Chapter 12

Amelia got to her classroom and went over to Cindy who was already seated.

"Hey, Cindy."

"Hey, Melia."

Amelia and Cindy couldn't speak anymore as the lecturer got in and down to business. When it was lunchtime they went to the cafeteria,

"What do you feel like having?" Cindy asked Amelia.

"I guess the safest option would be a sandwich."

"You are right," Cindy replied.

They went and grabbed some sandwiches with juice and started to search for a place where they could sit down.

They decided to head outside as there was no way there would find a place to sit. As they headed out she spotted James and Mason.

Of course, they were surrounded by lots of girls who couldn't stop touching and inching closer to them, not that they didn't mind the attention. She could see that James and mason were enjoying the attention that they were receiving.

"What are you looking at?" Cindy asked.

"Just my brother."

"Where? Shouldn't we go and sit by him, there might be space rather than eating outside by the heat." Cindy replied.

"I wish but he and Mason are surrounded by their fan club."

"What do you mean?" Cindy asked.

"There." Amelia pointed at James and Mason.

"Whoa, so they are that popular, that James is your brother?" Cindy asked genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, he is."

"I didn't mean it in a bad way, Melia."

"No, don't they are attention whores. I stay with them so I should know that by now."

Cindy laughed when they got outside they sat by the grass where other students were enjoying their lunch.

Amelia took a bite out of her sandwich and another,

"Slow down, you might choke." Cindy laughed.

"I didn't realize how much I was starving."

"I can tell. So what are you planning on wearing?"

"Wearing? I'm not getting you, Cindy?"

"You know for the first year's party."

"There is a party for first years?"

"And we are going to be clear," Cindy replied.

"When is it?"

"This weekend. I am so excited, you know we might bump into a few hunks."

Amelia nodded, she could tell why Cindy was excited. She was pretty and had a laid-back aesthetic that made every girl want to be her.

"What are you thinking about Melia?"

"Just about the party that you mentioned."

"You are excited about the hunks you are about to pull in." Cindy grinned.

"You mean you, Sin."

Cindy's eyes sparkled, " I love it, Melia, that nickname is so perfect."

"I'm glad,"

The week went by slowly, she rarely saw James and Mason, when she did it was for a couple of minutes. They had so much going on for them that she was surprised that they weren't tired from such a lifestyle of theirs.

Girls, sports, outings, college. The list was long but they never ran out of energy, today was the day of the party for the first-year students. Mason and James had slept out for two nights in a row, she last saw them on Thursday and today was Saturday evening but she knew better.

Amelia opted to wear a black long-sleeved shirt, black shorts, and black puma shoes. When she was done getting dressed, she put on some make-up and waited for Cindy to come and fetch her.

Amelia heard the door opening and they were voices, she cringed a bit. She wasn't expecting anyone at home at this time. She definitely heard a girl's voice.

Mason and a blonde came in laughing, Mason spotted her and she smiled at both of them. Amelia noticed Mason looking at her outfit skeptically and she wondered if she didn't look nice.

"Are you going out?" Mason asked.

"Yes, I am. I'm just waiting for my friend."

"Where are you going?"

Amelia stood up when she saw that Cindy was calling her on her cellphone, "That's my queue to leave."

She went out and felt the blonde's animosity on her and wondered why. She felt Mason also watching her. She would ask Cindy if she looked weird.