Chapter 28

Amelia saw that it was still dark out and it was four in the morning, and she really saw that Mason was gone. She got up a bit shakily and went to check in the bathroom and saw that he was gone.

Amelia took a deep breath, she didn't want to feel abandoned, maybe he had gone somewhere important and she didn't know the reason behind his early departure so she wouldn't be so quick to judge him.

She climbed back into bed and fell asleep, she woke up when the sun was streaming and saw that it was eleven in the morning. She looked to her side and found an empty bed.

She wondered where Mason was? It was a Sunday so he wouldn't have a reason to go anywhere, she was surprised that he wasn't here.

She put on sweat pants, and put on her bra and tank top she had worn last night and got out of her room. She looked at Mason's door and it was closed. Was he there or had he gone out?

She went to the kitchen and made herself some grilled cheese sandwiches, she was starving, and poured herself some orange juice.

When she was done eating, she cleaned the house and decided to get her books and work outside. Amelia sat outside and she inhaled the fresh air.

She worked on her projects and she would get sidetracked as to how good it was with Mason, she giggled. She felt how warm her cheeks had gotten.

She finished her work and decided to relax and watch some series. She checked the time and it was six at night and no word or sign from Mason. It was too quiet so she didn't think that he would be there.

She made some pasta and bolognese for dinner when eight hits she decided to eat on her own. Amelia sat in the living room when she was laying on the couch when she heard the door open. Amelia sat up waiting for Mason to show up,

Her heart jumped a bit, Mason was probably back. She heard voices and they emerged in the living room. Amelia couldn't believe her eyes, Mason was walking hand in hand with another girl.

Mason didn't even look in her direction as they were laughing, Amelia was too stunned to speak. They were out of her eyesight and then his door room closed.

Amelia lay back down on the couch, and she didn't say a word. She felt tears slipping down her face, she felt numb. She heard the laughter and noise from Mason's room and she knew what she was to Mason.

Her own brother had warned her and she did not listen she had let her desire get in the way and now she woke up alone and sat alone.

Hours had passed and Amelia lay in the position that she was in, Amelia was caught in a daze that she couldn't seem to snap out of. Mason had just used her for sex.

"Are you okay?"

Amelia turned to the girl voice who was wearing nothing but his shirt, she was the new girl. Amelia wanted to be mean and shatter her but she didn't, it wasn't her fault Mason was this messed up.

Amelia nodded, "I'm fine,"

The girl nodded, "Okay I needed some water."

Amelia nodded, "The kitchen is straight ahead."

"Thank you." The girl replied.

Amelia got up and went to her room, she closed her door with trembling hands and lay on her bed and wished this was all a nightmare that she would wake up from.

Early access to Book 1: