the earth. Is this a tentative attack by the opponent? Hehe, are you delivering food?" Benimu Diba sneered.

Although the distance between the two sides is very far, at the speed of the current aircraft, they will be close to each other after half a day!

The distance between the two sides is not very far.

"The entire fleet puts up the energy shield! The combat spaceship starts to attack the enemy with naval guns!" Benimaru Tianba said loudly.

"Yes, pass on the order..."

The 20 main combat spaceships set up their energy shields one after another, and each mouthful of naval guns extended from the surface of the spaceships, aiming at Xiao Jun's fleet flying over from a distance...