Chapter 589 The No. 8 Gene Serum Comes Out and Starts War against the Protoss

Chapter 589 The No. 8 Gene Serum Comes Out and Starts War against the Protoss

this day.

"Hahahaha... Our No. 8 gene serum has finally been developed!" Dr. Doom, Dr. Gero and others all looked up to the sky and laughed.

"The experiment was successful?" Shelton rushed over. He had been doing the experiment without sleep for the previous month. Although he said he could survive, he chose to sleep well three days ago. When I woke up, I heard that the No. 8 gene serum was successfully developed.

A year ago, they developed the No. 7 gene serum.

This No. 7 gene serum is very strong, almost capable of fighting against the high-level Protoss.

Now that the No. 8 gene serum comes out, it must be stronger!

They think that maybe they can beat everyone in the highest life protoss in the universe!

"That's right, we succeeded. Our No. 8 gene serum has completely changed our human genetic code. It seems that we are not afraid of the damage of gamma ray bursts, and we can even completely absorb these gamma ray bursts! Our No. 7 gene serum It can resist the explosion damage of gamma ray bursts in galaxies and absorb gamma ray bursts as stronger energy and output energy. Now our No. 8 gene serum can allow us to resist the gamma ray bursts produced by the explosion of the entire universe, Of course, this is theoretically possible. Because we have never experienced the explosion of the entire universe! But there is no doubt that as long as we use this No. 8 gene serum, our life code is definitely higher than all creatures in this universe Yes, even jumped out!" Doctor Doom said in a deep voice.

"That's right! We should now have the confidence and strength to explore the real universe!" Dr. Gero smiled.

"Great, great. This is the result of our hard work, but we should not relax. We still need to continue to develop No. 9 gene serum to strive for stronger. However, what we have to do now is to defeat the protoss here first Ask them if they have any secrets about the real universe! Secondly, after defeating the protoss, we will start to explore where the real universe is, and what is going on with these fake universes we live in!" Xiao Jun said solemnly .

"Yes, without further ado, let's start taking this No. 8 gene serum together." Tony couldn't wait.

"Well, I suggest that half of the people take it first, and the other half should be recorded and protected." Dr. Doom said.


Then, an individual starts taking this gene 8 serum.

Boom boom boom...

Time passed little by little.

All are very successful.

After all, there are so many series of serum bases before, all of which are in the same strain, and there is no exclusion.

A series of powerful breaths erupted in this barren planet.


The Protoss king at the center of this universe sits on his throne!

He opened his eyes, his golden pupils shrank, and he said in shock: "After 10 billion years, are the true gods coming to this cage again?"

"Decree, the whole family's high-level leaders are assembled, ready to welcome the arrival of the true gods!"


them. They are all servants of the true gods.

Hmm, it should be the Abandoned Servant.

He felt that such a powerful aura can only be possessed by the coming of the true god.

He has only one percent of the strength of the true god.

Outside the pseudo-protoss hall,

Everyone is waiting for the arrival of the true gods.

However, the true god did not wait, but Xiao Jun and others did.

"What? They are not true gods? They are human beings?" When the false god king saw Xiao Jun and others, he was stunned. Because the faces of human beings and true gods are fundamentally different.

"Haha! Let's go to war!" Xiao Jun led dozens of group friends and began to attack these false gods!

Boom boom boom...



an hour later.

Xiao Jun and others captured these high-level officials.

Start asking about the secrets of the real universe and the secrets of the many fake universes!