Chapter 36

Amelia went with Dante, the night was cool and the breeze was very welcome. She felt very hot from drinking and the air was a great break.

There was a field and Dante intertwined their hands together, and they walked side by side, she took in her surroundings, the stars the moon. She felt as if she was in a daydream, in another world.

The trees whistled to the tune of the wind, Dante stopped and he sat down, he motioned for her to do the same, which she did. She sat across him and they were facing each other.

"Amelia, I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend?"

Amelia was taken aback by his words, after all, she had done leaving with Mason he still sat across her and asked her to be his girlfriend.

"But Dante are you sure?"

"I have never been more sure about this," Dante replied.

"Are you okay with me leaving with Mason and all?"

"I know you left with him but you came back to me in the end and that's all that matters to me."

Amelia felt her heart clutch once again, "Yes then I will be your girlfriend,"

"Please don't break my heart, Amelia?"

"That's the last thing that I want to do."

Dante pulled her in for the first time and she put her hands around his neck, they kissed for what felt like a lifetime. When they pulled back, Dante pulled her into his arms.

Amelia leaned on him and she felt safe, he really cared for her and she was going to give her all, she had confirmed what she had feared the most from Mason and that was him being with her just for sex.

Dante was amazing and he knew what he wanted and that was her, he didn't have any eyes for other girls besides her. He had patiently waited for her even knowing that there might have been something that happened between her and Mason.

He finally dropped her off at home, after kissing him goodbye she got in the house, she was grinning at how well the night had turned out.

She saw was probably the first to arrive as the lights were all off and it was silent. She went to check James' room and just as she had suspected it was he was not there.

She went to her room got changed and waited for him, she was in the mood to tease her brother and tell him. She wanted to tell Cindy but she knew that she was passed out at home as she had seen her as she was leaving the party.

She wanted to tell Cindy in person too, her friend would be happy at how far she had come from the mess that she was weeks back.

Amelia finally heard his car coming in and she ran to the front door, when the door opened she yelled, "I AM DANTE'S GIRLFRIEND OFFICIALLY!!"

Amelia's face dropped when she saw it was Mason who came in through the door instead of James.

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