ͲᎻᏆᎡᎠ : Insecure

"How was your day at school... did Victor misbehave again. Anyways it's the 30th of June, mid year hope you've been practicing... failure is not an option".

Winx a young nine year old boy who's quiet the shy one, he's a victim of a smoking addiction. Raised in a house of chain smokers, he was forced to avoid other kids conversations because it always ended with them laughing at him and his parents. His not proud of running away from home, but it was necessary.

Master Edward called Erts to the study in order to have a little chat. "Do you know how much danger you put us in with that fire... making a fire means balancing Distraction and Creation...and you just tipped that scale. Fire brings light were ever it goes and leaves darkness were ever it's been". Erts finally made a fire, but he felt guilty that he cheated his way into doing such an important task. Sent was struggling with her false which was cutting down a tree, watching from the sidelines a curious Erts wondered if he should assist her. He fade her a secret on how the primitive residents of the town aimed to cut the top most parts of the tree instead of the thick trunk at the bottom.

Bill (the clown that Erts saved) returned to the circus with a prideful smile indicating to the other clowns the fact that he was still alive. There expressions were biter. Wondering what his next move was going to be. To verify his return the Princess clown her self challenged Bill...there battle did take long, but convinced her enough to allow him back in for now. The other clowns were shocked at his outstanding come back. In the past Bill was in a relationship with the Princess clown before she had her power position, but she traded in every thing for the power.