

A/N: Hey guys so I wanted this book to be longer but writer's block wasn't part of my plan. I spent almost a whole week trying to get over my writer's block but I don't want to keep you guys waiting any longer so I decided to speed up the story. So yeah, enjoy the chapter


It is currently the next day and we were having breakfast. Well, we're trying to have breakfast.Heather and Leila are arguing over what goes first, milk or cereal.

"Oh god,guys. Milk goes first,then the cereal. Milk only goes first if you're still hungry." I say interrupting them and made myself a bowl of cereal.

"Holy shit, that's genius."

In the middle of breakfast, Heather and I got messages.

How much y'all wanna bet it's Jason?

Two bootiful humans and a Sophie

Jay Jay❤ Heyyyy

Jay Jay❤ Are you guys hanging out without me?🥺

Sophie Yes we are

Jay Jay❤ When are y'all coming back to hang out with me?

Jay Jay❤ I'm so lonely😔

Sophie Ha

Heather🌻 Go make friends then

Sophie Lonely ass

Jay Jay❤ Not you too, babe💔

Jay Jay❤ Sophie, what are you doing to my gf


He called her babe.

Okay, relax, Sophie. It's not that serious. It's just a word.

"Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?" Leila asks as I put my phone on the table.

My eyes widened and I looked at Leila.

"The café!" Leila and I said at the same time.

"We forgot about the café." Leila mumbles and stands up.

I stand up too and put mine and Leila's bowls in the sink.

"Didn't you say you got your cousin to watch over the place?" Heather asks.

"Yeah but she said she'll only do it yesterday." Leila says and follows me upstairs to change.

At the top of the stairs, Leila and I nearly bumped into each other as I made my way towards Heather's room to change and Leila goes to the bathroom.

I stood infront of the closet waiting for Leila to realize she has to get her clothes.

2 seconds after I entered Heather's room, Leila walked in and said, "Forgot my clothes."

I laughed and changed into a high waisted jeans and a white and gold knitted sweater after she leaves.

A loud car horn fills the air followed by Leila yelling at me from the top of her lungs.

I look out the window and see Leila looking up at me from inside her car.

How the hell did she get there so fast.

I run downstairs and quickly wave Heather goodbye.


After working at café and locking it up, we went back to Heather's house.

We watched movies then made food, well I made the food because Leila almost burn down the kitchen trying.

Heather wanted to take a picture of me and Leila so while she was taking the picture I decided to take revenge. I picked up the nearest pillow and aimed.

Heather rose an eyebrow while Leila sat next to me, confused.

"What are you doing- OOF"

"Revenge for yeeting a pillow at my stomach." I say, poking my tongue out at her.

I get ready for the picture while she looked at me in disbelief.


(picture of Leila and Sophie on Heather's bed)

liked by jxson__,sophieee_,ley_ley and 69 others

heather_sunshine These hoes practically live at my house now

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As she walks by

What a sight for sore eyes

Brighter than a blue sky

She's got you mesmerized

While I die

Why would you ever kiss me?

I'm not even half as pretty

You gave her your sweater

It's just polyester

But you like her better

I wish I were Heather