Chapter 573 The Decisive Battle Is Coming

Chapter 573 The Decisive Battle Is Coming

Their Benimaru star clan has existed for tens of thousands of years. The furthest estimate can be traced back hundreds of thousands of years ago. Among them, they have experienced two catastrophes of destruction.

According to the only records of some ancestors, the first catastrophe broke out, and the whole clan had tens of billions of people, only a few dozen survived. These dozens of people happened to be exploring the fringe universe because they were an exploration team. I was very lucky, so I only escaped once.

After having the first experience, and the second catastrophe, their tribe was lucky to find a marginal area, so they escaped the catastrophe here. However, the second catastrophe was even more violent than the first.

That time, out of tens of billions of people, only a thousand or so survived.

Because gamma ray bursts are still too powerful. It still involves the marginal universe zone they found at the beginning. So only the more than a thousand strong clansmen survived. The other clansmen died of blunt radiation lesions due to their weak strength.

They investigated and summarized, and the edge area they found for the second time is still not very good.

This third time, they found the earth, based on their various guesses and estimates. It is estimated that the solar system is better than the last two zones, maybe this time my people will be safe and sound.

This led to the family relocation this time.

Speaking of this relocation, they originally had billions of people. Due to the constant dangers along the way, they also encountered many other races in the universe, and they fought and killed them. Now there are only hundreds of millions of people left in the Milky Way.

It has to be said that this is a bloody relocation.

"I hope that this time when the catastrophe comes, the edge of the solar system will be better than the last two times. Don't be irradiated by gamma ray bursts." Benimu Tiandi muttered to himself.

The edge of the solar system.

A huge fleet suddenly broke in.

A piece of black hemp.

The radar monitoring base on the moon and the monitoring satellites in the outer space of the earth all discovered their existence for the first time.

The headquarters of the Galaxy Group.

Xiao Jun just had a rest today, so he came to the company to have a look.

Suddenly, the steward of the galaxy began to warn.

"Dididi...Master, the monitoring radar has discovered a huge alien fleet coming from the Milky Way!" The steward of the Milky Way immediately sent the image to Xiao Jun, which formed an image and appeared on the wall of the office.

Xiao Jun looked at the huge fleet and narrowed his eyes: "At this time, this huge fleet should be the main fleet of the Hongwan Stars. The decisive battle is finally coming!"

"Master of the Galaxy, share this news with all the forces immediately! We will also prepare immediately, and all the aircraft and armor will go to outer space!" Xiao Jun said in a deep voice.

"Yes, master."

At the same time, Xiao Jun also told his family members the news and asked them to prepare themselves. If it's not good, you can escape from the earth. Their current strength is about the same as that of Xiao Jun. Self-preservation should be no problem.

They all took the No. 6 gene serum, and at the same time, under the stimulation of gamma rays, they can reach the strength to smash the earth with one punch.

"What? The Benimaru star fleet is coming?"

"Is it so fast? I thought it would be a little later."

"Forget the time, half a year has passed, what should come will always come. It's just that we are not fully prepared yet."

"Let's go to war!"

"Notify the people below that all aircraft have taken off and are preparing to assemble in outer space according to the original plan."

"Start to enter the combat state, and everyone starts to set off!"

"Come on, this time is the moment of life and death for the earth, we earthlings will never give up, fuck the Benimaru people!"

"This is the greatest catastrophe for human beings. This time, we human beings are united like never before, and we will win!"

After the major forces received the news that Xiao Jun had shared the past, each force started to act one after another. All kinds of aircraft took off one after another.

Whether it is weapons in the air or weapons on the ground, they are all ready one after another.

A fighter plane took off.

A spaceship takes off.

Large battle armors take off one by one...

On the ground, each missile is ready.

This is a decisive battle between humans and aliens.

This is a decisive battle.

It is unknown who will win the game in the end!

The aircraft that covered the sky took off.

There are a total of 50,000 fighters!

3000 battle ships!

Five thousand large armors.

Fifteen thousand steel suits.

Soon, the human fleet in the outer space of the earth will be lined up.

The large-scale space supply station in space is also opened.

It is used to support this battle.

After all, the battery life of those fighter planes and battle armor is not very strong, and they need to be refueled and battery life during the period. Otherwise, it is impossible to fight for a long time.

"Xiao Jun, are we waiting for the enemy to come this time, or are we taking the initiative to attack?" Wu Yiping asked Xiao Jun.

At this time, the Benimaru star fleet has entered half the distance of the solar system.

It is estimated that it will take less than one or two hours to reach the earth!

This is still the slowest estimate!

"Let's take the initiative and try to stay away from the outer space of the earth. We are waiting for their arrival near the moon. If we fight in the outer space of the earth, I am worried that the battle will affect the earth." Xiao Jun said solemnly.

Since the fighter planes and battle armor inside are not very capable of endurance, he knows that the combat radius cannot be too far. Otherwise, before the enemy is killed, his fighter plane will run out of fuel and crash.


Everyone nodded.

The point is that Xiao Jun also built ten large supply station bases on the moon. This time, the moon will be used as the supply point, the base station, and this decisive battle will start!

far away.

The fleet of the Benimu Stars is coming towards the earth rapidly.

"Report Your Majesty, a fleet of earthlings has appeared in the outer space of the earth, and the fleet is not small." A subordinate reported to Hongwan Tiandihui.

"Very well, we can reach the moon in 40 minutes. After 30 minutes, arrange the battle formation of the spaceship fleet and start charging. I want the people on earth to know that they are just low-level civilizations like ants. A civilization like this should have the consciousness to be wiped out!" Hongwan Tiandi said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Boom boom boom...

The mighty fleet of the Hongwan Stars approached the moon half an hour later, and began to form a charging formation.

All kinds of small patrol spaceships and large guard armors were put up one after another, in order to play the role of offense and defense.