17. The Power


3 months later, Kody's POV

"You remember what you need to do?" my mother demanded. I had grown closer to her over the past six months.

"Yes, mama."

"Kodes, I love you. If I don't live, I will live in your memory."

"I know, mama."

"Tell your father I said hi," she murmured before lifting her arm. All of her strength went into me, and I saw her fall to the ground just as I jerked awake.

No one else was in the room, and I decided that I didn't want to be here anymore. I tore out all of the wires and took off into the night. I made the week long journey to my father's kingdom, and walked right up to the front door without meeting anyone.

I knocked on the wood gently, and an unfamiliar face answered. "I'm looking for King Mason," I declared before he could even ask.

"Of course, sir, right this way," he responded sheepishly to my commanding voice. I noticed that I had that affect on people now that I had more authority. We walked through a maze of hallways, and I soon recognized my father's office door. "Right in there, sir."

I pushed the door open swiftly, and my father jerked his head up. "K-Kody," he stuttered in disbelief.

"Yah," I responded calmly.

He literally leapt over his table to tackle me to the floor. I hugged him back just as vigorously, and he was laughing quietly. "I thought that I would never see you again."

"Here I am. By the way, mom says hi."

"You met your real mother? Where is she!?"

"I... She died giving me the strength to come back. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, son. Does that mean that you have her powers now?"

"It does. Have you seen James?"

"I got a call from Carbuos prison..."

"Is he-"

"He is. There's still a month left on his sentence."

"Guess I'm busting him out of prison then."

"You and what army?"

"Persuasion," I muttered darkly while allowing a small band of silver to circulate my hand.

"Fine. Just don't kill anyone."

"No fun!" I pouted before teleporting to Carbuos city prison.

"What can I help you with?" A bored secretary behind a desk asked.

"I need to visit James Hariling."


I walked through the prison cautiously. It looked like night hours, but I had to try James. I found the room 301 and knocked harshly. One of the guards let me in, and I looked down to see James sleeping. He looked so dirty and small, but still mostly in tact. I crouched over him and shook his shoulder slightly. James groaned adorably before rubbing his baby blue eyes.

"Woah!" he murmured when he opened his eyes to me right in front of him. "I think I'm seeing things."

"You aren't. I'm actually here."


"I'm getting you out."

"Using what?"

"This," I murmured before letting my power out a little bit. I wrapped my arm around his form before transporting back to my father's office.

"Disorienting," he murmured when we were suddenly face to face with my father again.

"That was quick," my father noted.

"The secretary really didn't care, so I didn't have to convince him much. Then I was just let into the cell, and it was fairly simple from there."

"What the hell just happened?" James piped up from behind me.

"I'll tell you a little bit later," I answered concretely.

Suddenly he leapt at me with so much force that I fell down. James was like a loyal little puppy after its parents picked it up from boarding. His arms wrapped around me so tightly that I felt like the life was being squeezed out of me. Of course, I was hugging him just as hard, so I had no room to talk.

I felt something wet against my neck, and I realized that James was crying. “It was so horrible there, Kody! The guards were so cruel, and the prisoners mostly left me alone, but they treated me like they treated everyone else. Natalie is running the kingdom for right now, and I don’t know how she's doing. I don’t want the kingdom to fall to pieces no matter how much I hate it!” he cried loudly against me. I held him closer to my body, and I distantly heard my father leave to give us space.

“Shhhhh, I’m sure that it’s fine. Natalie seems good enough at ruling. Everything will work out eventually, Jam," I consoled gently. "What did you do to get into jail anyways."

"I was starving, so I stole a loaf of bread."

"How did you ever get into the position of starving?"

"I didn't want to be 12 hours away while you were at risk. If something happened to you, I needed to be close. I stayed on the streets for almost three months before I was arrested for stealing."

"You didn't have to stay by me, but you did. Why?"

"Because I love you more than myself; more than the moon herself after everything that she's done for me."



"Actually, I am the moon."

"Is your brain okay?"

I sighed before allowing the silvery magic to swirl majestically around my fingers, and the atmosphere around us got thicker. I looked up through my lashes to see his wonder filled gaze soaking up everything about me.

"You're serious!?" He shouted.


James's POV

He had an effect to him that made me want to fall onto my knees. His usually green eyes had turned into an enchanting silver, and they shone with interest when he looked at me. It felt wierd not only talking to the King of the Moon himself but also being paired with him. Honestly, he looked super hot when the power overtook him.

"Which parent was it before? Your mom is a jerk and your dad is still alive," I wondered aloud.

"The person that I thought was my mum was actually just a ploy to make our family seem normal. I had only six months to get to know my real mother, but they were debativly the best of my life," he responded blissfully while tucking his power back into his mind. "Wait... You love me more than me?" he joked, and my face flushed bright red.

"Well... Uh... Yeah?" I stammered.

"It's alright, dork, I love you too."

Kody's lips collided with mine, and I melted against his body. Him being the moon's ambassador, I naturally submitted to his authority in the war of lips. My hands curled around his still long hair, and he grunted quietly which told me that he liked it. He held my back tenderly while pushing harder into the kiss. I followed his lead with just as much vigor.

"Kodes," I moaned lowly when he moved to my neck. His hands roamed underneath my shirt, but I could tell that he was dissatisfied with the way my ribs stuck out from my skin. It was getting a lot hotter in this room, and I was on a whole different level of pleasure. I know that his father said not to have sex in his office, but we totally broke that command that night.

Okokokokokok we're done here lolz