chapter i

the world is fill with what kies in the dark, you not are even if you didn't invite them in, or if you lock your doors or bolt down your windoes, these are new kind of werewolves, they can change without the moon, one was my father who slept with a human, he killed my mother , not before she left me as a kitten on the trash can to die, when my human father, took me in . he pulls up at the castle with me, uncle Mitchell, Uncle Ray, Aunt Rachel, Uncle Pete,and Uncle Ledge all followed him into the castle,he lay me on the table, the worlds ace,hope for the human kind ,honesty I don't know what he talking about, " I found het on the dumpster she barely alive, with we have any hope against Gavin and his dogs we got g to need a ace, something he created , something has his strengh,power, no trist, that is different, Mitchell Ray what say you, said you? She is a Hybrid a distance cousin to the Hybrids, she or he, said.uncle Rays, "we train her she in kitten mode for how long?asked, uncle Mitchell, uncle Pete examine me," under ntrion,I can make something to get rid of rthat thirst,she be like this until she hit adult hood then she be in human for but can change at well, said. Uncle pete, " to satisfy the hunger I bend and make meals to feed her that help he to grown we start with a formula base which you going to bottle feed that until she is ready to drink from a bowl, what we going to name her or him? Asked. Aunt Rachel, since I am the only one of my kind I do not exist , " she is so fuffy," we not him fluffy, Said, Rays, ' he is a she way I figure it since she the only one she is Danish pink,and I guess males I'd their males are black, her name is Clover, Ledge," we going to need team gear and weapons we are back in business, watch out Gavin, said. Uncle Ledge," we got work to do and werewolves to killed, said.popbear, they got to work making weapons and my food, in the woods deep in the woods, there are out there. My creater, all you can heard is hiwling, I walked up to the window and hissed, " cool it Small fries, they smash you, said.Uncle Mitchell, look at him Aunt Rachel walked up with my Formula, I can eat,' so I start to drink up the milk,not bad at all," looks like you had a fan she likes the milk, said. Uncle Ryan, she is my number one customer, said Aunt Rachel, " we got an email from from Manhattan, he open the email up,

Dear Shamrock ,

We need your help we got a dog situation here, I thin they dogs anyway our hope pole to afraid to leave their. Homees, any time of the day, , would you come I pay. Anything to get this any animals out my city.
