Chapter 25

Mason's hand goes underneath her shirt to unclasp her bra but Amelia is pulled out of the daydream when she hears a car pulling up in the driveway which only means that James was back home.

Amelia pushed Mason off of her, who landed on the floor awkwardly. He seemed to be in a daze, "Get out of my room, James is here!"

"Oh, he is?" Mason grinned at her.

"Mason now is not the time, get out of my room"

Mason nodded, "Okay, okay."

Mason exited her room and she closed her door, what had just happened. Her breasts were swollen and her heart was racing fast. She walked over to her bed.

Amelia jumped when she heard a knock by her door,



The door opened and Amelia groaned, James walked in and sat by her bedside. "You already sleeping?"

"Yeah," Amelia replied.

Thank goodness she and Mason hadn't switched on the light because if James saw the state she was in. Yet there was light from the moonlight which made her see James a bit.

"How was your date pebbles?"

"It was great."

Amelia saw that James was worried about something else, and she wondered what it could be that was making him like this, "James are you okay? Talk to me?"

"I don't want anyone to hurt you Pebbles unless you want that kind of relationship then it's up to you." Amelia felt the sincerity in his voice.

"You mean you don't want me to get a guy that treats girls the way that you do?"

"Yeah, I would advise you to run away from guys like Mason and I pebbles. I don't know if you could take it if that sort of thing happened where they just hit it and quit it."

"What's wrong with that James? I mean you do it all the time?"

"Yeah, that's because I set the rules, Amelia. Just promise me that you will be better with your judgment. Any guy but a guy that's like Mason and I that is really bad."

The wheels in Amelia's head started to shift, a guy like Mason. Whenever James called her by her full name she knew how serious he was.

"You don't have to worry James, Mason is like a second brother to me next to you."

James laughed, "That's good to hear, and any guy like me and Mason okay?"

"I got it, father James,"

They both laughed, "I turned into dad didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did."

"Let me get to sleep too. Night pebbles and remember what I said, anyone hurts you and I kill them."

"I got it James, and I appreciate it. Sweet dreams."

With that James walked out of her room and closed her door. Amelia was left inside with her thoughts and the conversation that she just had with James.

She and Mason had almost let things get out of hand and by the sound of James, she didn't want her to be with a guy like Mason, and it would be worse in this situation as they were best friends.

Yet Amelia could not forget his touch, her breasts were tingling from it and the bite mark had a nice sting to it. Amelia sighed, things were just getting worse and worse.

She was very attracted to Mason and tonight had just proved that. She was even willing to go all the way with him, not he would be her first but her second.

But surely for Mason, she would be his millionth girl and for him, girls were just a number.

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