Pool time.

A day or so had passed, and the group decided to go to the pool, unknowing that J.J 's folks and the Carmichael folks were down there too. They had the volley ball nets up and were playing while Zeta, and a few from her group were talking and were just about to leave when the members of the snake pit got there. " Hello Mrs.Xiara, I hope you remember my promise about that girl.... I'll make her one of us if you don't" She hissed. Zeta for some reason knew what tone to say things in to freak out Viper, Caroline knew what this meant, someone already put two and two together. Caroline had to up her game some, to keep this secret under wraps. While Dee,Amelia, and Viper were in the hot tub, The rest deiced to split up and do whatever. Since J.J's people and the some of the Carmichaels had just lost their opponent in volley ball, Gray,Art,Jack,Caroline, Robin, Jenny, and Lizzie decided to ask if they could play which was a no-brainer. It was soon seen that there was two more people on the snake-pit's team than the other, so they made Caroline switch teams.

After a bit things started to get a little intense within the teams, A Girl with beautiful blue eyes was getting pissy with Frenchie and Bernice who Caroline automatically recognized as Iris Carrow, the cousin of Zeta Carmichael. A taller guy with honey colored hair and freckles went to calm her down with another girl whom had light brown hair and a nice English accent , they all seemed to be close so it was fine. Iris soon sighed and went to her position which was right by the net , while Caroline and the Taller man were in the far back.

He shot her a small smile and said " I'm Morton, Nice to meet you."

" I'm Caroline, it's nice to meet you too." Caroline smiled as she pushed her braids back.

" So You're with the snake pit, I thought they weren't hiring anyone under the age of 18 since it's kinda...ya know, illegal." Morton joked.

Caroline chuckled softly, " No, I'm just having to travel with them since my Foster Dad works for them. I might work for them someday, but not now...." She hummed.

Morton had a face of instant regret on his face, but Caroline chuckled "Its fine, you didn't know." She pipped before the game started. Caroline saw Bernice serve the ball and Jack hit it right back, throwing it to Iris who passed it to Morton who passed it to Frenchie, who spiked it over the net. Gray spiked that ball right back to them where it hit the water.

It was now the other teams turn to serve, since Jack was the tallest he was the best candidate to serve.

" Good Serve! Good Serve!" Gray Smiled as they spiked it over but it was passed back to Lizzie, Lizzie passed it to Robin who passed it to Art, who hit it over.

Frenchie who was passed the ball, to Bernice who hit it over to Jenny who spiked it and gave it to Iris who passed it to a Scrawny girl from the Carmichael family. " Simmons! Over here!" Morton hollered as the Volleyball got passed to Morton, then to Caroline, and then to Bernice.

Bernice hit the ball over the net, gaining a win for their side, almost winning the match since were doing best out of three.

Jack sighed and saw that a spot on this hand was starting to bleed since it was busted open while playing volleyball.

" Come on Kingston, you pussy!" Bernice cackled as he shot her a look while he dappled the blood off, and wrapped it so the blood wouldn't go anywhere.

He Rolled his eyes at Bernice and joined the ladies in the hot tub, but before that He called Caroline over.

Caroline came over to Jack,

" What?" She Sighed.

" since by the looks of it , they're just going to hanging out, get to know these people, it'll pay off. Except dont talk to Miss Carmichael's little Chew toy , we dont need you getting close to them." Jack instructed,

" Which one is that?" Caroline asked.

" The Blonde one,His Name is -"

" Morton Brown. "Caroline filled in ,

" Yeah, I saw you speaking with him earlier, I mean he's a really nice guy, but we cant risk it." Jack Explained .

" Alright but can I speak to them if they speak to me?" Caroline asked

" yeah sure, just dont be stupid..." He sighed

Caroline nodded her head and went back into the pool where she just sat down as everyone separated into their cliques.

The Three Carmichael workers soon invited her over, one thing everyone had learned is that the Carmichael workers were rather friendly: Except for Zeta and her Uncles, they werent the nicest people on the face of the earth.

Caroline soon came over and Smiled,

" Hello?" She asked in an unsure tone.

" Hi, I'm Iris Carrow." The Girl with blue eyes hummed, as Caroline shook her hand

" And I'm Simmons Weaver." The other girl Smiled,

The Two ladies were Rather Nice,

" And I've Already introduced myself, Miss Caroline, but just for reminders I'm Morton, Morton Brown." The Blonde man Smiled

" Hello, I'm Caroline Warren." Caroline stated.

" Since we'll be seeing each other around this area , it's best that we know who each other are since the people we're with are allies of sorts. I've met all other members of the snake pit and we get along rather well with them but we need to know who we'll be working with." Morton told the Group as a plan of sorts.

"D-do we have to go into brief detail or just the basics?" Caroline asked softly as she whipped her head around to see a rather lanky man with dark strawberry blonde , he had a whited out eye, and Simmons's face lit up, " Hey Honey Bun!" Simmons Purred when she saw her boyfriend.

" Who's that?" Caroline asked softly to Morton,

" That's Stephan Fineheart, our Messenger boy, and Simmons is his Girlfriend , He's really nice guy too."Morton explained.

Stephan gave his lover a kiss on the fore head and rejoined the group.