Kelvin looks so cute again!

During physics class time, Kelvin was thinking about James.

"He's sleeping again. I wonder why all the teachers ignore him. They're usually strict about rules. But , why are they taking him as an exception? Is this because of his family background?

Okay! Stop thinking about it. Just focus on your lesson. "

At that time, James peeked at him and thought

" He's deeply concentrating on the subject. It's a surprise he can't get higher marks even though he's trying his best. "

During the break, Kelvin bought iced mocha for James and he's back to the classroom.

"Here is yours. "

Should I tell him that? What if he gets angry? But, as his deskmate, I can't stand still and see him spoiling himself. I must tell him.

Kelvin poked James in the arm to get his attention and said

"Umm....., James, don't be mad at me. I'm going to tell this for your own good. Why are you always sleeping or reading comics during class time? I mean if you keep doing that what's the point of coming to school? "

" It's none of your business.

Stop poking your nose in other people's affairs, "James replied.

He glanced at Kelvin. Kelvin lowered his head and he looked sad.

I knew that he would reply like this.But I was just worried about him. He shouldn't use such rude words.

James poked his head and said

" Hey....., are you upset?

Hey..., I was just joking you. "

Kelvin looked at him with his wide eyes.

"It's not something to be upset about.

You're acting like a kid, hahaha. "

"Ah, when was I upset? ....

And I'm not acting childish at all ! ! ! "

" He looks so cute when he gets angry, "James thought.

"Hahaha, okay, okay. As you said. Hahaha "

This is my first time seeing him laughing. I've never expected he would laugh like that because of me.