Chapter 586 New Call Beast Enters the Group

Chapter 586 New Call Beast Enters the Group

"It seems that this Pingming knows limited things, and I still have to explore slowly what I want to know the most. However, this golden god race also wants this inner universe, which has taught me a lot. I originally thought that the strength is very strong. It's ok. But I didn't expect that he was just a little stronger than these commoners of the Golden Protoss. Well, according to the level of the opponent, it is estimated that he is about the same level as the fifth-level fighters of the Golden Protoss." Through the database, he learned.

This golden protoss has a golden army!

Ordinary soldiers are divided into first-level, second-level, third-level, fourth-level, and fifth-level fighters from weak to strong.

After the fifth-level fighters, they are the backbone of the legion.

From weak to strong, they are the Marquis of War, General of War, King of War, Emperor of War, God of War!

A war king commands an army!

It is said that the God of War is the strongest of the Golden Protoss! He is also the supreme commander of the Golden Protoss! Generally speaking, Xiao Jun is currently in this inner universe, and his strength is very bad. He felt that it was time to improve his strength first.

Since there is no cosmic catastrophe in the inner universe, he doesn't worry so much.

The other side of the solar system is the edge of the universe. When the cosmic catastrophe breaks out, it should be able to survive.

Therefore, his only goal now is to improve his strength.

Next, after Xiao Jun got rid of this guy.

So I went to find a barren planet in the distance to hide, and started to do research.

"Student Chat Go"

"Group leader, are you saying that there is an inner universe in your universe? There are a group of golden protoss living in the inner universe? They are very powerful? Only in the outer universe can there be a large-scale gamma ray burst, such a cosmic catastrophe?" Sheldon asked in shock.

"Yes!" Xiao Jun nodded.

"So, our universe may very well be in a similar situation." Doctor Doom frowned. He has always known that in the depths of their Marvel universe, there must be more powerful beings.

Because he had encountered several very strong beings before.

They can almost destroy the existence of a galaxy by themselves.

Even, that God may be able to control the life and death of a universe?

Anyway, no matter what, the situation is gradually becoming clearer now.

"It seems that the God you are talking about is probably comparable to the dragons of the Dragon Balls on our side. How did the Dragon Balls come into being in the Dragon Ball universe on our side, and why is it so powerful? This is also a mystery. The group leader also said that Sun Wukong became the strongest in the universe in the end. That is, the Star Warrior who defeated the blackened Dragon Ball! It finally used the Qi of the whole universe to become the strongest. Can I understand it this way, Sun Wukong will eventually become the master of my universe? But who made the Dragon Ball? The power of other universes? Or..." At this moment, Dr. Gero also began to think deeply.

In other words, maybe the different universes they are currently in are all universes created by a certain power who has transcended the universe?

Or something more complicated?

Anyway, this is a bad situation for them. After all, it is a very bad feeling to have fate controlled by others.

"Let's become stronger collectively now, let's talk about it when we have the strength. Without strength, even if we know the truth, we are powerless." Xiao Jun laughed. He was quite optimistic.

"What the group leader said is that we should increase our strength first. The purple sweet potato essence from before was defeated by me!" Tony laughed. He has changed his destiny.

"Well, we have made a major breakthrough in the research of the No. 7 gene serum, and we believe that we will succeed soon." Dr. Gero smiled slightly.

"Well, I don't plan to do too much exploration in the inner universe recently, and I also plan to conduct the final research with you! Try to develop the No. 7 gene serum as soon as possible." Xiao Jun said.

Days passed like this day by day.

On this day, suddenly, a newcomer joined the group.

Li Ruisi, a professor of life genetics, applied to join the group

agree refuse

"Another one called Beast Plus Qun? But why haven't I heard of this Li Ruisi? Isn't it a character in any cultural and artistic work in my universe? Is it a character in another universe, a universe I don't know? "Xiao Jun thought to himself.

But in the next second he felt that it was not important, anyway, it was called a beast, so awesome. If it can also help the people in the group, that would be even better.


Agree was directly selected.

When Li Ruisi joined the group, the people in the group immediately became overwhelmed.

"Damn it, another beast boss has joined the group!" Shelton said in shock.

"Welcome!" Halliday laughed.

"How much is your IQ? There is no such person in the world I live in." Megumi Takishima frowned.

"The gene of life is called a beast? This will be of great help to the research in our group." Dr. Doom's tutor looked surprised.

"Calling a beast? On the same level as me?" Dr. Gero said as if he was meeting his opponent.

"Hello, everyone, this group is so amazing!" Li Ruisi expressed curiosity and shock after joining the group.

"Of course it's amazing, we all come from different universes!" Sheldon laughed.

"What, you all come from different universes? My God, it seems that my previous guess is correct. We don't just have one universe, but multiple. But how are your different universes connected? This Xueba Isn't the chat group too powerful? Is it beyond the scope of science?" Li Ruisi was shocked.

"At this time, I asked the group leader to come out and explain." Doctor Doom said with a smile.

"Ahem... To be honest, I'm also at a loss to become the leader of this group. Maybe, maybe God gave us a group of hard-working people a chance? Let's go forward and study the mysteries of each universe and even the ultimate universe ? Let our destiny change against the sky?" Xiao Jun said.

"But, I do have the power to kick people!" Xiao Jun said.

"You come from different universes? Is there a problem with your universe? The story of your universe takes place in another universe's works, film and television works? My God, it's amazing. I feel like we are in a cage now." Li After being shocked, Reese began to dignify. He knew that the people in the Xueba group had now discovered something was wrong, and they were all trying to work hard. And he is now one of them. He wants to explore his own universe too!

"This life gene is called Beast, what specialties do you have? How good are you at gene research? Please popularize science, we are short of talents in this field right now." After the two parties got to know each other, they immediately entered the topic.

To be honest, Xiao Jun is in great need of a talent like Li Ruisi right now.

I believe that the opponent is at the level of a beast, and his ability is definitely not bad!

At least comparable to Dr. Gero!