31. The Death


James's POV

He flicked on the machine just as Kody closed his eyes. It seems that at just that moment, he could move everything above his neck again, so he screamed loudly. I tried to bust out of my chair, but the bondage was too tight and I just ended up hurting myself.

"J-James! I'm sorry! I c-can't!" Kody shouted after what felt like a year of his screams.

"Hold on Kodes! Don't let him win!"

The sun, who I now know is Nick, clicked the machine up another level, and the power was floating around Kody's body. Nick connected a small wire to his temple too, and I knew that it was what would throw the power into him. Kody was weakening, and soon he gave into the temptation. His beautiful eyes flew open, and it was the silver on the surface. I was forced to watch as every lick of power that was in my boyfriend flowed into Nick.

Once the transition was done, Nick detached the wire and the machine while laughing like a maniac. I cried sadly when Kody's head fell back, and the sun untied me before quickly hustling out of the room so that I couldn't hurt him.

I stood up swiftly and walked carefully up to Kody. His body was limp on the metallic table, and I lifted him off of it. His eyes were still pasted open, and they were their usual green. However, they were distant. I pulled him onto the floor and sat his body across my lap. His lips were parted from his final shout, and my tears were mixing with his own.

I closed his eyes gently before standing up with him in my arms. I need to get out of here. I wasn't stopped on the way out, and I sat him in the front seat of the car that was still here. Mason was gone, Kody's gone, and I can't drive! What do I do now?

I hit the gas pedal hesitantly, and the car zoomed out onto the road in reverse. I quickly hit the brake to stop myself from going into a ditch, and I was glad that no one else was around on this road for me to hit. I tried to drive slowly, but even the slightest tap of my foot felt like it was too fast. Eventually, I started to get the hang of controlling the vehicle, and I put a bit more speed on it.

I drove carefully down the road, and I just barely remembered the way back to Carbuos. I hit the brake when I sharp turn showed up, and I just barely made it instead of going off of a cliff. The night was completely dark around me, and I was the only one who knew why. It was supposed to be the full moon, but there was no cloud in the sky. The average person was probably freaking out right now.

I made it down the mountain that the prison was on, and when I got to a road with other cars on it, my anxiety increased. I didn't want to hit anyone, but I need to get home.

I drove into the road, and I just acted like I belonged there. People were giving me a little bit of room, so I knew that they were aware I was inexperienced by the way I was driving. Kody... Kody's gone now, and Koda is all that I have.


I pulled into the castle with tears rolling down my cheeks. This was where I met him. This was where I had his child.

I got out of the car on stiff feet and wandered into the castle. Nat walked up to me, but she saw my expression and understood that I had failed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Nat asked quietly.

"Koda is all I have left now, Nat. I lost Kody and Mason, and now I feel like an idiot."

I started crying because I couldn't remain strong any more. Nat held me tightly against her body while I wept. "Shhhh... They're together in a better place, Jamie."

"Is it so selfish to want them here next to me? I just want to hold Kody against me while we grow old together! I want him to help me raise Koda, is that so damn much to ask!?"

"You'll be okay, James. I'll help you get over him."

"Daddy?" Koda asked from the doorway.

I turned around to see him, and I crouched down. "Come here, Koda," I muttered.

He ran up to me like the innocent little boy he is. I hugged him tightly while softly crying. Everything will work out; I've always had that belief, and this changes nothing.

Mason's POV

I jerked awake, but I wasn't on Earth. I was dead. I looked up to see Helia smiling down at me, and I stood up so fast that I got a little bit light headed.

"You did so well, Mace."

"I didn't do enough. Helia, I made a promise to you that I would protect our son, and I did a horrible job."

"You did your best, Mace. He was bound to not be completely safe; you can't do that without breathing down his neck every two seconds."

"My replacement wife left him on the freaking streets, Helia! I let the guardian get to him! Twice!"

"You have your moments Mace, but everything will work out. Trust me on that."

"I failed, Helia," I suddenly sobbed. My legs gave out on me, and she caught me before I fell all of the way onto the ground.

"Average mortals have no idea how hard it is to defend those of us with more power, Mace. It was inevitable that he would end up being hurt. However, you also have no clue how much the world tends to lean in our favor. I could have died many times, but the forces of nature were defied to protect me until my time was up. I don't blame you at all even if you blame yourself."

"Helia... What if he does die?"

"Then it'll be only in his time. Things always happen for a reason around us. This could have happened because James needs to find himself. It could have happened because Koda needs to avenge him. I don't know for sure, but I know that there is some higher figure that has something planned."

I leaned against her gentle touch, and I began to feel comforted. She's right, everything happens for a reason. I just wish that I had done what I needed to do better. It was my job to make sure that he didn't die or have something horrible happen to him, but I couldn't predict the future.

"I know that you're still thinking about it, Mace. You tried everything that you could; you even died for him."

"I guess I did, but if I could do more, I would."

"You can't, but you can be with me now. I want to get to know the current you, Mace. I really do love you a lot."

"I love you too, Helia. I guess whatever happens on Earth, I can't help it now. I'm ready to let go."

This is why you shouldn't let me listen to Les Miserables while I'm writing, just saying.