Angel slightly slapped her friend's shoulder but Sam just brushed her off. I just silently laughed because I wasn't expecting that from her.

Seems like the other table noticed her answer and they mumbled something but we didn't mind that anymore.

"Nice one, Sam." I gave her a thumbs up while smiling.

"I didn't mean to but I accidentally saw your lock screen. But doesn't mean that I did that for you. It's just so annoying." She scoffed and rolled her eyes. She looked outside the window again but I saw her smile.

I looked at Darwin and he was just laughing on his own without making too much noise. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't expect you to answer back."

"Then what did you expect me to do? Shut up?" She's very bratty, we get that. That's just how she is. But I hope that after all the conversations and meetings, she can warm up around us. And for sure she's a really warm person.

"Aww come on, don't be so cold to us. You can be comfortable around us. I know you don't really hate us, you know." I chuckled and looked at Angel who was agreeing with me.

"Yeah. She even told me—"

"Yeah, okay I will. You don't need to tell them anything, Ang." She cut her friend off. We just laughed at her.

Hanging out with them was a lot of fun. So much fun that we didn't even notice the time. It was dark already when we decided to go home. We also have classes tomorrow, so yeah. Better go home early or I won't be able to finish the projects and assignments.

When I got home, I went to the bathroom and washed up. It became a habit already. I didn't bother to cook dinner anymore and proceeded on doing some schoolworks.

I'm surprised that by the 3 hours that passed, I'm now doing my assignments, the last 2 assignments. Finally! I can relax after this or prolly study for exams. I don't know.

"Aaaa! My back hurts like hell!" I let myself fall on the floor to rest my back a bit. I was still holding my pen and my hair was a mess. Come to think of it, it's somehow long now. I'm even tying up my hair on the front.

"Should I get a haircut on Saturday?" I touched my hair and looked at its length, examining if I should get a haircut or this length's still okay for me. "Meh, should probably get one."

I sat back up again, took a deep breath and continued working. And after an hour, I was finished! Thank god. Can't believe I did all of that in 4 hours.

I patted my own shoulder. "I'm proud of you." I think I'm really turning into a weird one. I talk to myself too much these days. Maybe because it's too quiet, but it has been quiet since he left so I should probably be used to it by now.

I felt like it was extra lonely because it's almost Christmas season. Still kinda hot, though.

Thursday came and here we are, choosing what colors should we use for the presentation to make it look formal but noticeable. Something that'll make you look at it and make it stand out.

"Oh, this one's nice. What do you think?" Sam faced her laptop to me to let me see the color she picked.

"Yeah, that's nice. We can use that and add some more colors that go well with it." I nodded and returned to what I was doing with Darwin.

"Should I put this here?" He asked me something about the panel he was assigned to do.

"Uh.. Adjust it a little bit more. It looks a little messy for me."

"Angel, can you send me the info for panel 6?" Sam asked her friend and she replied instantly. "Thanks!"

We were all busy. Everyone was doing their own thing but also asked recommendations from the other members. I'd say that our team really has great teamwork. It's also nice having these guys around.

We actually agreed to arrive here earlier than Tuesday so we can finish the PPT by today. And look at this, we only have a few panels to do and we're done and it's not even 4pm yet.

"Alright, wanna take a break?" I closed my laptop and stretched my arms.

They all closed their laptops and did some stretching. It's hard to face your laptop screen for hours.

"Yes please. Do you guys want coffee, I can order for us." Darwin offered. We all said yes and said our what we'd like.

"I hope that even after this project we'll still hang out. It's fun hanging out with you guys." I smiled.

"Omg, you don't have friends don't you?" Sam teased me and Angel laughed.

"Hmm.. yeah, I guess so. I mean I only had one back then. Dar and I just recently became friends."

"Alright. Don't look too depressed, it makes me sad too." Sam continued teasing me and they both laughed. Having a great time teasing me, huh?

"Is the only friend you're talking about that guy you're with on your lock screen?" Angel shyly asked. Actually the three of us talked about my sexuality last time we met. I don't really hide that and I don't care what people might think about me if they know that I am like that.

I nodded. "Yep."

"He's your boyfriend right?"

"Ex.. boyfriend." I softly chuckled and rubbed my eyes. It was aching from all the hours I was on my laptop.

"Huhh?! Ex-boyfriend?!" I was surprised at Darwin. He was so shocked at what I said.

"Uh-huh. I mean I don't really think we broke up. It's just.. complicated."

Sam cleared her throat. "Darwin, what took you so long? Don't tell me you were hitting on the cashier?" She purposely changed the topic when she saw that I wasn't ready to talk about things with Diesel and I.

"Stop assuming that I flirt with every girl I see!" He pouted. "I was having a hard time choosing what I should get."

Angel laughed. "Seriously? You took so long because of that?"

"Yeah! I have too many favorites, you know."

5:30 and we already wrapped up. Darwin said he had an appointment to go to. Angel and Sam said that they'll have a date. And here I am, letting my feet take me somewhere. I wasn't really sure where to go but I just walked and walked and by the time I stopped, I was in front of our old highschool. It wasn't that far from school and my condo and I had some spare time. I missed this place. I have a lot of good memories created here.

I chuckled by myself. I remember when I passed out in the bathroom and when I woke up, I was inside the infirmary. You were beside me, holding my hand and waiting for me but you fell asleep. Maybe it's because we've been together since we were kids but we were really touchy. We didn't mind what others might think about us when we get all touchy. It was normal for us.

I quietly sat up so that I wouldn't wake you up. I slowly reached for your face and caressed your eyes with my thumb. It was reddish and puffy. He cried again. He's such a worrywart.

"Hmm.." he rubbed his face on my hand. And suddenly, he opened his eyes. "You're awake!" He stood up, laid his hand on my forehead to check if I was sick.

I was just laughing inwardly because of his reaction. I pulled his waist and hugged him. "Calm down, I'm fine."

His hands were on my head, gently stroking my hair. He sighed. "You always say that you're fine, Tibby. I panicked when I saw you on the floor."

I hugged him tighter. "Really, I'm fine." God, I want to kiss him right now. But don't be stupid, Tiberius, he doesn't even know that I like him.

"Are you sure?" He was still stroking my hair. He sat on my bed and hugged me again. He let me hug him tighter. I buried my face on his neck and closed my eyes. His smell really calms me down. Even just him is enough to calm me down.

After that, he was insisting on carrying my bag on the way home. He was supporting me like he was scared that I might strain myself and pass out again. I repeated to him many times that I'm okay but he just doesn't listen. We were arguing on the way home but in the end I just gave up.

"Good old days." I told myself. I didn't even notice that I had already arrived in front of my condo.

It's only October and there were already Christmas decorations around. I can feel the temperature of the wind slowly changing from hot to cold. The lights were almost enough to blind me because they were so bright. I could see them anywhere I look.

I chuckled and entered the building. As I was in the elevator, lines from the book suddenly popped into my mind again because I read it earlier. I unconsciously bring that book with me. And I was only able to read a few pages earlier.

Page 21. "We never broke up. Only, we did. As I lie awake wishing, willing you here. Dreaming of the day you're in my arms again, asking me why did we ever break up." -Lang Leav, Sea of Strangers.

We never really broke up but you left me alone.