Chapter 580 The World Is Boiling

Chapter 580 The World Is Boiling

There are reasons why Xiao Jun wants to bring Mars over. First, the Earth has too many people and its resources are dwindling.

Second, if there is one more Mars, it will be of great help to the development of human beings on Earth in the future. By then, human beings will have a second home—Mars!

Third, there are also a lot of resources on Mars. Even if the environment is not suitable for living in the early stage, it can be used to mine its huge resources for the use of the earth. Coupled with global warming of the earth, environmental pollution. When humans plant vegetation on Mars and change the climate, oxygen and other issues on Mars, then they can live.

This is the reason for the above points!

First of all, there are several main reasons why the earth is born with life, sunlight, temperature, and water. First of all, the distance between the earth and the sun is very suitable. This results in Earth's sunlight being plentiful and mild without being too hot. So the temperature is just right. In this way, after a long period of accumulation, there will be water naturally.

Therefore, with the above three basic conditions, life can be conceived.

Mercury, which is about 60 million kilometers away from the sun, has a daytime temperature as high as 427°C; Venus, which is about 100 million kilometers away from the sun, is surrounded by a thick atmosphere and has a surface temperature as high as 464°C; the earth, which is about 500 million kilometers away from the sun, has a surface temperature of The average temperature is 5°C; Mars, which is about 230 million kilometers away from the sun, has an average surface temperature below 55°C.

Why did Xiao Jun choose Mars? First of all, the trajectory is not far from the earth. Although Mars is basically a desert planet, the surface is covered with sand dunes and gravel, and there is no stable liquid water. The atmosphere dominated by carbon dioxide is thin and cold, and dust is suspended in it. A dust storm occurs. Both poles of Mars have polar caps of water and dry ice that ebb and flow with the seasons.

Compared with the Earth, the geological activities of Mars are less active. Most of the surface landforms were formed in the more active period in ancient times. There are dense craters, volcanoes and canyons, including the highest mountain in the solar system: Olympus Mons and the largest canyon: Mariner Canyon. Another topographical feature is the stark difference between the northern and southern hemispheres: ancient, cratered highlands to the south and younger plains to the north.

The main reason why Mars is like this is that it is a little farther away from the sun than the earth, which causes the temperature of the other side to be different from that of the earth. After a series of influences, it will make it impossible to breed life at all.

However, if Xiao Jun transports Mars to the same trajectory as the Earth, then Mars will receive the same sunlight from the sun, which will have a huge change in the climate and temperature of Mars.

If time goes by, maybe the climate and temperature of Mars will be very close to that of Earth, and then plant vegetation or something, maybe Mars will be the next oasis!

This is Xiao Jun's idea.

He asked the steward of the galaxy to speculate and estimate it before. It is no problem to pull Mars to the same orbit around the sun as the earth. Mars can completely revolve around the sun in this orbit!

That's why Xiao Jun had such a big idea!

Since he wanted to do this, of course he had to discuss it with other forces, so soon Xiao Jun called people from all walks of life to hold this important meeting.

In the venue, hundreds of bigwigs gathered.

"Everyone, I am Xiao Jun, the chairman of Galaxy Group. I am here today. I want to announce a bold plan for the planet, and it is also a plan that is beneficial to the future of our mankind. Everyone knows that the current environment of our earth is worrying and polluted. Global warming, mineral resources are decreasing day by day. So I plan to start a human super plan fifty years later. That is - move Mars to the same orbit around the sun as our earth! In the future, we will use dozens of Transform Mars into a second Earth in one year!" Xiao Jun said loudly.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was shocked!

"What? Move Mars to the same orbit as Earth?"

"Oh my god, this is crazy!"

"How can this be done? Bring Mars here? Who can do it?"

"Uh, it looks like our patron saint of the earth can move Mars here?"

"Same as Superman? Pull a new ball!"

"If it is possible, then our planet will not have to worry about the problem of population explosion in the future. Our resources will also be greatly increased."

"If it's possible, of course I support it."

Countless people below began to discuss.

"Mr. Xiao Jun, I don't know how to transport this Mars here. Can you do it? Or use a spaceship to pull it here?" A big guy asked.

"I don't need a spaceship, I can pull it over by myself." Xiao Jun explained.


After hearing this, everyone gasped. After all, no one has ever seen Xiao Jun blow up a planet with one punch, they just know that one punch can blow up a spaceship. But no matter how big the spaceship is, compared with a planet, it is like comparing an elephant to an ant. No, it exists smaller than ants.

So when everyone heard that Xiao Jun could pull a planet over by himself, they were all dumbfounded. Everyone knows that Xiao Jun has become so powerful. That is to say, it is useless for some people to think about it!

Because, no matter how awesome your weapon is, it's just tickling in front of Xiao Jun!

"Mr. Xiao Jun, then the size of Mars is different from that of the Earth, and the gravity is a little different. Will there be any problems when it is pulled to the same orbit as the Earth to revolve around the sun? Will there be any orbital deviation?" A big guy asked again.

After all, this question is very serious, and it is not taken for granted!

"Don't worry about this. I have a professional team that has done predictions and research, and there is absolutely no problem. Besides, if there is any data deviation, I will pull Mars out as soon as possible, and it will not affect the safety of the earth." Yes." Xiao Jun gave everyone a reassurance.

"Mr. Xiao, I wonder when you plan to implement this plan?"

"A week later, you don't need to do anything, you just need to agree, and I can pull the planet over by myself. As for where to put it, to what extent, my team and my machine prediction will calculate came out."

"What? One week is so fast, don't you need to calculate?"

No matter what, everyone finally agreed with Xiao Jun's decision.

At the same time, this news was also announced to the world.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar all over the world!

"My God, move Mars here? It's so exciting!"

"So, we don't have to worry about the earth being destroyed in the future, because we still have Mars?"

"No, no, you can't say that. The earth is still the best. Even if Mars is habitable, the scenery is definitely not so beautiful."