

A/N: 370 reads and it hasn't even been a day since I uploaded the first chapter.

"You good? You look like you've just seen a ghost." Jason says as he puts on his seatbelt.

I cleared my throat and said, "Yeah,I'm fine."

"If you says so." he says,starting the car and backing out of the driveway.

Halfway through the drive, Jason decides to break the silence that was circling around the car.

"Um, can you meet me on the soccer field after school? I have something to tell you." he says nervously.


What does he have to tell me?

Wait, holy shit.

Is he gonna confess?!

What the hell,Soph. He doesn't even like you.

I put on the radio to distract myself from those stupid thoughts inside my head and played "Come Get Her" through bluetooth.


The day went by fast and I'm currently making my way towards the soccer field.

Two figures came into my view. One of them being Jason ams the other...


Why is she here?

Wait hold the fuck up-

Am I hallucinating?

Did the brownie that girl in Maths class gave me earlier today have weed in it?

Cause I swear to god Heather and Jason are holding hands rn.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask as I made my way towards them.

Heather smiles and says "Hey,Sophie."

"Hey." I said returning her smile.

"Why did you call me here?" I said turning to Jason.

"Geez,so you're gonna greet my girlfriend but aren't even gonna tell me 'Hey'?" he said, offended.

I rolled my eyes and then it hits me.


"Girlfriend?" I asked,repeating my thoughts.

Jason smiles and pulls Heather into his side,wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Yeah,that's what I wanted to tell you."he replied.

He paused before continuing.

"Heather and I are dating."