Chapter 8(continuing Chapter 7)

(Chapter 7)

A teenager ran over to them.

"D.A.?!"😲😶 Gasped the Teen

"DUST?!"😲😶 Diana gasped

They hugged.

"Dia baby it's been so long!"

"My Stardust I missed you so much!" They cried together

The 3 Zhens stared at Diana and Star dumbfounded.

"Diana, Babe, you know Star?" NM asked

"Ah-Yes! He was my bestie in middle school!" She replied jumping slightly

"Di-Di, did you hear about Markus Flikr??" Star asked

"Oh that bully from 7S?? What's with him??" Diana rolled her eyes

"He is now a multi billionaire. He owns Vallidkus."

"Vallidkus?! Omg, he must be in pain right now!" Diana and Star laughed






(Chapter 8)

"Di-Di, did you hear about Markus Flikr??" Star asked

"Oh that bully from 7S?? What's with him??" Diana rolled her eyes

"He is now a multi billionaire. He owns Vallidkus."

"Vallidkus?! Omg, he must be in pain right now!" Diana and Star laughed

"'Vallidkus, the place to find peace and space'! Haha~!" Diana laughed while wheezing

"Oh my lord!!! Imma ChOkInG!!" Star yelled half choking half laughing

They continued on and on for about thirty-five minutes. Evergone was laughing, eating and having a blast.

"ENOUGH!" Night-Mare said loudly shutting everyone in the hall, not even flies made a sound.

Everyone looked at the stairs where the 3 Zhans are.

"Star-Light Zhan. Get up here. Now." Old Master Zhan said to Star

"Y-yes!" Star replied then raced eleganly up the stairs to his family

"The Zhans would like to welcome you all into Night-Mare's Villa." Old Mistress Zhan said, "Thank him later. We will frequently have celebrations and parties." Her left hand twirled in the air as Queen speaking to her students.

"Now, Night-Mare has an 'announcement'." She turned on her heels and walked to her husband.

Night-Mare stepped up to the exact same spot his mother was in. Others started to whisper. And Diana stood quietly listening to others gossip and titter.

"Ahem." He said clearing his throat and grabbing the crowd's attention once more, "As my Mother said, I have an announcement."

"Honey, come up here." NM made eye contact with Diana and gestured her forward,

She shook her head in 'no' embarrassingly.

"Diana~. Come here." NM repeated using her First name instead of an nickname.

Diana took this as a sign and warning so she swifly made her way to NM.

"Y-yes?" She squeaked her head downwards looking at her toes wiggling.

"Raise your head." NM whispered

She followed his instruction.

People looked at her with all kinds of emotions and attitudes: Anger, jealousy, hate, respect, happiness,. etc..

She was astonished by the different faces, emotions, colors, heads, dresses and style that everyone had, "W-why are they looking at me like that?!" She panicked quietly tugging at Night-Mare's suit

"Ignore them." He whispered in her ear

"Okay," She gulped, fear transparent in her eyes.

"Diana. These are the top families in the the world, from each country and city these are their top 3 to top 100." Night-Mare palms were open, slanted and moving around the entire Hall Room even the Kitchen, Living Room, Dining Hall and other places.

"Even from our Country. If you ask for them, you'll find your parents here too. Heh heh." He said clearly, and chuckled at the end of the sentence