This isn't time for stupidness

Shi was held as a fake prisoner by Jiangu. He was tied with the same iron chains she used before, his space rings are tied on a cloth to his wrist.

As he was being pulled by her to the place where Cuifen was being held captive he asked his father how he knew it was okay to believe in her, and his words made him didn't know if he laughed or cried.

"Hm? Oh, I really didn't know if she was telling the truth or not, in this blood clone state my powers are too limited and I can't really peep too much at the karma realm, just some really strong bonds, last time I could because you made an oath by our family and blood so in the end I was involved too" Long Shin reply almost made Shi piss his pants.

"Old man are you out of your mind? How can you just sell me like that, if she was lying I would be dead right now" his voice echoed loudly on his mind.

Using his little finger to scratch his ears, Long Shin faked a reaction and replied: "Hey hey stop shouting it hurting my ears, besides everything was fine wasn't it? Remember kid, you can only see their true intentions if you let them speak and act".

Rolling his eyes at his father's response he replied "Yes, yes I am always wrong. But this time isn't you a little too much? couldn't you at least warn me you didn't really know?"

As they silly talk kept going Shi was already out of the campsite, he still could hear the noises from the battle, it was like a calming charm for him since no one lost yet, if Blossom Lotus win it was fine, but if Evil Cloud wins he would be in a tight spot.

The cold night breeze gave him goosebumps as the chains noises are sounding in the dark forest, he was only hoping for some adventure and benefits in the jade forest, but it was a complete mess, and the neutral zone becomes a war zone between the two forces and he was in the eye of the storm, looking for an opportunity to save the woman who caused all this situation.

He already knew how all this started, since Jiangu gave him a lot of information about the entire situation, in the end, it was all Cuifen mischievous act and the strict rules from her sect that led to this storm, if she wasn't feeling suffocated at her sect she wouldn't try to get out.

He knew Jiangu treated her some time ago, but she didn't tell him too much about that, she told him some time after she took care of Cuifen wounds young master Yun called her master to take care of Cuifen, but she didn't know anything about what happened.

Looking at the route he was taking he could see their tracks are being hidden by the foliage, then he got to a place where there were few trees and the moonlight could enlighten the grass field, in a wooden pole like the last one the same woman he meets some minutes ago was tied, however, this time he could feel it was the real Cuifen.

His bones are throbbing every time he gets a step closer to her, he could see deep bag eyes on her, she was way overtired.

A man was standing in front of her, and suddenly Shi saw this man using the bamboo stick on his hand to beat her breasts, he could see with his celestial eyes he was infusing a small quantity of spiritual qi inside it, making it sufficient for her to wake up again, but she was so tired that she would faint again.

His brows furrowed, understanding how she got those big bags under her eyes, but it was not only this, he could see her body was in a state of chaos, someone messed up the qi inside her dantian.

Jiangu couldn't see the situation inside Cuifen's body, she could only see the poor state she was in by examining her body, she didn't learn any profound medicinal skill from her master, only how to make panacea and pills.

Hearing steps growing louder, Sima stopped his new favorite activity and sent a lazy glance at the two people coming closer, when the moonlight shines through Shi, his eyes veins become red like he was having an allergic reaction, but it was just pure hate for Shi.

Lifting his chin high as a cruel smile broke on his face he gulped all wine in his gourd down.

"HAHAHAHAHA! So you're finally here huh? How was it? How did brother Zhong call you again? Oh right, monkey king right? Let's see if the great monkey king can still be majestic after falling at my hands" resting the bamboo stick on his shoulder he laughed and yelled like a mad man.

Shi however didn't have any great reaction at the drunkard words, it wasn't time for that, he should get his chance and kill him as fast he could then escape carrying Cuifen, she was definitely in a bad state, and this was just the beginning.

As Shi was thinking about how to get a chance to kill him, the target didn't give any shit about it, Shi was the one who killed his brother it was already a great reason to cut him into thousand pieces, but since his young master wanted to ask somethings from Shi he wouldn't be able to kill him yet, but he could make him suffer a lot.

As Sima was walking close to Shi he was beating his bamboo stick on his shoulders but his sight never left him, he only had eyes for his brother's murderer, when he got near it he took a good look at the culprit, he only felt disgusted.

Shi was everything an ugly man would hate, he had the charm and a handsome face, that even the gaunt look couldn't hide, his body was tall and his shoulder wide, Sima nose wrinkled and trembled a little as he lifted his stick and was about to beat Shi face.

But Shi sight was focused on something that was behind the drunkard, Jiangu and Cuifen, Jiangu made a nod at him, and then with a 'clang', the iron chain became loose granting Shi his freedom again.

Sima was about to yell at Jiangu but suddenly from his behind, he felt something pushing him with great strength, it was the point of Jiangu steel staff knocking his back right on his spine.

Losing his balance he was about to grab Shi but he was too drunk for it and was hurt instead.

"Psht…" Using a throwing stone knife Shi stabbed at the young man's heart, killing him on the spot.

Sima was walking backward with his eyes wide open. He shot a glance at Jiangu and said "y-you…" before falling to the floor with a "thud".

Hearing the dead body fall, Shi's heart started to beat violently, he shot a glance at Jiangu with his eyes wide open, but it wasn't her who was giving him this feeling, it was something else.

He turned his sight at Cuifen, he started to run in her direction. Getting in front of her he put his hand on her smooth forehead and felt her body burning in fever, frightening him.

"We need to take her out of this place right now, if we don't treat her fast enough she might become a cripple or even die because of the chaos on her dantian" Long Shin cleared Shi's mind with as he told him what to do.

"We need to go!" Shi said in a loud tone, almost yelling at Jiangu.

She was too anxious after seeing Cuifen state, she knew he was right, so she gave all her effort to lose Cuifen chains, but in the end, Shi decided to take it off with a slash from his spirit sword.

"CLENG" as the metal clashed a big noise was heard.

With a "thud" the iron chains fell on the floor and a smooth cut could've been seen.

Jiangu held Cuifen in her arms, she wasn't in the mood to feel her beloved body, she was thinking about what they should do. She looked at Shi with conflicting eyes and then said in a reluctant tone "Y-you take her and go, just escape, I just… can't really leave the sect" her gruff voice wasn't carrying the same weight as before.

Shi froze in the spot he turned his sight from Cuifen to the big woman, his face was wearing an expression of "are you out of your mind?" he didn't know much about her, but they are companions already, all that left was to escape.

"This isn't time for stupidness fire pole gorilla, let's escape together, all we need to do now is to escape" he said exasperated at her.

"You don't understand, in fact, there is no need to do it, I can't leave my master, I don't really care about the sect or young master Yun, but my master is the only family I have, besides I know Cuifen hated me now, even if I helped her to escape" almost like a ghost lament the big woman voiced her innermost feelings.

Feeling a headache Shi just decided to let it go, he couldn't lose this opportunity, seeing the fight between spirit awakening cultivators he knew if someone of that caliber was here, he was definitely dead, putting the cut iron chains on his ring he picked the intact one and asked Jiangu to pin Cuifen on his back.

The woman was still anxious and reluctant, but seeing Cuifen's tight expression like she was in deep pain she got her determination back and started to help Shi to tie Cuifen in his back.

Feeling the hot body and two big things at his back he almost got a boner, shooking his head as he chanted the he got rid of this kind of thought and was about to escape when a loud clapping sounded beside them.

Turning his head in the sound direction he saw two young men entering the clearing, the moonlight shining at their faces that were wearing taunts, one was an androgynous young man clad in white clothing with clouds patterns he was the one clapping and the other was the bald Zhong Yong.