

3 am, Friday and 13th of the month. The moon shines brighter than before, brighter than red and much richer than blood. The millennial blood moon is rising tonight and is the perfect time to perform the Millennial blood ritual. As the daughter of one of the powerful Priestess I surrender my soul and rest my inner peace to cleanse myself and lead the Millennial blood ritual. My Mom was 18 when she had the same fate as me, as the chosen daughter of Aelowi The Voodoo Goddess and became one of the 7 Powerful priestess. There are so many things in my mind right now, like how would I end this ritual successfully or I should have a duel to those who are worthy to be my novitiate. But at this time? Hail to Aelowi for giving me this strength and opportunity. The soft leather of the dagger's handle firmly gripped my left hand as I slowly wounded my palm using the glowing sharp edge of the dagger and the thick blood of my hand oozes out and dripping to the piece of stick, a magical wand they called Kilowa.