Why he is misbehaving.

James took out his books quickly and said to Kelvin

"Hey, borrow me your fountain and correction pen"

"Am...., you didn't bring any? "

"Yeah . I just took my books"

"It's lucky I have another set. Here.

Didn't you say you won't learn any subject. Why? Is maths easy for you? "

"No, it's not easy. It's just scary. "

Hmmm...., a scary... subject??

Ah, I got it.He must be afraid of Mr. Lucas. He described him as " uncle Lucas " .Is he really his nephew?

Just before the class is over , Mr. Lucas gave a maths problem to solve.

"This problem was made by myself. I guess only a few of you guys can solve it.

Well, try your best.I want the answer tomorrow morning.

Okay, the class is over. That's all for today.

Oh , yeah. Kelvin come to me during lunchtime. I have something to tell you. "

"Ah, yes, Mr. Lucas. I will . "

Hmmm, did I make mistakes? ?Why did Mr. Lucas want to see me? I really am unlucky these days.


"Mr. Lucas. It's me, Kelvin. "

"Come in, Kelvin. "

"Mr, why do you want to see me? "

" Well, actually , it's about James.

As you see, his mom is my younger sister. "

"So, he really is your nephew. "

"Yeah. But, indeed, I'm more than an uncle to him.

Since his both parents are always busy with their company work, I am the only one who have to look after him since his childhood.

As I'm very strict with him , he's afraid of me. But as you see, I can't make him obedient.

He doen't learn or study well. He gets low grades in exams. But he's doing all these on purpose.

He wants his parents' care but he think that only being such a bad and misbehaving one would make them concerned and then they would give him more attention. "

"So, that's the real reason , " Kelvin muttered.

" Ah..., but Mr. Lucas, what does it have to with me? "

"Well, the case is I 'm aware that you are not the same as other deskmates of his before.

Actually, he rarely make friends. But I guess he takes you as his real friend . Today I saw him laughing and chatting with you .It's an indeed rare view.

So, what I want to ask you is, please, support and care for him as your own brother.

After all, he's such a lonely kid. . It would be so great if you two get along well each other. "

Mr. Lucas is asking for my help . I really don't know how to reply.

"Of course , Mr. I sure will. Don't worry about him that much. "