Off to the Editor

"Rose, can you step into my office for a minute? I want to discuss your latest draft that you showed me."

Hiking my bag further up my shoulder, "sure" passes my lips and I walk into the small rectangle that he considers to be his office. It's more of a small box that is filled with a bunch of literary books and grammar quotes on the wall.

"I don't want to talk up too much of your time so I'll cut right to the chase." I don't know if he pauses for dramatic effect, but either way, my hands want to reach out and shake him for making me wait while my heart sits in my stomach, anxiously waiting for what he has to say.

"I think the chapters that you have given me so far are ready to be passed on to my colleague. You have made some major improvements since you first submitted them and it is time that he has seen all of the hard work that you have put into this. As for the actual requirement to pass the class, I know you do not have one hundred pages yet, but continue to bring them to me as you finish a couple of chapters. I can review them and start to give him the rest of the book in installments so he can keep track of your progress."

My heart calms down as he tells me the good news, but picks back up when he tells me he is going to finally send my book to an actual publishing company so it can be published.

"Rose? You're being awfully quiet. Is this still something that you want? Are you still interested in getting your book published?"

His words snap me back, "Yes! Yes, of course. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I write a new chapter almost every day so it should be finished sooner rather than later. I will be done before the end of this semester if nothing goes wrong."

"I'm happy to hear that. I need you to do one thing before I send it over to him."

"Sure. What is it?"

"I need you to write a synopsis of the book as well as a short outline of your characters and the role that they play within the novel. To help yourself, try to chart out the major points in the story: the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and then the conclusion. If you plan on writing a sequel or any more books that relate to this one, include it somewhere on one of the documents."

"Of course. I will get right on that. Thank you. If I finish it before the end of the day, around five, could I come here and personally give it to you? I would like to get his process started as soon as possible."

"Yes, if you hand it to me before five, I will give it to my colleague today. But, Rose, please do not rush. This is not an assignment that you can hand in and get an A. This is an actual opportunity that can kickstart your writing career. Make sure you put the appropriate amount of time and effort into it. That being said, I'm sure whatever you hand into me will be well thought out and thorough. You are on the right track, Rose."

"Thank you. You don't know what a relief it is to hear you say that. I have been so worried that this book was not going to be good enough or I wouldn't have any inspiration to even start the book, but hearing you say that I'm on the right track settled some of my nerves."

"You deserve it, Rose. Keep up the good work and you will be a published author in no time."

"Thank you again. Have a good day."

"You too, Rose."

Picking up my bag, I swing it over my shoulder and walk out of his office with a pep in my step. This is finally happening. I just can't believe it. It feels like a dream come true. Am I dreaming? Someone pinch me, or better yet, let me stay in this dream forever.

Picking up my pace, I dart for the parking lot. I take the long way, as usual, to avoid the alley, but I make it there at the same time.

Damon is standing outside of his car, leaning against the driver's door looking at his phone. One notification ding from my own phone lets me know who he is texting. I have a goofy smile on my face as I rush up to him and jump into his unsuspecting arms. He easily catches me and situates me into a more comfortable position for the both of us.

When he finally stops moving, I grab his cheeks in my hand and slam my lips against his. He responds quickly, moving his lips fluidly against mine. His hands on my butt pull me closer to his chest.

My already high adrenaline, skyrockets and I decide at this moment that this is the best day that I have ever lived in my lifetime. Not only do I have a boyfriend who loves me and I want to spend the rest of my life with him, but I was also just told that my book is about to go to a publishing house to be published. I smile in the kiss.

Pulling back, our panting is the only thing between us.

"What has you in such a good mood? Did something happen in your class today?"

"Yes! I mean, no. Nothing happened in my classes specifically, but I talked to one of my professors before I saw you."

"And… what did he say?"

"I'll tell you from the beginning. At the beginning of this semester, he gave everyone an assignment where you have to write 100 pages of your original novel. At first, I was nervous because I didn't know what I would write about, but then inspiration struck me and I write so often now.

"Anyways, he called me into his office about my work, it's not finished, and he said that I have the potential to have my book published. I've been working with him for a few weeks now, and he said that he wants to give my book to a colleague who is an editor in a real publishing house!

"I mean, I still have work to do, but the rest of the chapters will be installments to the book and once it is all completed, it has a high possibility of being published. Isn't that crazy? I just found out and I feel like I'm on cloud 9."

"That's amazing, baby! Congratulations! Can I read what you have so far?" My heart drops.

Wiggling in his arms, he sets me back on the floor and I take a step back. He cannot read my novel. Ever. He would never look at me the same.

I just need to be cool and make up an excuse so he doesn't ask again. Simple enough.

Taking a moment to figure out what lies to go with, I let a deep breath out and let the words leave my lips. "Uh, no." He only makes me feel worse when his face drops and his eyes move their focus to the ground.

"It- it's not anything against you. I just don't want anyone to read my work because I don't think it is good enough to read yet. It's different for my professor because he has been reading my work for a couple of years now, but this will be the first thing you read of mine and I want it to be perfect."

It's not a total lie, but it is still a lie to some degree.

"You know I will like anything you write." I doubt it. "Even if the quality isn't good. But I am sure that that is not the case since they want to publish your novel that you didn't even complete yet. That is a big deal, Rose. That doesn't happen to everyone."

"I know that. It's just- I just value your opinion more than any professors or editors. If you didn't like it, genuinely like it, I think it would crush me. Right now, I am doing really good with my writing and I need to keep positive thoughts in my head. Maybe when it is finished I will let you read it, but for now, can you take me home? I have to do a few things before he can pass it along to the editor."

Wordlessly, he turns away from me, his face hurt, and steps into the car.

If he knew what my book was about, he would never look at me the same again. At first, it didn't matter. I didn't think it would go anywhere, but now, now I love him and I don't want to lose him, especially over something like my first novel that was originally an assignment.