13. The Broken


James's POV

I fought to be free harder than I ever have before. However, my father's grip was too strong for my strength, and I wrestled against him in vain until I was shoved into a van with the child lock on. Suddenly, Kody burst into the courtyard with my mother hot on his tail. It was a game of cat and mouse between mother's predictability and Kody's skills designed on the streets of Carbuos.

He finally broke through her barrier and raced towards the car that I was in. He tried to open the door, but the lock was on. Kody had a look mixed with devastation and panic before he was thrown sprawling across the grass. Both of my parents leapt in, and my father floored it out of there before Kody could recover. We were gone in a squeal of tires, and Kody's face would forever be planted into my mind.


It was night when I was pulled from the seat. The tears still hadn't run dry from my face, and my heart cried out for Kody. Pulling apart a moon pairing was one of the most dangerous things that you could do because only two things could come from it; heart break and brokenness.

I didn't have the energy to fight any longer, and all I could do when I was out into my room was curl up on top of the covers. I probably look like a sad blob, but that would be the new reality from now on. I hope I can see Kody again before I descend into madness.


I didn't sleep a wink last night. Every single time that I got close to sleep, Kody's horrified face stained my mind. Therefore, by the time morning came I looked like a zombie. I was woken by Angelica, but not the way she used to. She was supposed to come in and be friendly, but she hardly even talked.

"Get up," she commanded coldly before walking out. I tried to get out of bed, but everything hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt dizzy and unwell, but I have to carry forward.

I forced myself to look presentable and practiced my fake smile since I hadn't used it in over a week. My concealer was truly amazing at covering the circles under my eyes and the red blotches that littered my cheeks, so I almost looked normal. I forced my eyes to hide every single sign of sadness, and then I was ready.

I walked out of my room in a black suite, and when I went into the dining room there was an unfamiliar person at the table.

"James, this is your future queen, Natalie," my father introduced. She looked just as uncomfortable as me in front of my gaze.

I put on my best faking it attitude and greeted her with a polite, "it's lovely to meet you Natalie."

"Eat, then get to know her in your room."

"Yes father."

I ate quickly because if the uncomfortable atmosphere then lead Natalie to my room. Even after passing the threshold I didn't let myself drop the facade. I wanted to crawl back into bed and sleep forever.

"So I don't know what wierd fantasies you have at night, but I'm not going to love you."

"Thank God!" I cried quietly. "I already have a pair, but he's the enemy and my parents are control freaks."

"Well we'll pretend together. I don't have anyone yet, but I'm lesbian. My parents are obsessed with gaining status enough to even sacrafice their only daughter's happiness," Natalie responded gratefully.

"Let's at least be friends until I can bust out of here."


Kody's POV

I collapsed onto the hard pavement and just lie there sobbing. My father appeared behind me and rubbed my back gently. I can't deal with this; its too much.

I stood up and bolted from the grounds faster than my father could radio the front gate. I ran to the alley that I had slept in just last night. The world was dynamic, and I need a break. Maybe a long break.

My body became weak from the pull of him getting farther. My eyes leaked with the tears while I sobbed harder than I ever had in my life. I was in a completely new place, and my entire world was flipped inside out.

I wished now that I had stayed at the castle, but my legs wouldn't listen to me. NO! I have to be strong and get back.

I stumbled up and leaned heavily on the wall. I forced one leg in front of another, and I was glad that the streets were healthy here because if I did this in Carbuos, I would get jumped for appearing weak.

I just barely got into view of the guards before I collapsed on myself. I was breathing heavily when they came to my aid, so I was lifted up. Of course, I was super light, so it wasn't hard for them to carry me. Almost like my body could tell he had transferred kingdoms, in the middle of our journey I felt a harsh pain in my abdomen.

It spread slowly throughout my whole being while I started fidgeting uncomfortably.

"Sir," one of the guards started. My father turned around to see me, and his face held a whole bunch pain.

"Thank you," my father dismissed, I was put on the ground before the guard walked out and we were left alone. "Goodness, what did this do to you?" he muttered over my pitiful state. I felt the urge to vomit, and I just barely made it to the trash can before spewing my guts into it.

My father held my hair back while I was sick, and as soon as everything was out, I fell to the floor. "I need James," I demanded loudly.

"I know, sweetie, but he can't be here right now. I can't do anything for you. I have to wonder why this is having such a severe effect in you. I've never seen anything like this before."

My body shook without my consent. I pushed my face into my father's shoulder while craving any and all comfort. It was nothing compared to James, but I have to do what I can.

"All I can do for you is keep you comfortable, son. It'll wear off... Eventually."

"I hurt all over, Papa."

"I know, darling."

He lifted me up into the air and dragged me towards my room. He put me on the covers with a small trash can next to my head in case I was sick. The last time I was here, James was with me... I threw up again. It felt like every single time that I thought about him my body reacted that way. I hugged my arms against myself, and as soon as my father left, I picked up a pillow and held that close.

I closed my eyes, and dreams of him ran through my mind. Our first kiss, the journey, his defending me; everything was magical. I cried to myself even in my sleep, but I knew that I was doing it in real life too. Then the dream switched to a nightmare. He was dragged away from me over and over again until I could hardly see straight.